Problem \# I ( (5marks) Write an application that reads values representing a time in seconds and then priats the equivalent time in houn, minutes, and seconds. (For example, 5322 seconds is equivalent to I hour, 28 minuten, and 42 seconds.) //Write a header file conument here It shoold look like: i** - Tide: CMPT 166 Asiganent \#1 Problem \#I - File: - Description: To convat sccosds to bours, minutes, and seconds - (ilauthor: (your name) - @version (optioal) - Student ID: (your stadeat ID number) - Datc: Janaary 14, 2023 import javatatil. Scanner, public clas Time_Conversion 1 II Write your comenent for the main method. public static void main(String[] arge) 1 int inpurSccond, bour, minute, scoond; Scanner san - bew Scanner(Sysem ia): System.outprial("How many seconds' "); inpulSecond = scan.ieetlast: WW Write your code here. Syvemout printhi (inputsecond + " second (s) is equivalent to " + hour + " bour (s)," + minute + "minute (g), and " + recond +" second () is 7 . Expected Output How many seconds? 5322 5322 second (s) is equivalent to 1 hour (s),28 minute(s), and 42 second (s). Write a Java program that reads an input of an entire line that consists of a first name, last name, student ID, and foar quiz marks (four integers). Then it prints the first name and last name together, the student the ID, total of the quiz marks, and the average of the quiz marics with proper labels as you see in the expected output. Include a main file header comment and a comment for the main method. Expected Output Enter your input: Andrew park 62233410.899 Nane: Andrew Park Student ID: 622334 Total of Ouiz Macks: 36 Rverage of Guiz Marks: 9.0 Note: Your program is supposed to get the entire line (Andrew Park 62233410.898 9) at the same time (the user types the entire line and presses the enter key). You are not allowed to use any classes or methods that you have not leamed in class. You have to use the classes and enethods that you have leamed in class 50 far. Solving problems using any classes. and or methods that you have not learned in class (probably getting solutions from other resources (i,e., the Intemet resources) may result in zero marks, Assignmeat Submission: Yoo nced to submit following to the Moodle before the due date: - A documeat (pdf preferred) of the program source code and the output of the programs (the output should be screenshots of the output generated by your programs). - A zip file of your projoct folder including all the files in if