Program 6 25 pts CS2010: Rex Spring. 2018 Due: Wednesday, April 11,2018 Problem: Is the Earth warming up? Are the temperatures we have been experiencing recently normal fluctuations or evidence of a warming trend? Write a C++ program to analyze temperature data from March, April and May of 2017 for Ohio. Create a project using your last name, first initial and pgm6 for the project folder and epp file names (e.g.. WavelH pgm6 and WaveH pgm6.epp). Your output may be displayed on the screen. Input: The temperature (in Celsius) for each day of March, April and May (92 temperatures) is stored in the file pgm6.txt. Copy this file from the Canvas class web site (Files 02 Program Assignments) to your project folder should read in each temperature and store it in the next available element of an array of type double. Your project steps described below. Processing: Your main function should do the following: All of the temperatures must be stored in the same array. Use the data values stored in the array to perform the 1. Declare the array to hold the temperatures and any other variables needed. 2. Call a function to read the daily temperatures from the file pgm6.txt, storing each temperature in an element in the array. Open and close the data file inside this function. All further processing must be done using the data values stored in the array. Temperatures in the file look like this: 5.55556 -1.66667 Call a function to display the temperatures for the month of March. Include a heading with your name, class data and two columns-one showing the day of the month and one showing the temperature for that day - see sample below. Note that the temperatures are displayed with no decimal places. 3. Temperatures for March Your Name Cs2010, Spring 2018, xx:xx Day of month Temperature (Celsuis) etc. etc. 4. Call a function to convert all of the temperatures in the array from Celsius to Fahrenheit (F 9.0/5.0C+32), replacing the original Celsius temperature with the Fahrenheit value for each element. Note: You do not need to create a new array for this function, just change the values in the original array