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Problem 2: Sparse Matrix Using Linked List (5 pts) Implement the linked list sparse matrix class ( so that LLMainClass can be executed with MAT

Problem 2: Sparse Matrix Using Linked List (5 pts) Implement the linked list sparse matrix class ( so that LLMainClass can be executed with MAT argument. RowHead nodes correspond to nonzero rows. Each rowhead node stores a LLSparseVec, storing a nonzero row. It also has a pointer to the next rowhead. When a row becomes empty (no nonzero elements), the rowhead should be removed. Implement the constructor, accessor methods: getElement, setElement, clearElement, numElements (returns number of non-zero elements). getRowIndices returns an array of indices of rows with nonzero elements. getOneRowColIndices returns an array of nonzero column indices of the row. Use LLSparseVec.getAllIndices(). getOneRowValues returns an array of nonzero values. Use LLSparseVec.getAllValues(). NOTE that these methods should all be linear to the number of nonzero rows or nonzero elements. Sanity check: when LLMainClass is called using MAT argument and with a single input file, the program should be able to run correctly and give the same output as ArrayMainClass.

this is my code: cant see to think the bug and please run it.

public class LLSparseVec implements SparseVec { private int len; // length of LLVector private int nElements = 0; // number of nonzero elements, set to zero; private Node header = null; // header sentinel, dummy node private Node trailer = null; // trailer sentinel, dummy node // Constructor public LLSparseVec(int len) { if( len <= 0) len = 1; // if zero or negative, set length = 1 this.len = len; //Create the Vector header = new Node(); // creating header trailer = new Node(); // creating trailer header.setNext(trailer); // header is followed by trailer trailer.setPrev(header); // trailer is preceded by header } // check if the given index is out of bounds private boolean outOfBounds(int idx) { return((idx < 0) || (idx >= len)); } @Override public int getLength() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return len; } @Override public int numElements() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return nElements; } @Override public int getElement(int idx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // If index is out of bounds or list empty exit if(outOfBounds(idx)) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; Node temp = header.getNext(); while(temp != trailer) { if(idx == temp.getIndex()) return temp.getData(); // If index is < than temp's index it doesn't exist, exit. if(idx < temp.getIndex()) break; temp = temp.getNext(); } return 0; } @Override public void clearElement(int idx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(outOfBounds(idx)) // If index out of bounds exit return; Node temp = header.getNext(); Node predecessor; Node sucessor; while(temp != trailer) { if(idx == temp.getIndex()) { predecessor = temp.getPrev(); sucessor = temp.getNext(); predecessor.setNext(sucessor); sucessor.setPrev(predecessor); nElements--; } // If index is < than temp's index it doesn't exist, exit. if(idx < temp.getIndex()) break; temp = temp.getNext(); } } @Override public void setElement(int idx, int val) { //System.out.println(" idx " + idx + " value " + val); // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(outOfBounds(idx)) throw new IllegalStateException("ERROR, index out of bounds."); // If the list is empty add between header and trailer. else if(numElements() == 0 && val != 0) addBetween(idx, val, header, trailer); // If val = 0 remove the index else if(val == 0) clearElement(idx); // In the case that index added is smaller than the first node's index else if ( idx < header.getNext().getIndex()) addBetween(idx, val, header, header.getNext()); // In the case the index added is greater than the last node's index else if ( idx > trailer.getPrev().getIndex()) addBetween(idx, val, trailer.getPrev(), trailer); else { Node temp = header.getNext(); while(temp != trailer) { if( idx == temp.getIndex() && val != temp.getData()) { temp.setData(val); return; } else if(idx == temp.getIndex() && val == temp.getData() ) return; if( idx < temp.getIndex()) { addBetween(idx, val, temp.getPrev(), temp); return; } temp = temp.getNext(); } } } @Override public int[] getAllIndices() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int[] idx = new int[nElements]; Node tempIdx = header.getNext(); for(int i = 0; tempIdx != trailer; i++) { idx[i] = tempIdx.getIndex(); tempIdx = tempIdx.getNext(); } return idx; } @Override public int[] getAllValues() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int[] val = new int[nElements]; Node tempVal = header.getNext(); for(int i = 0; tempVal != trailer; i++) { val[i] = tempVal.getData(); tempVal = tempVal.getNext(); } return val; } private void addBetween(int idx, int val, Node predecessor, Node successor) { // create and link a new node Node newest = new Node (idx, val, predecessor, successor); predecessor.setNext(newest); successor.setPrev(newest); nElements++; } @Override public SparseVec addition(SparseVec otherV) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(this.len != otherV.getLength()) return null; //exit if lengths not even. SparseVec newVec = new LLSparseVec(len); int temp; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { temp = this.getElement(i) + otherV.getElement(i); newVec.setElement(i, temp); } return newVec; } @Override public SparseVec subtraction(SparseVec otherV) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(this.len != otherV.getLength()) return null; //exit if lengths not even. SparseVec newVec = new LLSparseVec(len); int temp; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { temp = this.getElement(i) - otherV.getElement(i); newVec.setElement(i, temp); } return newVec; } @Override public SparseVec multiplication(SparseVec otherV) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(this.len != otherV.getLength()) return null; //exit if lengths not even. SparseVec newVec = new LLSparseVec(len); int temp; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { temp = this.getElement(i) * otherV.getElement(i); newVec.setElement(i, temp); } return newVec; } }

public class Node { private int data; private int index; private int ridx; private Node prev; // reference to the previous node in the list private Node next; // reference to the succeeding node in the list // Default constructor public Node() {}; // Constructor that sets up a prev and a next. public Node(int idx,int d, Node p, Node n) { index = idx; data = d; prev = p; next = n; } // Constructor that holds row index and links to a previous and next row index public Node(int ridx, Node prevRidx, Node nextRidx) { this.ridx = ridx; prev = prevRidx; next = nextRidx; } public int getData() { return data; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public int getRidx() { return ridx; } public Node getPrev() { return prev; } public Node getNext() { return next; } public void setData(int d) { data = d; } public void setPrev(Node p) { prev = p; } public void setNext(LLSparseVec newest) { next = newest; } }// End Node class

public class LLSparseM implements SparseM { private int nrows, ncols; private int nElements = 0; // number of nonzero elements, initialized to be zero private Node header; private Node trailer; // Constructor public LLSparseM(int nr, int nc){ if(nr <= 0) nr = 1; // if zero or negative nr, set nr = 1; if(nc <= 0) nc = 1; // if zero or negative nc, set nc = 1; nrows = nr; ncols = nc; header = new Node(); // creating header trailer = new Node(); // creating trailer header.setNext(trailer); // header is followed by trailer trailer.setPrev(header); // trailer is preceded by header } // check if the given (ridx, cidx) is out of bounds private boolean outOfBounds(int ridx, int cidx){ return((ridx < 0) || (ridx >= nrows) || (cidx < 0) || (cidx >= ncols)); } @Override public int nrows() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public int ncols() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public int numElements() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public int getElement(int ridx, int cidx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public void clearElement(int ridx, int cidx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setElement(int ridx, int cidx, int val) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(outOfBounds(ridx,cidx)) return; else if(val == 0) clearElement(ridx,cidx); // In the case that there is no next row, matrix is empty else if (header.getNext() == trailer && val != 0) addBetweenRow(ridx, cidx, val, header, trailer); else if( ridx < header.getNext().getRidx()) addBetweenRow(ridx, cidx, val, header, header.getNext()); // In the case that row index is greater than the last row in the list. else if( ridx > trailer.getPrev().getRidx() ) addBetweenRow(ridx, cidx, val, trailer.getPrev(), trailer); else { } } public void addBetweenRow(int ridx, int cidx, int val, Node prevRidx, Node nextRidx) { LLSparseVec newest = new LLSparseVec(ncols); prevRidx.setNext(newest); newest.setElement(cidx, val); } @Override public int[] getRowIndices() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public int[] getOneRowColIndices(int ridx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public int[] getOneRowValues(int ridx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public SparseM addition(SparseM otherM) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public SparseM subtraction(SparseM otherM) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public SparseM multiplication(SparseM otherM) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }

import java.util.Scanner;


public class LLMainClass {

public static SparseM ParseMatrix(String file_name){

Scanner sc = null;

String tmps;

SparseM M = null;

try {

sc = new Scanner(new File(file_name));

while (sc.hasNext()) {

tmps =;


// initialize the matrix

int nr = sc.nextInt();

int nc = sc.nextInt();

M = new LLSparseM(nr,nc);

}else if(tmps.equals("END")){

// finished, return the matrix


return M;

}else if(tmps.equals("SET")){

// set an element

int ridx = sc.nextInt(); // row index

int cidx = sc.nextInt(); // col index

int val = sc.nextInt(); // value

M.setElement(ridx, cidx, val);

}else if(tmps.equals("CLEAR")){

// clear an element

int ridx = sc.nextInt(); // row index

int cidx = sc.nextInt(); // col index

M.clearElement(ridx, cidx);




return M;

} catch (Exception e) {

return null;



public static SparseVec ParseVector(String file_name){

Scanner sc = null;

String tmps;

SparseVec V = null;

try {

sc = new Scanner(new File(file_name));

while (sc.hasNext()) {

tmps =;


// initialize the matrix

int len = sc.nextInt();

V = new LLSparseVec(len);

}else if(tmps.equals("END")){

// finished, return the matrix


return V;

}else if(tmps.equals("SET")){

// set an element

int idx = sc.nextInt(); // index

int val = sc.nextInt(); // value

V.setElement(idx, val);

}else if(tmps.equals("CLEAR")){

// clear an element

int idx = sc.nextInt(); // index





return V;

} catch (Exception e) {

return null;



public static void main(String[] args) {


int n = args.length;

if(n < 2){

System.out.println("java LLMainClass VEC/MAT File1 A/M File2 ...");



String fname;

String operator;

String dtype = args[0]; // matrix or vector


fname = args[1];

SparseVec V = ParseVector(fname); // read V from the first file

if(V == null){

// if invalid input file, print NULL and exit

System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input File "+fname);



SparseVec tmpV;

for(int i = 2; i < n; i+=2){

operator = args[i];

fname = args[i+1];

tmpV = ParseVector(fname); // read tmpM from the next file

if(tmpV == null) // if the file is invalid, skip

{ System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input File "+fname);




V = V.addition(tmpV); // add tmpV to V

else if(operator.equals("S"))

V = V.subtraction(tmpV); // multiply tmpV to V

else if(operator.equals("M"))

V = V.multiplication(tmpV); // multiply tmpV to V


System.out.println("NULL: Illegal operator: " + operator );



if(V == null) // operation failed

{ System.out.println("NULL: Operator "+operator+" Failed, Fname "+fname);




// output the final matrix


int[] idx = V.getAllIndices();

int[] val = V.getAllValues();

int len, ne;

len = V.getLength(); // length

ne = V.numElements(); // number of elements

System.out.println("LENGTH " + len + " NELEMS " + ne);

for(int i = 0; i < ne; i++)

System.out.println("IDX " + idx[i] + " VAL " + val[i]);


}else if(dtype.equals("MAT")){

fname = args[1];

SparseM M = ParseMatrix(fname); // read M from the first file

if(M == null){

// if invalid input file, print NULL and exit

System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Matrix Input, Fname " + fname);



SparseM tmpM;

for(int i = 2; i < n; i+=2){

operator = args[i];

fname = args[i+1];

tmpM = ParseMatrix(fname); // read tmpM from the next file

if(tmpM == null) // if the file is invalid, skip

{ System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input, Fname " + fname);




M = M.addition(tmpM); // add tmpM to M

else if(operator.equals("S"))

M = M.subtraction(tmpM); // multiply tmpV to V

else if(operator.equals("M"))

M = M.multiplication(tmpM); // multiply tmpM to M


System.out.println("NULL: Illegal operator: " + operator );



if(M == null) // if the file is invalid, skip

{ System.out.println("NULL: Operation "+operator + " Failed, Fname "+ fname);




// output the final matrix


int nr, nc, ne;

nr = M.nrows(); // number of rows

nc = M.ncols(); // number of columns

ne = M.numElements(); // number of elements

System.out.println("NROWS " + nr + " NCOLS " + nc + " NELEMS " + ne);

// print the matrix in rows

int[] ridx_list = M.getRowIndices();

System.out.println("NUM_ROWS "+ridx_list.length);

for(int ridx : ridx_list){

System.out.println("ROW "+ridx);

int[] one_row_cidx_list = M.getOneRowColIndices(ridx);

int[] one_row_vals_list = M.getOneRowValues(ridx);

for(int i = 0; i < one_row_cidx_list.length; ++i)

System.out.println("RIDX "+ridx+" CIDX " + one_row_cidx_list[i] + " VAL " + one_row_vals_list[i]);




System.out.println("The first argument has to be either VEC or MAT, meaning the data is Vector or Matrix");



} catch (Exception e) {

System.out.println("NULL: Something is wrong");





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