PROBLEM: MAKE A 1040 RETURN STAGE: Pedro Taxpayer (SS 213-89-9876) (Date of birth 01/01/1965) is married to Margie Taxpayer (SS 324-99-0090) (Date of birth 02/02/1963). They reside in: 4549 Lone Oak Ave Eagan, Minnesota 55632 Salaries: - Pedro - Margie $45,000 ............ Tax withheld ............ 2,815 42,000 tax withheld ..2,019 HER Dependents: - Jimmie (SS 123-25-9631) (born 03/03/2001) - university student - Cristina (SS 326-25-5698) (born 06/05/2003) - university student - Julie (SS 256-25-8964) (born 05/05/2010) - student OTHER INFORMATION: - Received 1,350 good bank interest. Margie paid $950 in interest on her student loan that she is still paying off. - Pedro received $1,000 in ordinary dividends - Pedro received income from Social Security for $12,000 of which 85% is exempt from contributions. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Determine Gross Income 2. Determine Adjusted Gross Income 3. Determine the Standard Deduction 4. Determine Taxable income 5. Calculation of Tax Responsibility 6. Determine the Refund or Debit of Taxes PROBLEM: MAKE A 1040 RETURN STAGE: Pedro Taxpayer (SS 213-89-9876) (Date of birth 01/01/1965) is married to Margie Taxpayer (SS 324-99-0090) (Date of birth 02/02/1963). They reside in: 4549 Lone Oak Ave Eagan, Minnesota 55632 Salaries: - Pedro - Margie $45,000 ............ Tax withheld ............ 2,815 42,000 tax withheld ..2,019 HER Dependents: - Jimmie (SS 123-25-9631) (born 03/03/2001) - university student - Cristina (SS 326-25-5698) (born 06/05/2003) - university student - Julie (SS 256-25-8964) (born 05/05/2010) - student OTHER INFORMATION: - Received 1,350 good bank interest. Margie paid $950 in interest on her student loan that she is still paying off. - Pedro received $1,000 in ordinary dividends - Pedro received income from Social Security for $12,000 of which 85% is exempt from contributions. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Determine Gross Income 2. Determine Adjusted Gross Income 3. Determine the Standard Deduction 4. Determine Taxable income 5. Calculation of Tax Responsibility 6. Determine the Refund or Debit of Taxes