PROJECT 1: Trip Expenses Instructions: Write a Java program that produces an expense report for your trip to Cuba. Use the Internet to reach on cost to Cuba. I included a basic PowerPoint to give you more information on Cuba. The program requests your last name and converts the first character to uppercase and the rest of the characters to lowercase. Concatenate the last name with the string "Expense Report" to produce the title of the report. See sample display. The program then accepts the airline fare, the number of nights at the hotel, and the number of dollars you plan to convert to Cuban money. The hotel charges $256.10 per night. The major legal currency for Cuba is the Cuban Convertible Peso, or CUC. It's what you exchange your dollars for and make all your purchases with in Cuba. 1.00 Cuban Convertible Peso = $1.00 USD There is a 10% penalty charged when exchanging US dollars plus a 3% currency exchange fee. You will need to exchange your dollars at the hotel. You cannot use American credit cards or bank cards so take sufficient dollars for the trip. Be sure to test for a variety of values. Here is a sample display with the prompts and results: Expense Input Enter your last name: ada Ms Enter airline fare: 473.66 Enter number of nights: 4 Enter dollars to convert: 150 Adams Expense Report Airline Fare = $473.66 Hotel - $1.024.40 Total $1,498.06 $150.00 dollars -$130.50 Cuban CC Penalty = 10% Conversion rate - 3% The decimals do not need to align, but align the signs for readability. Purpose of this project: Develop Java program with the following features: Constants and variables Input data Calculations including totals Output display with readable formatting Use the Number Format class to format the monetary values and percentages