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Project Plan - Cover Letter Clinic Project Overview: Project Name: Cover Letter Clinic Project Manager: [Aseed Alnsour] Project Start Date: [2023- JAN-01] Project End Date:

Project Plan - Cover Letter Clinic

Project Overview:

Project Name: Cover Letter Clinic

Project Manager: [Aseed Alnsour]

Project Start Date: [2023- JAN-01]

Project End Date: [2023- JUN-01]

  • Project Objectives:
    • Assist PMGC students with receiving feedback on their cover letters.
    • Enhance students' cover letter writing skills.
    • Improve students' chances of success in job applications.
  • Project Scope: The project will focus on creating a platform for students to submit their cover letters and receive feedback, incorporating both peer and faculty review. It will involve developing a mock job posting, establishing a submission and feedback process, ensuring student anonymity, and providing feedback to all participants before the end of March.

Integration Management plan:

  1. Develop Project Charter:
    • Define the project's objectives, scope, stakeholders, and initial requirements, as mentioned in the project overview.
    • Identify the project manager (Aseed Alnsour) and obtain authorization to proceed with the project.
  2. Develop Project Management Plan:
    • Create a comprehensive project management plan that includes all the necessary subsidiary plans for scope management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, etc.
    • Ensure that the project management plan aligns with the objectives of the "Cover Letter Clinic" project.
  3. Direct and Manage Project Work:
    • Coordinate and manage the project team, cover letter reviewers, feedback coordinators, and other stakeholders involved in the project.
    • Ensure that the cover letter submission and feedback process is executed according to the defined plan and project objectives.
  4. Monitor and Control Project Work:
    • Regularly monitor the progress of the cover letter submissions, feedback process, and overall project activities.
    • Compare the actual progress against the planned schedule and take corrective actions if any deviations are identified.
    • Monitor and control project risks, such as lack of student participation or technical issues with the submission platform, as mentioned in the project's risk management section.
  5. Perform Integrated Change Control:
    • Establish a formal process for handling change requests, such as modifications to the submission process, feedback guidelines, or any other project components.
    • Evaluate change requests based on their impact on the project's objectives and make decisions accordingly.
    • Update the project management plan, submission guidelines, and other relevant documentation to reflect approved changes.
  6. Close Project:
    • Ensure that all cover letter submissions have been received, reviewed, and feedback reports have been provided to participating students.
    • Verify that all project objectives and requirements have been met.
    • Document lessons learned from the project and transfer knowledge to relevant parties for future improvements.
  7. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Identify the stakeholders involved in the "Cover Letter Clinic" project, such as PMGC students, faculty members, cover letter reviewers, and feedback coordinators.
    • Develop strategies to engage stakeholders effectively, ensure clear communication, and manage their expectations throughout the project.


  • PMGC students
  • PMGC faculty members
  • Project Manager
  • Cover letter reviewers
  • Feedback coordinators
  • Industry professionals or recruiters (for mock job posting)
  • Project Sponsor


  • Comprehensive project plan
  • Mock job posting
  • Submission and feedback process documentation
  • Anonymity mechanisms
  • Feedback templates or guidelines
  • Completed feedback reports for students
  • Final project report and assessment

Timeline: January 1 - January 15:

Project initiation and stakeholder identification

Develop the project plan and secure necessary resources

Identify and recruit project team members (Project Manager, cover letter reviewers, feedback coordinators)

Define roles and responsibilities within the team

January 16 - January 31:

Collaborate with industry professionals to create a mock job posting

Design the cover letter submission and feedback process

Identify and set up a cover letter submission platform

Develop mechanisms for ensuring student anonymity during the feedback process

February 1 - February 15:

Recruit and train cover letter reviewers

Establish communication channels and tools for the project team (email, messaging, etc.)

Finalize the mock job posting and submission guidelines

February 16 - March 15:

Begin accepting cover letter submissions from PMGC students

Conduct regular check-ins with the project team to address any challenges or questions

Ensure a smooth submission process and troubleshoot any technical issues

March 16 - March 31:

Review and provide feedback on all cover letters received

Compile and organize feedback reports for each student

Collaborate with feedback coordinators to ensure timely completion of all feedback reports

April 1 - April 15:

Distribute feedback reports to participating students

Collect feedback from students on the effectiveness of the process

Evaluate the impact of the cover letter clinic on students' job application outcomes

April 16 - May 15:

Analyze evaluation results and identify areas for improvement

Make necessary adjustments and improvements to the project implementation based on feedback received

Prepare the final project report and assessment

May 16 - June 1:

Quality Management Plan

Quality Objectives:

Ensure the cover letter clinic meets the needs and expectations of PMGC students.

Enhance the quality of cover letter writing skills through constructive feedback.

Improve students' chances of success in job applications by providing valuable insights.

Maintain a high level of professionalism, accuracy, and confidentiality throughout the project.

Quality Standards:

Adhere to industry best practices for cover letter writing and feedback provision.

Ensure compliance with any relevant institutional or organizational guidelines.

Follow established ethical standards in handling student information and feedback.

Incorporate feedback from students and stakeholders to continuously improve the quality of the clinic.

Quality Assurance Activities:

Develop clear guidelines and criteria for assessing cover letters and providing feedback.

Conduct training sessions for cover letter reviewers to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Regularly monitor the submission and feedback process to identify any deviations or issues.

Establish a feedback review process to validate the quality and effectiveness of feedback provided to students.

Implement mechanisms to ensure student anonymity during the feedback process.

Periodically review and update the cover letter submission platform to maintain its functionality and security.

Quality Control Activities:

Perform regular quality checks on the feedback reports to ensure they are comprehensive and constructive.

Conduct peer reviews and calibration sessions among cover letter reviewers to maintain consistency and fairness.

Seek feedback from participating students on the clarity, usefulness, and effectiveness of the feedback received.

Evaluate the impact of the cover letter clinic on students' job application outcomes to assess its effectiveness.

Monitor and address any issues or complaints raised by students or stakeholders promptly.

Continuous Improvement:

Collect feedback from students, faculty members, and other stakeholders to identify areas for improvement.

Analyze evaluation results and implement necessary adjustments to enhance the clinic's effectiveness.

Encourage open communication and collaboration among the project team to foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Conduct regular project reviews and lessons learned sessions to document insights and recommendations for future iterations.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Project Manager: Responsible for overall quality management and ensuring adherence to quality standards.

Cover Letter Reviewers: Responsible for providing accurate, constructive, and high-quality feedback to students.

Feedback Coordinators: Responsible for overseeing the feedback process and ensuring its quality and timeliness.

Project Team: Collaborate to maintain the quality of deliverables, adhere to standards, and continuously improve the clinic.

Human Resources Management :

Roles and Responsibilities:

Project Manager: Responsible for overall project coordination, resource management, and team leadership.

Cover Letter Reviewers: Responsible for reviewing and providing feedback on cover letters submitted by students.

Feedback Coordinators: Responsible for managing the feedback process, organizing feedback reports, and ensuring timely delivery.

PMGC Faculty Members (optional): May be involved as advisors or mentors to provide additional guidance and support.

Industry Professionals or Recruiters: Collaborate in creating the mock job posting and may participate as reviewers or advisors.

Recruitment and Selection:

Identify the required number of cover letter reviewers and feedback coordinators based on the anticipated workload.

Define the selection criteria for reviewers, such as expertise in cover letter writing, industry knowledge, and communication skills.

Advertise the positions internally within the PMGC community and externally if necessary.

Conduct interviews or selection processes to assess candidates' qualifications and fit for the roles.

Training and Development:

Provide training sessions for cover letter reviewers to ensure a common understanding of quality standards, feedback techniques, and the project's objectives.

Organize workshops or seminars to enhance the cover letter reviewers' knowledge of industry trends and best practices.

Offer opportunities for ongoing professional development to keep reviewers updated on the latest cover letter writing techniques and job market demands.

Performance Management:

Set clear performance expectations and quality standards for cover letter reviewers and feedback coordinators.

Establish a feedback mechanism for continuous performance monitoring and improvement.

Conduct periodic performance evaluations to assess reviewers' effectiveness, accuracy, and adherence to guidelines.

Recognize and reward outstanding performance to motivate and encourage the team.

Communication and Collaboration:

Foster a collaborative environment that encourages open communication, knowledge sharing, and mutual support among team members.

Establish regular check-ins and team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and upcoming tasks.

Maintain effective communication channels, such as email, messaging platforms, or project management tools, for seamless collaboration and information exchange.

Facilitate communication between cover letter reviewers, feedback coordinators, and the project manager to ensure smooth workflow and address any issues promptly.

Ethical Considerations:

Emphasize the importance of confidentiality and data protection when handling student cover letters and feedback.

Ensure compliance with any institutional or legal requirements regarding student privacy and data security.

Provide guidelines and training on ethical conduct, fairness, and unbiased feedback provision.

Team Building and Motivation:

Organize team-building activities or social events to foster a positive team spirit and strengthen working relationships.

Recognize and appreciate the efforts and contributions of team members through verbal praise, certificates, or other forms of recognition.

Encourage a supportive and inclusive work environment that values diversity and promotes equal opportunities.

Communications Management Plan

  1. Stakeholder Identification:
    • Identify the key stakeholders involved in the Cover Letter Clinic project, such as PMGC students, PMGC faculty members, project manager, cover letter reviewers, feedback coordinators, industry professionals or recruiters, and the project sponsor.
  2. Communication Objectives:
    • Ensure clear and effective communication among stakeholders.
    • Keep stakeholders informed about project progress, milestones, and any changes.
    • Foster collaboration and engagement among team members.
    • Gather feedback and address concerns or questions from stakeholders.
    • Promote the visibility and impact of the Cover Letter Clinic project.
  3. Communication Channels:
    • Email: Use email as the primary communication channel for formal project updates, announcements, and important documentation.
    • Project Management Software: Utilize project management tools with discussion boards, document sharing, and task management features to facilitate collaboration among the project team.
    • Meetings: Schedule regular meetings to discuss project status, address challenges, and ensure alignment among stakeholders.
    • Messaging Apps: Employ instant messaging applications for quick and informal communication within the project team.
    • In-person Communication: Arrange face-to-face meetings or workshops when necessary and feasible.
  4. Communication Plan:
    • Project Manager Communication:
      • Provide regular project updates to all stakeholders, including PMGC students, faculty members, and the project sponsor.
      • Share project milestones, timelines, and any changes in scope or schedule.
      • Address questions, concerns, and feedback from stakeholders.
    • Cover Letter Reviewers and Feedback Coordinators Communication:
      • Establish a centralized communication channel, such as a mailing list or group chat, for reviewers and coordinators to exchange information, ask questions, and share best practices.
      • Conduct periodic meetings or check-ins to ensure alignment and coordination within the team.
      • Share feedback templates, guidelines, and any updates on the submission and feedback process.
    • PMGC Students Communication:
      • Develop a communication plan to inform students about the Cover Letter Clinic, its objectives, and how they can participate.
      • Provide clear instructions on the submission process, deadlines, and expectations.
      • Communicate the availability of feedback reports and how students can access them.
      • Collect feedback from students on the effectiveness of the clinic and address any concerns or issues raised.
  5. Communication Frequency:
    • Project Manager:
      • Regularly provide updates to stakeholders, at least bi-weekly or as required by project milestones.
      • Be available to address any urgent or critical communication needs.
    • Cover Letter Reviewers and Feedback Coordinators:
      • Maintain regular communication to discuss progress, address questions, and share feedback best practices.
    • PMGC Students:
      • Provide timely updates and reminders about submission deadlines and feedback availability.
      • Establish channels for students to ask questions or seek clarification throughout the process.
  6. Communication Documentation:
    • Maintain a centralized repository for project documentation, including the project plan, meeting minutes, communication records, and feedback reports.
    • Ensure documentation is easily accessible to relevant stakeholders for reference and historical purposes.

Risk Management:

  • Identify potential risks and develop risk management strategies:
    • Lack of student participation
    • Technical issues with the submission platform
    • Delays in feedback provision
    • Inadequate number of cover letter reviewers
    • Create contingency plans and mitigation strategies to address each identified risk.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Monitor the project's progress regularly against the established timeline.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the submission and feedback process through feedback from participating students.
  • Assess the impact of the cover letter clinic on students' job application outcomes, such as increased interview invitations or job offers.
  • Use the evaluation results to make necessary adjustments and improvements to the project implementation.

Procurement Management Plan:

  1. Introduction:

The procurement management strategy defines the strategies and processes that will be used to obtain the tools and services required for the Cover Letter Clinic project's successful completion. This strategy makes sure that the procurement processes agree with pertinent laws and rules, advance project goals, and maximize value.

  1. Procurement Objectives:

  • Acquire necessary resources, tools, and technologies to support the successful implementation of the Cover Letter Clinic project.
  • Ensure procurement activities align with the project's timeline, budget, and quality requirements.
  • Maintain transparency and fairness in the procurement process.
  • Establish reliable partnerships with vendors or service providers to fulfill project needs.

  1. Procurement Process:

  1. Identify Procurement Requirements:

  • Examine the project plan and list the exact resources, tools, and technology needed for the Cover Letter Clinic.
  • Establish the specifications, quantity, and quality requirements for each item or service that is required.
  • Consider any special requirements, such as data security or confidentiality measures for the submission platform.
    1. Vendor Selection:

  • Research and identify potential vendors or service providers who can meet the project's procurement requirements.
  • Evaluate vendors based on their expertise, reputation, experience, pricing, and ability to meet project timelines.
  • Obtain quotes or proposals from multiple vendors to compare and select the most suitable option.
    1. Vendor Contracts and Agreements:

  • Develop contracts or agreements that specify the procurement's terms and conditions in detail.
  • Include specifications like deadlines, terms for payment, guarantees, service level agreements (SLAs), and confidentiality agreements.
  • Ensure that all institutional or organizational procurement policies and procedures are followed.
    1. Procurement Execution and Monitoring:

  • To ensure that goods or services are delivered on time and in accordance with the project timeline, coordinate with vendors.
  • keep an eye on vendor performance to make sure that contract guidelines and quality standards have been strictly observed.
  • Respond swiftly and effectively to any problems or irregularities discovered during the procurement process.
    1. Vendor Relationship Management:

  • Maintain open and transparent communication with vendors throughout the project.
  • Encourage a productive working environment built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.
  • Conduct regular vendor performance reviews to see whether they are still appropriate for the project.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Project manager: overallresponsible for managing every aspect of procurement, such as contract management and vendor selection.
  • Procurement Officer: The procurement officer is in charge of performing market research, issuing RFPs and RFQs, assessing vendor offers, and negotiating deals.
  • Project Team: Participate in contract review and approval procedures, examine vendor offers, and offer feedback on procurement needs.

  1. Procurement Timeline:

  • January 1 - January 15:Conduct market research and identify procurement requirements and develop a procurement plan.
  • January 16 - February 15: Issue RFP/RFQ and solicit bids from vendors.
  • 16 February to 15 March: Examine vendor proposals, subsequently choose a vendor.
  • March 16 - April 15:Develop and finalize contracts.
  • April 16 - May 15:Execute procurement procedures and keep an eye on vendor performance.
  • May 16 - June 1: Close out contracts and evaluate procurement outcomes.

  1. Procurement Documentation:

  • Maintain all procurement-related documentation, including RFPs, RFQs, vendor bids, contracts, and communications, in a single easily accessible spot.
  • Document the criteria used for selecting a vendor, the outcomes of the evaluation, and the justification behind the decision.
  • Keep records of vendor performance, including any issues, changes, or resolutions.

  1. Risk Management:
  • Identify any potential risks that might arise throughout the procurement process, such as vendor performance issues, cost overruns, or delivery delays.
  • Develop backup plans and risk-mitigation techniques for each identified risk.
  • Regularly evaluate vendor performance, taking immediate action to resolve any problems or violations of the terms of the contract.

  1. Procurement Communication:

  • Establish clear channels of communication with vendors to make sure they are informed accurately and promptly about the needs, timelines, and expectations of the procurement process.
  • Throughout the procurement process, maintain lines of communication open with the project team, stakeholders, and vendors to quickly resolve any concerns or problems.

Cost Management Plan:

  1. Cost Estimation:

  • Identify the necessary resources and requirements for the Cover Letter Clinic assignment.
  • Estimate the cost of each resource and activity.
  • Consider direct costs (e.g., software licenses, platform hosting fees) and indirect costs (e.g., labor, overhead).
  • To estimate expenses, use historical data, industry standards, and professional judgement.

  1. Budget Development:

  • Develop a comprehensive project budget that covers all expected costs.
  • Distribute funds among several expense areas, including labour, software, marketing, and contingencies.
  • Consider any financial restrictions or limitations set forth by the organisation or project sponsor.
  • Obtain approval for the project budget from the appropriate stakeholders.

  1. Cost Control:

  • Monitor and control project costs throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Compare actual expenses often to the projected budget.
  • Determine any variations or deviations and examine the reasons behind them.
  • To address expense overruns or underutilization of allocated money, take remedial action.
  • To assess and approve changes that can have an influence on project costs, use a change control procedure.
  • Document and communicate any approved changes to the relevant stakeholders.

  1. Cost Tracking and Reporting:

  • Establish a system for accurately handling and record project expenditures.
  • Record all information about costs, including obligations, commitments, and predictions.
  • Maintain a cost baseline as a guide for monitoring the success of the project.
  • Create recurring cost reports and dashboards to show stakeholders a summary of project costs.
  • Include important cost measures in the reports, such as earned value analysis, cost performance index, and cost variation.

  1. Resource Management:

  • Utilise resources efficiently to fulfill project goals while reducing expenses.
  • Determine chances for improving efficiency by periodically assessing resource utilization.
  • When allocating resources to project tasks, take into account their rates, degrees of expertise, and availability.
  • Manage the workload and project timeline carefully to prevent resource overallocation or underutilization.

  1. Procurement Management:

  • Evaluate procurement options to ensure cost-effectiveness and value for money.
  • When choosing suppliers or service providers, perform a cost-benefit analysis.
  • Obtain competitive bids or proposals so you may compare prices and choose the most economical choice.
  • To avoid cost overruns or poor deliveries, maintain an eye on vendor performance and compliance with the conditions of the contract.

  1. Contingency Planning:

  • Determine any potential risks and unforeseen circumstances that might affect project expenses.
  • In the project's budget, set aside money for a contingency reserve to cover unanticipated costs.
  • Reevaluate and update the contingency reserve on a regular basis in light of project performance and risk evaluations.
  • To mitigate the effect of cost-related risks, implement risk response strategies.

  1. Cost Management Documentation:

  • Maintain an in-depth cost management strategy that lists all processes and procedures connected to costs.
  • Establish cost budgets, cost estimates, and cost statistics for each project phase.
  • Keep a copy of all communication involving costs, including expense reports, modification requests, and approvals.
  • For simple reference and audit needs, keep cost management documents in a centrally located area.

Stakeholder management:

  1. Identify Stakeholders:
    • Identify all stakeholders involved in the project, such as PMGC students, PMGC faculty members, the project manager (Aseed Alnsour), cover letter reviewers, feedback coordinators, industry professionals or recruiters, and the project sponsor.
    • Consider both internal stakeholders (within the PMGC community) and external stakeholders (industry professionals or recruiters) who have an interest or influence in the project.
  2. Analyze Stakeholders:
    • Assess the significance of each stakeholder based on their level of influence, interest, and impact on the project.
    • Identify their needs, expectations, and potential concerns related to the "Cover Letter Clinic" project.
    • Prioritize stakeholders based on their level of influence and importance to the project's success.
  3. Develop Stakeholder Engagement Plan:
    • Define strategies and approaches for effectively engaging and communicating with each stakeholder group.
    • Determine the frequency and format of communication for different stakeholders, taking into account their preferences and availability.
    • Establish mechanisms for gathering feedback, addressing concerns, and involving stakeholders in decision-making processes.
  4. Engage Stakeholders:
    • Regularly communicate project updates, milestones, and any changes to stakeholders.
    • Provide clear and transparent information about the "Cover Letter Clinic" project's objectives, process, and benefits.
    • Seek input and feedback from stakeholders at key stages of the project, such as during the development of the mock job posting or the review of feedback guidelines.
    • Ensure timely and appropriate responses to stakeholder queries, concerns, and suggestions.
  5. Manage Stakeholder Expectations:
    • Continuously manage stakeholder expectations by aligning project deliverables and outcomes with their needs and expectations.
    • Communicate any constraints or limitations that may impact stakeholder requirements and involve them in exploring alternative solutions.
    • Be proactive in addressing potential conflicts or differences of opinion among stakeholders, seeking consensus where possible.
  6. Monitor and Adapt Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Regularly assess the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement strategies and adjust them as needed.
    • Monitor stakeholder satisfaction and perception of the project's progress and outcomes.
    • Incorporate stakeholder feedback and suggestions to improve project processes and deliverables.
    • Evaluate stakeholder engagement as part of the project's lessons learned to inform future projects and initiatives.

The Cover Letter Clinic project is designed to assist PMGC students in improving their cover letter writing skills and increasing their chances of success in job applications. The project involves creating a platform for students to submit their cover letters and receive feedback from both peers and faculty. The objectives are to enhance students' cover letter writing skills and provide them with valuable feedback to improve their job application outcomes.

The project timeline spans from January 1st to June 1st and includes activities such as stakeholder identification, resource allocation, collaboration with industry professionals, cover letter submission, feedback provision, and evaluation. Risk management strategies have been developed to address potential challenges, and a communication plan ensures regular updates and coordination among stakeholders.

Throughout the project, monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess progress, gather feedback from students, and evaluate the impact of the clinic on job application outcomes. Adjustments and improvements will be made based on evaluation results to enhance the project's effectiveness.

In conclusion, the Cover Letter Clinic project aims to empower PMGC students by providing them with comprehensive feedback on their cover letters, improving their skills, and increasing their chances of success in job applications.

Based on this project plan please make a report on the following phases

Project Initiation Project Planning Project Execution Monitoring and controlling Project closing


The report should be around 20 pages and also add proper cost in it

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