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PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java 100 points Objective To type a simple Java program, execute ( run ) the program for some

PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java 100 points

Objective To type a simple Java program, execute ( run ) the program for some particular values, observe the output and then modify the program.


Type, compile and run the basic Java program that is shown in Figure 1 , which follows.

Then compile and run your program, observe the output then modify the program.

Information About This Project

For this project, we will create an application that uses the Weighted Average Cost Method to value a product inventory.

The various methods used to value a product inventory include: FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost and Specific Identification.

Here is an example of the use of the Weighted Average Cost Method.

Steps to Complete This Project

STEP 1 Open Eclipse

Open Eclipse and create a Java project with the following details.

For Project Name include MidtermPart2

For the Main Class include Inventory

In your Code window, shown below, copy in the program code shown in Figure 1 below, in the appropriate places, except substitute your own name in place of Sammy Student.

PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java

Figure 1 Source Code for the Inventory Valuation Program

import java.util.Scanner;

//Sammy Student, Programmer

public class Inventory


static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

public static void main(String args[])


// begin local variable declaration / initialization zone

char answer = 'Y';

double average = 0.0, cost = 0.0, totValue = 0.0;

int number = 0, sumItems = 0, quantity = 0;

String item = "";

// end local variable declaration / initialization zone

// begin program menu




System.out.println("----Inventory Valuation---");

System.out.println("***(Weighted Average Method)***");



System.out.println("--------- M E N U ---------");


// end program menu

while(answer == 'Y' || answer == 'y')


// begin code block for inventory evaluation

System.out.println("number of item types in the inventory ->");

number = sc.nextInt();

for(int i = 1; i <= number; i++)


System.out.println("enter the item's description");

item =;

System.out.println("item description: " + item);

System.out.println("enter item quantity");

quantity = sc.nextInt();

sumItems += quantity;

System.out.println("enter item cost");

cost = sc.nextDouble();

totValue += cost * quantity;


// outside the for() loop

PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java

Figure 1 Source Code for the Inventory Valuation Program ( continued )

average = totValue / sumItems;

// end code block for inventory evaluation

// begin code block to display results

System.out.printf("average cost: $%.2f ", average);


// end code block to display results

// begin code block to perform additional program run

System.out.println("run again(Y or N)?");

answer =;

// end code block to perform additional program run



}// end main() method

}// end class

STEP 2 Build, Compile and Run the Program

From the Eclipse Run menu select Run Project (MidtermPart2) to run your app.

STEP 3 Test the Program

Once you have successfully compiled your program, review the output Console window of Eclipse.

Enter the sample information shown in Figure 2 that follows as a single run.

You can verify your output with this MS Excel formula:


PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java

Figure 2 Initial Test Run


----Inventory Valuation---

***(Weighted Average Method)***

--------- M E N U ---------

number of item types in the inventory ->


enter the item's description


item description: chair

enter item quantity


enter item cost


enter the item's description


item description: computer

enter item quantity


enter item cost


enter the item's description


item description: desk

enter item quantity


enter item cost


average cost: $1548.10


run again(Y or N)?

STEP 4 Construct a Method

Locate the following code statements, that were given in the initial starter code.


}// end main() method }// end class

As shown below, define a method that will be used to display the program menu.

PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java


}// end main() method

static void displayMenu()


// place method body statements below

}// end method

}// end class

Locate the following block of code statements.

// end local variable declaration / initialization zone

// begin program menu

Between the above two comment statements, write the statements below that will call the method that you just created.

// call a method


You will now move a block of the original start code into the method.

Locate the following block of code that is given in the original code.

// begin program menu




System.out.println("----Inventory Valuation---");

System.out.println("***(Weighted Average Method)***");



System.out.println("--------- M E N U ---------");


// end program menu

Cut this block of code in your original code and paste the block in the body of the method displayMenu() .

PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java

After you move the code block into the method, run your program and test it again. Did the program run the same as it did before?

STEP 5 Construct Another Method

Locate the following block of code that appears within the current version of your program.

static void displayMenu()


// place method body statements below

. . .

}// end method

}// end class

Construct another method named averageCost() , as shown below.

}// end main() method

static void displayMenu()


// place method body statements below

. . .

}// end method

static double averageCost()


// place method body statements below

. . .

return average;

}//end method

}// end class

Cut the following variable declarations from your current program and place them in your new method, at the top of the methods body.

double average = 0.0, cost = 0.0, totValue = 0.0;

int number = 0, sumItems = 0, quantity = 0;

String item = "";

PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java

Also, within the while() loop of your current program, cut these comment

statements and all of the statements that they enclose. Place this group of statements into the new averageCost() method before the return statement.

// begin code block for inventory evaluation

. . .

// end code block for inventory evaluation

Finally, modify the output statement in the while() loop to call the method, instead of displaying a variable value.

// begin code block to display results

System.out.printf("average cost: $%.2f ", average);


// end code block to display results

The output statement will then look as follows.

// begin code block to display results

System.out.printf("average cost: $%.2f ", averageCost());


// end code block to display results

After you move the code block into the new method and modify the output, run your program and test it again. Did the program run the same as it did before?

STEP 6 Construct Even Another Method

You will now create another method, which will calculate the tax on the weighted average of the inventory. The tax is computed as the product of the number of items in the inventory and the average cost multiplied by the tax rate.

Use these suggestions to perform this task.

Declare some static (global) integer variable. This integer will hold the

number of items that are in the inventory.

Declare some static (global) double variable. This double will hold the

avaerage inventory cost.

Declare a method named computeTax() that will be used to calculate the tax on the inventory. This method is to receive two arguments, the number of items that are in the inventory and the average cost of the inventory. The method will then return the tax on the inventory, based on a tax rate of 6 percent. Your output for this method will include an example statement such as: " at a level of 133 units, the inventory tax is $ 284.73 . "

STEP 7 Submit Your Project

Once you have determined that your modified program is correctly displaying the average cost of the inventory and the tax on the average cost, complete the submission process as follows:

Open MS Word and type a heading for a new document that includes your full name, course number, lab number and date.

Within the document paste in a snapshot of your modified code. Label your snapshot of your modified run with a reasonable description. After your snapshot, paste in your finished source code as well copied in from your Eclipse editor.

Submit your MS Word document to Blackboard

Steps to Complete This Project STEP 1 Open NetBeans Open NetBeans and create a Java project with the following details. For Project Name include Lab6 For the Main Class include lab6.Inventory In your Code window, shown below, copy in the program code shown in Figure 1 below, in the appropriate places, except substitute your own name in place of Sammy Student. PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java Figure 1 Source Code for the Inventory Valuation Program package lab6; import java.util.Scanner; //Sammy Student, Programmer public class Inventory { static Scanner sc = new Scanner(; public static void main(String args[]) { // begin local variable declaration / initialization zone char answer = 'Y'; double average = 0.0, cost = 0.0, totValue = 0.0; int number = 0, sumItems = 0, quantity = 0; String item = ""; // end local variable declaration / initialization zone // begin program menu System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("***************************"); System.out.println("----Inventory Valuation---"); System.out.println("***(Weighted Average Method)***"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("--------- M E N U ---------"); System.out.println(""); // end program menu while(answer == 'Y' || answer == 'y') { // begin code block for inventory evaluation System.out.println("number of item types in the inventory ->"); number = sc.nextInt(); for(int i = 1; i <= number; i++) { System.out.println("enter the item's description"); item =; System.out.println("item description: " + item); System.out.println("enter item quantity"); quantity = sc.nextInt(); sumItems += quantity; System.out.println("enter item cost"); cost = sc.nextDouble(); totValue += cost * quantity; } // outside the for() loop PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java Figure 1 Source Code for the Inventory Valuation Program ( continued ) average = totValue / sumItems; // end code block for inventory evaluation // begin code block to display results System.out.printf("average cost: $%.2f ", average); System.out.println("***************************"); // end code block to display results // begin code block to perform additional program run System.out.println("run again(Y or N)?"); answer =; // end code block to perform additional program run } System.out.println("***************************"); }// end main() method }// end class STEP 2 Build, Compile and Run the Program From the NetBeans Run menu select Run Project (Lab6) to run your app. STEP 3 Test the Program Once you have successfully compiled your program, review the output Console window of NetBeans. Enter the sample information shown in Figure 2 that follows as a single run. You can verify your output with this MS Excel formula: =(5*750+6*3250+10*926)/(5+6+10) PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java Figure 2 Initial Test Run *************************** ----Inventory Valuation--- ***(Weighted Average Method)*** --------- M E N U --------- number of item types in the inventory -> 3 enter the item's description Chair item description: chair enter item quantity 5 enter item cost 750 enter the item's description Computer item description: computer enter item quantity 6 enter item cost 3250 enter the item's description Desk item description: desk enter item quantity 10 enter item cost 926 average cost: $1548.10 *************************** run again(Y or N)? STEP 4 Construct a Method Locate the following code statements, that were given in the initial starter code. System.out.println("***************************"); }// end main() method }// end class As shown below, define a method that will be used to display the program menu. PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java System.out.println("***************************"); }// end main() method static void displayMenu() { // place method body statements below }// end method }// end class Locate the following block of code statements. // end local variable declaration / initialization zone // begin program menu Between the above two comment statements, write the statements below that will call the method that you just created. // call a method displayMenu(); You will now move a block of the original start code into the method. Locate the following block of code that is given in the original code. // begin program menu System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("***************************"); System.out.println("----Inventory Valuation---"); System.out.println("***(Weighted Average Method)***"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("--------- M E N U ---------"); System.out.println(""); // end program menu Cut this block of code in your original code and paste the block in the body of the method displayMenu() . PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java After you move the code block into the method, run your program and test it again. Did the program run the same as it did before? STEP 5 Construct Another Method Locate the following block of code that appears within the current version of your program. static void displayMenu() { // place method body statements below . . . }// end method }// end class Construct another method named averageCost() , as shown below. }// end main() method static void displayMenu() { // place method body statements below . . . }// end method static double averageCost() { // place method body statements below . . . return average; }//end method }// end class Cut the following variable declarations from your current program and place them in your new method, at the top of the methods body. double average = 0.0, cost = 0.0, totValue = 0.0; int number = 0, sumItems = 0, quantity = 0; String item = ""; Also, within the while() loop of your current program, cut these comment statements and all of the statements that they enclose. Place this group of statements into the new averageCost() method before the return statement. PROJECT Inventory Valuation - Using Methods in Java // begin code block for inventory evaluation . . . // end code block for inventory evaluation Finally, modify the output statement in the while() loop to call the method, instead of displaying a variable value. // begin code block to display results System.out.printf("average cost: $%.2f ", average); System.out.println("***************************"); // end code block to display results The output statement will then look as follows. // begin code block to display results System.out.printf("average cost: $%.2f ", averageCost()); System.out.println("***************************"); // end code block to display results After you move the code block into the new method and modify the output, run your program and test it again. Did the program run the same as it did before? STEP 6 Construct Even Another Method You will now create another method, which will calculate the tax on the weighted average of the inventory. The tax is computed as the product of the number of items in the inventory and the average cost multiplied by the tax rate. Use these suggestions to perform this task. Declare some static (global) integer variable. This integer will hold the number of items that are in the inventory. Declare some static (global) double variable. This double will hold the avaerage inventory cost. Declare a method named computeTax() that will be used to calculate the tax on the inventory. This method is to receive two arguments, the number of items that are in the inventory and the average cost of the inventory. The method will then return the tax on the inventory, based on a tax rate of 6 percent. Your output for this method will include an example statement such as: " at a level of 133 units, the inventory tax is $ 284.73 . " STEP 7 Submit Your Project Once you have determined that your modified program is correctly displaying the average cost of the inventory and the tax on the average cost, complete the submission process as follows: Open MS Word and type a heading for a new document that includes your full name, course number, lab number and date. Within the document paste in a snapshot of your modified code. Label your snapshot of your modified run with a reasonable description.After your snapshot, paste in your finished source code as well copied in from your NetBeans editor. Submit your MS Word document to Blackboard when complete.

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