Program must compile, and be in java format, please type or write program clearly
The purpose of this assignment is to be able to utilize a data structure to solve a particular peroblem In this assignment you are asked to create a data structures that can store a graph, then use this to be able to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. You are to write a java program that allows a user to load a graph written on a test file (see example below). The program should utilize an appliable data structure to 1. Load the graph on memory. Your first roquirement is to load the graph from a text file 2. Your second requirement is to print the graph by accessing the data structure . The third requirement is to make the user provide a source node and a destination node, the console should print the value of the shortest path from the source node to the destination node 4 Extra credit: For the thind requirement, print the value of the shortest path as well as the path itself -the series of noks from source node lo destination. (+ 50%) A Graph A graph is a set of nodes and edges. Each node has a label 0, 1, 2 and so on. An edge is defined by theee parameters: (1) a source node, a label, (2) a destination node, another label, and (3) a weight, which is a integer that represents the distance between the source node and the destination mode. The figure show below is an example of a graph 6An example of an edge (0, 1, 3 which is the edge that joins In this graph, nodes are labeled Q, 1,2 nodes 0 and 1, and having a weight of 3. You are given a text file graphl.tut which has the format nodel, node2, and weigh, all tab delimited (and so on) The Shortest Path problem Consider nodes 0 and 4 in the figure above, what is the shortest path between both nodes such that you do not cross a mode twice? To answer this question, perhaps one should list all the paths from 0 to 4 however this might uke a bit longeran you think. Let's see s nt exampleK Path 0-1-4: Path U-1-2-4: weight . Path 0-3-4: Path 0-2-4 Path 0-3-2-4: There are more but I won't list them weight 9 weight = 10 weight-10 Which one of the ahove is the shortest path? You prohably know Therefore, you know the difference between the stensuel and a pwh. Both donot accept cycles however, only one of them is shortest in terms of sum of weights Your program should allow the user to nput a source node and a destination node, and the resulting output should be the shortest path between both modes, Le. The weight sum of the shortest path