Programming language C++ Objective The objective of this practice is to use selective and iterative control structures to implement a program capable of calculating the salary of an employee, as well as the breakdown of their earnings and withholdings Procedure Perform the deployment by following these Instructions, The company Centro Automotriz de Mexico A.C. With RFC CAMB00229HR9 it requires software to generate Invoices for the cars it sells. In this activity you must implement a program to generate these involces. The Rrogram should display the following menu 1. Generate comercial oxoice 2. Pent commercialinio 3. exit In option 1 the following function must be implemented int sterarractura This function returns a one if the invoice was generated successfully or zero otherwise (due to invalid date). The function will be in charge of requesting the following data from the user Date Name or business name of the receptor RFC of receptor Concept amount The date must be validated. For this, the following function must be implemented: int validarechalindia in mes, Intato) This function returns a one if the date was valid or zero if it was not valid. The program must ask for the date again if it is invalid and will validate it again. In addition to generate the invoice, the following function must be implemented: vold calcularlotal Float importe, float BIVA, float total): This function calculates the VAT (16% of the amount) and the total of the invoice (amount plus VAT). The involce must have a fiscal follo number, which must be generated using the following function: Int GeneracFolloint follonterior) This function returns the new follo, which is generated by increasing the previous folio that was used in the previous invoice by one. The folio number of the first invoice must be generated with the function cand(). In option 2 the following function must be implemented: void imprimireastura//Formato libre This function should print all the invoice data considering the following example format: RFC emisor: CAM600229HR9 Folio fiscal: 1804289383 Razn social emisor: Centro Automotriz de Mexico A.C. Fecha: 3/10/2021 RFC receptor: ROVAG52014054 Nombre o razn social receptor: Ana Cuevas Camarena concepto: Grand 110 Automtico 2021 Hyundai Importe: $234,500.00 IVA: $ 37,520.00 Total $272,020.00