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PROJ ECT/ASSIG N M ENT ACTIVITY Instructions for; Assessor The Learner must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria

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PROJ ECT/ASSIG N M ENT ACTIVITY Instructions for; Assessor The Learner must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to: - Implement and manage project integration on at least three occasions Learner You must manage project integration on at least three separate occasions. On the first occasion you will use the project scenario detailed below. On the second and third occasion you will use work based projects that you can access project documentation or have worked on. As you progress through the activities you will be required to save and submit documents to show the progress of the project. Please ensure you save documents in the suggested file formats for each question. Resources Access to; Required > Computer, internet and email > Work place and relevant project tasks > Relevant workplace documentation > Project teams ACTIVITY ONE The Executive board has announced an exciting new project for CA City Group (CCG). The project is for the design and construction of an adventure playground. The construction site is owned by CCG and has been earmarked for the park for 12 months. It is exciting for the group to be given the green light to commence the project; and you have been appointed the Project Manager. You are to assume the character of Richard Burton, General Manager Marketing-CCG. You applied for the job to widen your experience in the company and are optimistic of a successful outcome. For any project, information is essential. To get started you have been provided with the following documents in your student resources: > Statement of work )9 CCG Operational Plan Important information for the planning phase: Project times and schedules vary, depending on the project and the deadlines. For the purpose of this assignment and project we will be working with no particular year. As a result, consider everyday as a working day. Note: In the real world, not all staff would be required to work every day, each area would be responsible for safe working hours and rosters. For this assignment you are not required to plan for this aspect of the project. You receive the following email; Richard Burton c? Subject Edward Shands Dear Richard Welcome aboard the Arena project. We have been looking fonNard to moving more into the recreational area for years and see this as an excellent opportunity to achieve the objectives which centre around three areas - community, environment, income generation and business diversity. By now you will have received some initiation documentation for this project. l have been finalising other information. Communication methods At this stage of the project we are looking at a tight timeframe so I feel we need to achieve the following communication targets: a Face to face meeting weekly with high level project team. a Face to face meetings with the steering committee every two months. - Email communication for urgent requests outside those times. 0 Weekly status reports to all high level project team and steering committee members. . Community updates via social media monthly for the rst two months, then weekly after that leading up to the launch. Change management strategy Approvals are to follow the accepted protocols in effect in CCG. No project change will be implemented without approval from project sponsor. Strategy for Quality management (QM) QM plan to be designed and implemented which includes both quality assurance and quality control methods. Risk management strategy Project manager is responsible to identify and manage project risk in accordance with ISO 31000:2009. Issues with a risk rating exceeding low are to be escalated to project sponsor within 24 hours of identication. Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time. Once again, email is my preferred method of communication but am available for face to face as required. Welcome again, I look fonNard to working with you. Edward Q1. Using the information provided in the scenario and the template provided in your student resources, create a project charter and answer all questions. There are several pieces of information available in the scenario to help you with this task. 3 A copy of the document will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the document in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMG540.Activity1 Q1 Q2. Investigate and review the organisation's strategic objectives in the CCG Operational Plan In a maximum of 100 words explain: How the project aligns with the organisation's strategic direction? What organisational inuences (culture, communication and structure) are likely to impact on the project? Provide at least two (2) examples of organisational influences for each area and a brief description of how each example will impact on the project. Complete the table. Organisational Examples Likely impact on the project influence Culture Communication Structure QS. Identify the project objectives and desired outcomes and complete the following table: Desired outcomes Benefits to the ObleCtlveS (deliverables) organisation Establishment of The Arena adventure playground to provide a public space and attract local community and interstate travellers. Major focus on moving more, healthy lifestyle and environmental management of green spaces within the community. Generate income from the recreation sector while maintaining and aligning with the organisations mission, and values for social and environmental responsibility. Q4. You have reviewed the project time frame indicated in the Statement of work and hold concerns as to this time frame being adequate for the project objectives. Prepare a short report which could be used in a meeting with relevant project team members to; > Explain how you could negotiate a change to this constraint with the project sponsor > Include details of the negotiation strategy you will employ A copy of the report will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the documents in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.Activity1 Q4 Q5. Explain what a project governance model or structure is; and why it is important to have a project govemance model/structure? Minimum of 75 words. 06. Your second concern with the project is in relation to the project governance. Use information gained from the email below from Lucy Lowinsky which supports your concerns. Subject Issues in the project team the Arena adventure playground Dear Richard After our rst meeting I am concerned about a couple of governance issues. . The steering committee is a great group of people, but some of them have not worked together before. I feel the CCG team members are clear on their roles but team members from outside the organisation may not be as well briefed on their expectations as possible. They also only meet every two months which is not sufficient and will no doubt, slow down the approvals processes. Sheila is new in her role and she will be critical to the approvals process for this project. I am concerned her lack of experience might jeopardise the already tight time frames. Matt Hodgson has a big job as well, he may need more support. Having managed a cafe he is skilled in the operation of the caf but not as skilled in project management. I As you know, time frames have been renegotiated, I don't feel this is as well supported as it should be. Thank you Lucy Lowinsky Head HR You feel the proposed governance structure will cause problems for approvals and other processes. What would you propose to resolve these concerns, use a minimum of two (2) include details of: > who you would speak with to negotiate a change > what negotiation strategies you would employ. Q7. You receive the below email confirming the outcomes of the negotiations from previous questions. To... Richard Burton CC... Subject Time and governance changes project team the Arena adventure playground Dear Richard Thank you for the update last week regarding the changes to time and governance for the Arena project. 0 In response to the issues with the steering committee we have changed the meeting schedule to be one face to face meeting every two months and a Skype meeting for the other month. This should help with the approvals process. . We have also addressed the roles and responsibilities with all steering committee members and Sheila and have run training and development programs to improve the levels of clarity and provide support. . The opening date of November is critical to coincide with school holidays, so there was difficulty negotiating a change in opening for the Playground. However we have decided to delay the Caf opening to coincide with pre-Christmas which will buy us some more time as we can reallocate resources to the playground development. We have been working hard to clarify plans and expectations and are clear. We must have an effective process for decision making and sound governance is a top priority. Thank you Edward You may now update and finalise your project charter document from Question 1 and prepare an email to the project sponsor to seek confirmation of content and approval to proceed. A copy of the document and email will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the documents in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.Activity1 Q7 Explain the following commonly used project disaggregation methodologies which could be used to develop project deliverables? Consider why you would choose them for your project in your response. Project disaggregate Why/how could these be used to develop your deliverables? methodologies Waterfall Method (Traditional Project Management Technique) Critical path method Agile Q9. You have a conversation with the steering committee to determine the high level WBS. A transcript of this is below. Create a WBS for the project that enables you to implement the disaggregation of the project objectives into achievable project deliverables. A template for the WBS has been provided in your student resources. The WBS must details each of the following phases; Initiate Plan Execution Monitor and Control Closing VVVVV A copy of the WBS will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the document in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.Activity1QQ RE Good morning, we are at the important part of the process now, breaking the project into Pr0ject manageable pieces for the purposes of allocating resources and managing completion. We will Manager use a traditional (waterfall) sequential project management techniques around the ve phase project lifecycle. Good work Richard does this mean we will start with Initiate, Plan, Execute, Monitor and Control, then Close? Yes, at the high level stage of the process this is a good way to segment the work. So at the Initiation phase we have the project charter (which we have already completed). Obviously a milestone for this phase is the approval of the charter after the project sponsor review. So in the next phase, Planning, we start with the project scope and budget, then team kick off. For sure, we need our people to be ready and informed. At this stage we also need to develop the Project Management Plan (PMP) which includes plans for quality management, communication, HR and risk management. Each piece needs to be created singly and built together to create the PMP. Obviously, the milestone for this stage is the approval by me of the PMP. Yes, right again Edward. Project sponsor review is the important next step, and then you review it. Marissa Richard, at the execute phase we use the contractors surely? Yes Marissa, they have their own steps for the development of the facility and car parks, then for the cafe but we need to make sure we are on track with the process and monitor certain steps of their performance. Matt Hodgson, CA City Caf manager is going to oversee this part of the process for us. Marissa Well, l have been involved in some discussions with the contractors and relevant stages could include design, procurement, construction, then commission testing. RB Great, thanks Marissa. This will be the same process for the playground and car parks, and then for the cafe part of the project. Marissa What are the high-level milestones for these tasks then? Once we get to the commission testing stage we need to accept the practical completion. So we will run identical processes - one for Playground and car parking, and for cafe. With a milestone at the commission testing stage for each? Yes. Then we Go LIVE! Opening is the next milestone. The moment we've all been waiting for! So any more milestones? I will be expecting reports as required throughout the monitor and control phase. RB Well we need to process monitoring and controlling, through the project. Which will certainly involve reports, weekly status reports for example, and monthly as required. Then closing, which involves, an audit, documenting lessons learnt, updating les and records so nal documentation is available for the final milestone. Edward Final acceptance is the last high level milestone I gather? RB Yes, then we archive all les and records and we are done for this project. Q10. Now you need to identify the project milestones that will be used to measure your project progress. Identify a milestone for each stage of your project and explain how this milestone relations to the project objectives. 10 Complete the table below. Phase Milestone Milestone Importance as measure # Initiate Approval of project Forms the basis for all future activities Charter Execute 4 Execute 5 Execute 6 Closing 8 Q11. Please review the following pieces of information available in your student resources; > Conversation with the project team > Email from Brian Harris Now you will need to prepare the following documents for the project: a) Project schedule in the format of a Gantt chart include identification of project interdependencies b) Project budget in the format of an excel spreadsheet 11 A copy of both documents will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the documents in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.Activity1Q11 Q12. Documentation for project management is an essential part of the process. Prepare a project management plan (PMP) using the template provided in your student resources. Note: some sections are pre-lled with data to assist you A copy of the PMP will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the PMP in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.Activity1 Q12 Q13. The execution phase of the project has now commenced and management of the project needs to be conducted. Please answer the following questions to demonstrate how you will manage this phase. Explain what organisational requirements you will implement to ensure your project team performance meets the project objectives? Provide details of how you will monitor and measure your team's performance. 12 What time management techniques will you implement to ensure you keep up to date with all your project management responsibilities? Explain how you will make sure your project team understands how the project is integral to the organisation's strategic objectives. Give details of two strategies you can implement to ensure the team is focused on the organisational direction throughout the project life cycle. 13 Q14. Review the below scenario and use the information to update your project records, particularly the PMP to accommodate the impacts. You are also responsible for updating project stakeholders on all issues. Draft a project status report to send the relevant parties. A template you can use has been provided in your student resources. A copy of updated document and the report will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the documents in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.Activity1 Q14 It is now week ending July 7th the project is in the monitoring and controlling phase. The construction contractors for your project have been delayed by two weeks due to a solid period of heavy rainfall. Obviously this will cause problems for the project. Tom Marvern, Construction Manager talks to you. There is a possibility resources can be redirected from the Caf, since they have not commenced construction yet. You Tom, I visited the playground site this morning. It looks pretty muddy. Tom Yes, well we've already lost a week due to rain, and we need to wait until the ground is dry enough for us to lay the concrete. You So how long do you think that will set the project back? Tom We will be two weeks behind schedule. You Is there any chance we can catch that up? Tom Unfortunately not. I already have all my team working on this project. I had several deliveries I've had to re-schedule too, and they all charge an additional delivery fee. Also, I only had a 10 day window to source my preferred concreting sub- contractor. Now I need to hire someone else, he's started on another project. Q15. Please review the change request form you have received in your student resource pack. Matt is overseeing the Cafe construction phase. The cafe is operating on a different time line to the main playground project. With a delayed opening date, due to a previous change request. Consider all the factors throughout the project. Changes already made to the date Delays in weather Mandatory opening date for the playground, not necessarily for the cafe Impact of cost as outlined in Matt's request Matt's lack of experience as a project manager may be a factor. VVVVV 14 Conduct an impact analysis on this change request and make your recommendation to approve or decline the change request and provide your reasoning for this decision. Draft an email response to Matt that details your analysis and decision. A copy of the email will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the email in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMG540.Activity1Q15 Change control is important to assist with various processes when managing projects. Describe what processes will be supported through effective change control and how often are you expected to complete change control? Complete the below change control log to reflect the details of the change request provide by Matt Hodgson. Change Control Log the Arena - adventure playground Change -' Date Date Date of description ' Originator entered assigned Evaluator decision Date change to allow more time for the Playground to achieve opening date. 15 Q17. The project has reached its nal stages and you now ready to complete the finalisation steps. Read the Amazing Arena Newspaper article and email found in your student resource pack. Complete the below nalisation tables and recommend who should be responsible for completing these tasks. Deliverable] Activity Project Manager Finance coordinator Community affairs Environmental compliance Cafe' manager Playground expen IT RACI codes R= Responsible Person who performs an activity or does the work. A: Accountable Person ultimately accountable and has yeso veto or nal approval. A task is not complete until approval is given. C= Consult Person who needs to provide feedback or contribute to the activity, often playing an indirect role or providing specialist knowledge or expertise required to progress the task forward. |= Inform Person who needs to be informed once the task is complete or a decision is made, even though they have no direct or indirect role in an activity 16 Category Document/record When should these be prepared? What project phase? Finances Legal requirements Contractual obligations In order to obtain authorisation for the project completion from your project sponsor, draft an email seeking nalisation. Ensure you provide the sponsor the necessary information to be able to authorise the project outcomes. Complete the below email template. To... Date... From... Richard Burton Subject Attachment Project finalisation 17 Q18. Project nalisation should always include the process of seeking feedback from the project team and relevant stakeholders. Describe the methods that you would use to gather such feedback and how you would collate the information to be used for future project work. ACTIVITY TWO You are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge to manage project integration on two (2) work based projects. Your task involves: > Integrating and balancing overall project management functions > To align and track project objectives to comply with organisational goals, strategies and objectives Please complete the following activities for each of the projects and ensure that the relevant evidence is saved in the appropriate file/question/project format and submit on completion of the assessments. You may use your workplace documents, tools and programs to complete this activity where appropriate or you can use the templates from Activity One. 01. Write a brief overview of the project concept and include details in regards to client requirements and needs, relevant stakeholders and identify the relationship between the project and your organisation's strategies and goals. A copy of the overview will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the document in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMG540.Activity2Q1Project# 1 or 2 Q2. Determine the project objectives, desired outcomes and benefits to your organisation and record the details in a table. 18 A copy of the table will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the table in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.Activity202Project# 1 or 2 QS. Establish your project governance structure and create a diagram to detail the model. Include details in relation to approval authority on the project. A copy of the structure will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the structure in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMG540.Activity2Q3Project# 1 or 2 Q4. Develop a detailed project charter. A copy of the charter will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the document in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMG540.Activity2Q4Project# 1 or 2 Q5. Schedule and host a meeting with the relevant project team and stakeholders to present the project charter, project objectives and governance structure. Seek feedback and negotiate agreement on the documents. Record the meeting and submit a copy as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the recording in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMG540.ActivityZQSProject# 1 or 2 Q6. Following your workplace process submit a copy of the final charter for approval. Provide evidence of the method used and the approval given. A copy of the evidence will need to be submitted for this question. Please save a copy of the evidence in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMG540.Activity206Project# 1 or 2 Q7. Develop and document the project WBS. The WBS may be detailed using a work based program or in excel or word. The WBS must include each of the following phases; > Initiate '2 Plan > Execution > Monitor and Control > Closing > Key milestones A copy of the WBS will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the document in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMGS40.ActivityZQ7Project# 1 or 2 08. Develop a project budget. The budget must include the costs of all activities, tasks and milestones that the project must fulfill. The budget should be developed as an excel document or using a work based management tool. A copy of the budget will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the budget in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMG540.Activity2Q8Project# 1 or 2 19 09. Develop a project schedule. The schedule should timetable the start and end date, milestones, work tasks, resources and team member responsibilities. The schedule should be developed as a Gantt Chart or using a work based management tool. A copy of the schedule will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the schedule in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMG540.ActivityZQQProject# 1 or 2 Q10. Develop a project management plan (PMP) that includes reference to project baselines, monitoring and control processes and identifies project interdependencies within your workplace. Schedule and host a meeting with the relevant project team and stakeholders to present the project WBS, budget, schedule and PMP. Seek feedback and negotiate agreement on the documents. Record the meeting and submit a copy of the recording and PMP document as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the documents in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMG540.ActivityZQ1OProject# 1 or 2 Q11. During implementation of the project you are responsible for the management and integration of project work within your workplace. To demonstrate your skills and knowledge you are required to collate a portfolio of evidence that clearly shows your execution in the following areas. Evidence to be collected may include documents, emails, reports, screen shots, photographs, recordings of conversations and meetings etc. To supplement the portfolio write a brief report describing how the evidence links to each of the following areas: > Teams performance to meet the project objectives How you monitored and measured your team's performance in relation to scope, time and budget > How you monitored and controlled integration of the project into your workplace and ensured the organisatons strategies and goals were achieved > What time management techniques you implemented > Communication strategies used with the team and stakeholders > How you recorded information on project records, plans, updates and logs '> What analysis techniques and resolution skills were used for change requests, challenges that arose and performance issues > How you managed and resolved conict > What project status report updates you completed and when V A copy of the portfolio with included brieng report will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the portfolio in the following le format StudentName.BSBPMG540.ActivityZQ11Project# 1 or 2 Q12. On completion of the project you are responsible for ensuring the correct nalisation processes are followed. Provide evidence to show the following; 20 V The nalisation activities completed and who was responsible What documents/records were completed including nancial, legal and contractual > How you sought nalisation authorisation and what documents where provided for the request V A copy of the evidence will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the evidence in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMG540.ActivityZQ12Project# 1 or 2 Q13. Project nalisation should always include the process of seeking feedback from the project team and relevant stakeholders. Write a report (minimum 400 words) that describes the methods you used to gather feedback and the responses that were received. Analyse the feedback and include recommendations for future projects. A copy of the report will need to be submitted as evidence for this question. Please save a copy of the report in the following file format StudentName.BSBPMG540.ActivityZQ18Project# 1 or 2

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