Problem Solving and Programming Semester Project
Would you do this project in an easy way . And could you please send the codes and also do it as its instructed.
Write a project report that provides information about your semester project, as well as documentation of and results of your work. It includes tables and figures as appropriate to illustrate your work. Your project report should synthesize all the work done on the project, and should allow readers to understand and reproduce the methods developed and used. Please be concise with your writing in the main body of the report. Your project report should be formatted to conform to the template provided (Report Template.docx). It should include a cover page and main body of the report. You should submit a Word document (named as "YourStudentID ProjectReport.docx/doc") of your formatted report and corresponding C file (named as "Your StudentID Projecte") of your program as It is essential to submit the following materials before the deadline, 1. Project report: electronic version, that is a word document named "YourStudentID ProjectReport.docx/doc", in which fit in your own student ID. 2. Program: electronic version, a c file named as "YourStudentID Project.c", in which fit in your own student ID The electronic word document and c file need to be emailed to the instructor before the deadline. Please note that extension is not possible since final grades are due shortly after that, so you have to submit on time Semester Project: Computer-Assisted Instruction for the Elementary School The application of computers in education is often referred to as Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI). Please design and implement a CAT application to help elementary students learn simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In specific, the CAI application should do following tasks. (1) The program first randomly generates two positive integers between 1-10 and generates a random arithmetic operator (addition +, subtraction, multiplication, division/), displays 1/2 the calculation question on the screen (for example: 2*5=?), and then asks students to enter the answer. (2) The program checks whether the answer entered by the student is correct. If it is correct, it displays "Right!" and then asks another arithmetic question; otherwise, it displays "Wrong!". (3) In total, it asks 10 calculation questions and does not give the opportunity to redo it. Each question is worth 10 points. After 10 questions are completed, count and display the total score on the screen. At the same time, in order to record the progress of students' ability improvement, calculate and display the correct rate of students' answers (that is, the percentage of the number of correct answers divided by the total number of questions). Project Report Contents In your project report, you want to include: 1. A problem analysis, that you analyze the requirement from your perspective. 2. An algorithm design, that you design the solution to the problem and representing with flowchart/flowcharts. 3. Source code in C, that you implement the designed algorithm using C programming language. 4. Program execution results, that it shows the execution results of your program. You can use multiple screenshots to show your program's execution results. This part should display the user's inputs and the corresponding outputs of the program. Hint: if you don't have a complete program, you still need to show some screenshots that indicating the best your program can do. Do not leave this part blank! 5. A conclusion, that you analyze and conclude your solution to the problem, such as the solution's pros and cons; you can even describe the difficulties you met in this specific problem solving and program design process