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Program Language: C++ I Need help printing this matrix out to a output file and a data set of my own. Below are 9 files

Program Language: C++

I Need help printing this matrix out to a output file and a data set of my own. Below are 9 files file: MatrixType.cpp, Matrix Ops.cpp, MatrixOpsTest.cpp, MatrixType.h, MatrixOps.h, m1a.txt, m1b.txt, m2a.txt, m2b.txt and how it should be printed out.

How the output file should look(below):


Programmed by xxxxx xxxx

Data Set #1

|Sp| has 5 elements

| 3.1 0.0 -4.2 |

| -5.8 0.0 0.0 |

| 0.0 2.3 0.0 |

| 0.0 0.0 9.4 |

[A] has 2 elements

[ 1.2 0.0 0.0 ]

[ 0.0 -0.6 0.0 ]

[B] has 3 elements

[ -1.2 0.0 0.0 ]

[ 0.0 -0.6 -1.0 ]

[A]+[B] has 2 elements

[ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]

[ 0.0 -1.2 -1.0 ]

[A]-[B] has 2 elements

[ 2.4 0.0 0.0 ]

[ 0.0 0.0 1.0 ]

Dimension error. Cannot be multiplied.

[A]*[B] has 0 elements


Programmed by xxxxx xxxx

Data Set #2

|Sp| has 5 elements

| 3.1 0.0 -4.2 |

| -5.8 0.0 0.0 |

| 0.0 2.3 0.0 |

| 0.0 0.0 9.4 |

[A] has 5 elements

[ 0.0 2.0 ]

[ 3.0 4.0 ]

[ 5.0 6.0 ]

[B] has 5 elements

[ 1.0 2.0 3.0 ]

[ 4.0 5.0 0.0 ]

Dimension error. Cannot be added.

[A]+[B] has 0 elements

Dimension error. Cannot be subtracted.

[A]-[B] has 0 elements

[A]*[B] has 8 elements

[ 8.0 10.0 0.0 ]

[ 19.0 26.0 9.0 ]

[ 29.0 40.0 15.0 ]





using namespace std;

#include "MatrixOps.h"

#include "MatrixType.h"

// class operator overload + for adding two matrices together

MatrixOps MatrixOps::operator+ (const MatrixOps & m2) const


float resVal1; // the value of corresponding element in matrix1.

float resVal2; // the value of corresponding element in matrix2.

float resVal3; // the value of corresponding element in matrix3.

MatrixOps sum; // instantiate a sum matrix

//Check for addition compatibility (row = row, col = col)

if(numberOfRows() != m2.numberOfRows() || numberOfCols() != m2.numberOfCols())


cout << "Error" << endl;


else //matrices are addition compatible


// nested loop for each corresponding element.

for(int r = 0; r < numberOfRows(); r++)


for(int c = 0; c < numberOfCols(); c++)


resVal1 = valueAt(r, c);

resVal2 = m2.valueAt(r, c);

// if val1 is NAN and val2 is a number

if(isnan(resVal1) && !isnan(resVal2))


resVal3 = resVal2;





sum.storeItem(r, c, resVal3);




return sum;







#include "MatrixOps.cpp"

// prototypes I used for the main. These are suggested, but not mandatory.

void title();

void process();

void displayMatrixOps(MatrixOps ); /// change these to pass by value, later

void displayMatrixType(MatrixType ); /// change these to pass by value, later

void heading(string, int);

void headingOps(string, int);

ifstream fin0 ("m0Sparse.txt"); // opens sparse matrix fin0

ifstream fin1 ("m1a.txt"); // opens test file matrixOpsA fin1

ifstream fin2 ("m1b.txt"); // opens test file matrixOpsB fin2

ofstream fout ("m1Out.txt"); // opens file output fout

const int SET = 1;

int main()


title(); // call the title function

process(); // call the process function

fin0.close(); // close input file0

fin1.close(); // close input file1

fin2.close(); // close input file2

fout.close(); // close file output

system ("pause"); // pause the output on the screen

return 0; // return all is well to the OS


// print the title for the program, explaining what is happening

void title()


cout << setw(41) << "ADD, SUBTRACT, & MULTIPLY TWO MATRICES" << " ";

/// please center the next line: Programmed by ........... (with your name)

cout << setw(36) << "Programmed by " << " ";

cout << setw(26) << "Data Set #" << SET << " ";

fout << setw(41) << "ADD, SUBTRACT, & MULTIPLY TWO MATRICES" << " ";

fout << setw(36) << "Programmed by Adam Pieroni" << " ";

fout << setw(26) << "Data Set #" << SET << " ";


// start the process of reading in to matrices, adding them, and displaying each

void process()


MatrixType m0; // instantiate sparse MatrixType

MatrixOps m1; // " " MatrixOps

MatrixOps m2; // " " MatrixOps


fin0 >> m0; // read in the data into sparse matrix 0

cout << m0;

heading("|Sp|", m0.getSize()); // heading to print a short string

displayMatrixType(m0); // call display Type to pass object by value


fin1 >> m1; // read in ops matrix 1

cout << m1;

heading("[A]", m1.getSize()); // heading to print a short string

displayMatrixOps(m1); // call display Ops to pass object by value


fin2 >> m2; // read in ops matrix 2

cout << m2;

heading("[B]", m2.getSize()); // heading to print a short string

displayMatrixOps(m2); // call display Ops to pass object by value

MatrixOps m3 = m1 + m2; // add the matrices and assign to matrix 3

headingOps("[A]+[B]", m2.getSize()); // heading to print a short string

// displayMatrixOps(m2); // call display Ops to pass object by value


// displayMatrix function tests the copy constructor since matrix is passed by VALUE

void displayMatrixOps(MatrixOps m)


// m.print(cout); // a temporary print function

// cout << m << endl;

// fout << m << endl;


// displayMatrix function tests the copy constructor since matrix is passed by VALUE

void displayMatrixType(MatrixType m)


// m.print(cout); // a temporary print function

// cout << m << endl;

// fout << m << endl;


// simple heading with a variable message passed in and the $ of elements

void heading(string message, int size)


cout << setw(16) << message << " has " << size << " elements" << " ";

fout << setw(16) << message << " has " << size << " elements" << " ";


// simple heading with a variable message passed in and the $ of elements

void headingOps(string message, int size)


cout << setw(18) << message << " has " << size << " elements" << " ";

fout << setw(18) << message << " has " << size << " elements" << " ";



#include "MatrixType.h" // include class specifications


// constructor with two default parameters

MatrixType::MatrixType(int rows, int cols)


myRows = rows; // set the rows

myCols = cols; // set the columns

mySize = 0; // initially, since # is unknown


// destructor for MatrixType



cout << "MatrixType destroyed" << endl << endl;


// copy constructor for MatrixType

MatrixType::MatrixType(const MatrixType& otherObject)


myRows = otherObject.myRows;

myCols = otherObject.myCols;

mySize = otherObject.mySize;

for (int i = 0; i < mySize; i++)


myMatrix[i].col = otherObject.myMatrix[i].col;

myMatrix[i].row = otherObject.myMatrix[i].row;

myMatrix[i].value = otherObject.myMatrix[i].value;



void MatrixType::setRowAndColumns(int r, int c) // client sets number of rows & cols


myRows = r; // assign r to number of rows

myCols = c; // assign c to number of cols


void MatrixType::storeItem(int r, int c, float val) // stores the item within myMatrix


oneItem item; // item is a local object (node)

item.row = r; // assign the r to the row number

item.col = c; // assign the c to the col number

item.value = val; // assign the val to the value

myMatrix[mySize] = item; // assign the node to the nth element

mySize++; // increment # of elements by one


int MatrixType::getSize() const


return mySize; // " " " "


int MatrixType::numberOfRows() const // client access to # of rows


return myRows; // return the private myRows


int MatrixType::numberOfCols() const // client access to # of cols


return myCols; // return the private myCols


float MatrixType::valueAt(int r, int c) const // returns the value at r, j if exists


for(int index = 0; index < mySize; index++) // linear search if r and c are present


// check each r and c to see if the element exists. Returns NaN if it is not present

if(myMatrix[index].row == r && myMatrix[index].col == c)

return myMatrix[index].value; // return the matrix value or NaN



// A temporary read function leading to the overloaded operator that is used.

// Do not use this function. It should be removed for the final extraction operator function

void MatrixType::read(istream & in)


int sigRows, sigCols; // declare local variables to be read in

int rowIn, colIn; // "

float valueIn; // "

in >> sigRows >> sigCols; // first read in significant # rows and # cols

setRowAndColumns(sigRows, sigCols); // sets sinificant rows & cols in the class

in >> rowIn >> colIn >> valueIn; // priming read 1st sparse data (prime the pump)

while (!in.eof()) // loop until data is used (end of the file)


storeItem(rowIn, colIn, valueIn); // stores the file data into each node

in >> rowIn >> colIn >> valueIn; // read in the remaining sparse data for each item



// A temporary print function leading to the overloaded operator that is used

// Do not use this function. It should be removed in the final insertion operator function

//void MatrixType::print(ostream & out)


// out << setprecision(1) << fixed << showpoint; // formatting for the output

// for(int row = 0; row < numberOfRows(); row++)

// {

// out << setw(11) << "|";

// for(int col = 0; col < numberOfCols(); col++)

// {

// if(isnan(valueAt(row, col) )) // if the value is NaN

// {

// out << setw(6) << 0.0; // print a 0.0

// }

// else // otherwise,

// {

// out << setw(6) << valueAt(row, col); // output the actual value

// }

// }

// out << setw(4) << "|" << endl; // new line for the next row

// }

// out << endl << endl; // skip 2 lines between matrices



ostream & operator << (ostream & out, MatrixType& matrix)


out << setprecision(1) << fixed << showpoint; // formatting for the output

for(int row = 0; row < matrix.numberOfRows(); row++)


out << setw(11) << "|";

for(int col = 0; col < matrix.numberOfCols(); col++)


if(isnan(matrix.valueAt(row, col) )) // if the value is NaN


out << setw(6) << 0.0; // print a 0.0


else // otherwise,


out << setw(6) << matrix.valueAt(row, col); // output the actual value



out << setw(4) << "|" << endl; // new line for the next row


out << endl << endl; // skip 2 lines between matrices

return out;


istream & operator >> (istream & in, MatrixType& matrix)


int sigRows, sigCols; // declare local variables to be read in

int rowIn, colIn; // "

float valueIn; // "

in >> sigRows >> sigCols; // first read in significant # rows and # cols

matrix.setRowAndColumns(sigRows, sigCols); // sets sinificant rows & cols in the class

in >> rowIn >> colIn >> valueIn; // priming read 1st sparse data (prime the pump)

while (!in.eof()) // loop until data is used (end of the file)


matrix.storeItem(rowIn, colIn, valueIn); // stores the file data into each node

in >> rowIn >> colIn >> valueIn; // read in the remaining sparse data for each item


return in;



#ifndef MATRIX_OPS_H

#define MATRIX_OPS_H



using namespace std;

#include "MatrixType.cpp"

class MatrixOps : public MatrixType // this indicates public inheritance


// overriding (redefining) the insertion stream operator of the base class

friend ostream & operator << (ostream & outfile, const MatrixType & matrix);


// No constructor necessary. MatrixOps uses MatrixType base class constructor

MatrixOps operator+ (const MatrixOps & ) const; // class overloaded + operator

MatrixOps operator- (const MatrixOps & ) const; // class overloaded - operator

MatrixOps operator* (const MatrixOps & ) const; // class overloaded * operator


#endif // MATRIX_OPS_H




using namespace std;

struct oneItem // struct contains each array member


int row; // corresponds to the 2D row number

int col; // corresponds to the 2D column number

float value; // corresponds to the float value of member


const int MAXSIZE = 225; // maximum # of elements in the sparse array

class MatrixType


/// overloaded friend functions for stream operators in MatrixType

friend istream & operator >> (istream & infile, MatrixType& matrix);

friend ostream & operator << (ostream & outfile, const MatrixType & matrix);


MatrixType(int r = 0, int c = 0); /// 2 default param. constructor rows & cols

~MatrixType(); /// destructor for the matrix

MatrixType(const MatrixType& otherObject); /// copy constructor to make a deep copy

void setRowAndColumns (int r, int c); // sets rowsFilled & columnsFilled to r and c

float valueAt (int r, int c) const; // yields value at row and col of myMatrix

void storeItem (int r, int c, float value); // assigns value at row, col, & changes length

int numberOfRows() const; // yields rowsFilled

int numberOfCols() const; // yields columnsFilled

int getSize() const; /// yields # of elements in sparse matrix

void print(ostream & ); /// a temporary function. Remove when << done.

void read(istream & ); /// a temporary function. Remove when >> done.


oneItem myMatrix [MAXSIZE]; // complete assigned 1D array in sparse format

int myRows; // significant rows of full matrix

int myCols; // significant columns of full matrix

int mySize; // total number of elements in the matrix


#endif // MATRIXTYPE_H


2 30 0 1.21 1 -0.6


2 30 0 -1.21 1 -0.61 2 -1.0


3 20 1 2.1 0 3.1 1 4.2 0 5.2 1 6.


2 30 0 1.0 1 2.0 2 3.1 0 4.1 1 5.

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