Project TechnoPlus is an IT support company in Adelaide. The company provides level 1,2 and 3 support to small and medium size organisations in Adelaide. The company also provides a range of services including hardware and software installation, data backup and restore, monitoring network performance, setup of a new LAN or WAN network and updating or extending the existing network. The company has 10 staff including the manager and director. You are working as an IT manager and you have the following responsibilities:
- Provide Level 1, 2 and 3 support
- Monitor client server performance
- Install hardware and software (If required)
- Setup LAN, WAN and wireless network
- Troubleshoot the ICT issues
- Follow client WHS policies and procedures and other policies and procedures
- Report to the management and clients
- Report to higher management
- Support and mentor the team
Client information- Jabin Hopkins has contacted your organisation to solve their IT related business. Jabin Hopkins is a private Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with a campus based in Adelaide. It offers over 40 certificate and diploma level qualifications in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector for a large number of subject areas including business, community services, education, information technology, health, hospitality, and many others. Students select from one of two study shifts (morning or afternoons) to undertake study which is self-directed in nature or trainer led, and to undertake assessments. With the self- directed courses, trainers/assessors are on hand to handle students queries, while other courses are trainer led. There are currently 450 students that attend the institute across a wide range of classrooms. RTO organisational environment: Culture, values and service standards
- Passion for providing quality education to the students
- Customer centric approach
- Respect each and every person including staff, students and third parties
- Open and respectful with others and dedicated to making them better.
- Support the other team member and create a collaborative environment
- All the inquiry will be answered in 48 hours
- All the complaints will be act within three business days
Service level agreement related to ICT products and services (ICT products including but not limited to hardware, software, IT services, Internet, Internet service provider)
- All the installation of hardware must be informed at least five working days
- Before the installation vendor must inform the potential downtime so client can inform the stakeholders
- All the major hardware and software update must be done during off peak hours
- Vendor will repair or replace the hardware if any fault occur
- Data backup must be taken every three hours
- Internet must be available all the time
- Vendor will pay 10% for more than one-hour potential downtime, It will increase by 10% every hour.
RTO has existing ICT network and has the following hardware and software:
- Windows 10 for workstation
- All the computer has minimum 4 GB RAM, 500 HDD and Core I5 processor.
- LAN (2 switches, 2 router)
- Wireless network (Wi-Fi for all the staff, students and visitors, 3 access points)
RTO wants to set-up a new fully functional computer lab for the information technology students and RTO has following requirements:
- 10 computers (minimum requirements good speed)
- Wide area network (WAN) (Connected with the internet)
- All the computers must be connected with LAN
- Wants to reduce the operating cost Corporate purchasing procedures
- All the order must be signed off by IT manager
- Account will pay the invoice after the confirmation from IT manger
- IT desktop support officer will order relevant hardware and software
- IT desktop support officer will contact the vendor
- IT desktop support officer will receive the order and install to the relevant clients location
Organisational guideline:
- All the staff must follow client WHS and other relevant procedures
- You must clean the worksite after the installation
- Do not take any device or information from client organisation
- You must act professionally
- Must follow privacy policy
- Provide clear information and guidelines to the client
- Follow vendor licensing procedure
- Only install licence product
Organisation policies and procedures:
Hardware collections policy and procedure -
- Only IT staff can collect the hardware
- IT staff need to check all the hardware components according to purchase order
- Check all the devices are included according to the vendor instruction
- Update the IT resources register
- If any issues in hardware, then needs to contact relevant vendor and arrange replacement with any major issues or outage
- Contact IT manager if network will have any issue including downtime
WHS Process and procedures |
Scope- The purpose of this policy is to show the commitment of the organisation to ensure the health & safety of its employees, contractors and visitors by removing, reducing or minimising the risks to health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable as per the NSW WHS Act 2011 and WHS Regulation 2011. |
Responsibilities- |
a) Management Management is responsible for providing and maintaining: -
- a safe working environment
- plant and substances in safe condition
- facilities for the welfare of all workers
- any information, instruction, training and supervision needed to make sure that all workers are safe from injury and risks to their health
- a commitment to consult and co-operate with workers in all matters relating to the health and safety in the workplace
- ensure that all employees observe safe working practices, adhere to policies and procedures
- a commitment to continually improve our performance through effective safety management.
- comply with WHS Legislation, Regulations and relevant Australian Standards.
b) Employee Each worker (employees) has an obligation to: -
- comply with safe work practices, with the intent of avoiding injury to themselves and others and damage to plant and equipment
- take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others
- wear personal protective equipment and clothing where necessary
- comply with any direction given by management for health and safety
- not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety
- report all accidents and incidents on the job immediately, no matter how trivial
- report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor or manager.
c) Visitors Visitors are required to comply with all the organisations policies and procedures whilst on the premises and report all accidents and incidents to the relevant employee as soon as reasonably |
practicable. In the event of an emergency, the visitor must follow the emergency evacuation procedures. |
WHS responsibilities of ICT staff: -
- Make sure all the electric equipments must be turn off during the installation of computer.
- Do not lift heavy equipments like printer by yourself
- Make sure all the cables that used in the installation and connection are not hazardous
- Clean the worksite after the completion of the task
Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification The organisation will ensure that it will undertake ongoing comprehensive hazard identification and risk assessments of all The RTOs operations including offices and campus. Hazard identification, risk assessment and elimination and control implementation will be undertaken at the beginning of each activity to ensure that: -
- Any foreseeable hazards that may arise in the workplace can be identified;
- The risk of harm arising from identified hazards can be assessed;
- Hazards can be eliminated where possible, or if this is not reasonably practicable, safety controls can be implemented to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable; and
- Monitor and review the effectiveness and efficiency of controls.
The organisation will ensure that WHS inspections of each work area will be conducted on a quarterly basis and a Risk Assessment/Hazard Identification form will be completed. |
Part1 You need to complete the following activities. Activity 1: Meeting with client
You need to read and understand the above given scenario prior to attempting this activity. In this activity, you need to conduct a meeting with the client to understand the RTO environment, products and services provided by the RTO, understand client needs and discuss the services requirements you need to provide. You will act as a James (IT Manager of TechnoPlus ) and your trainer will act as a client (RTO manager). RTO manager (Trainer/assessor) will explain the RTO environment including culture, values and service standards and discuss the services level agreement. You need to discuss the following with RTO manager:
- Discuss the products and services provided by the RTO
- Discuss the service level agreement and ask questions related to installation downtime and internet services provider
- Understand the RTO values, culture and service standards
- Discuss the client needs and what kind of service is required from the vendor
- Identify and discuss any new solutions that meet client requirements
You need to complete the following meeting minutes and submit them to your trainer/assessor. Your trainer will observe you during the activity and complete the following observation checklist.
Minutes of Meeting Meeting Objective: Attendees: Venue: Date: |
No | Points Discussed | Actions Suggested | Target Date |
Signature of attendee 1: Signature of attendee 2: Signature of attendee 3: Signature of attendee 4: |
Activity 2: Develop a draft proposal This activity is a continuation from the previous activity. In this activity you need to develop a draft proposal according to the meeting discussion you had with the RTO manager in the previous activity. Your draft proposal must include:
- Organisation values, culture and service standards
- Products and services provided by the client
- Service level agreement requirements
- Services and/or products required by the client
- Level of services required by the client
- Define new business opportunities including cost and timeframe (You need to provide at least two solutions)
You also need to complete the given template and submit to your trainer/assessor. Template for draft proposal
Draft proposal for Jabin Hopkins |
| ORGANISATION NAME | Jabin Hopkins |
| CONTACT NAME | James | ADDRESS | Adelaide |
Client overview/Introductions: |
Organisation values, culture and service standards: |
Products and services provided by the client: |
Service level agreement requirements: |
Services and/or products required by the client |
Level of services required by the client |
Define new business opportunities (You need to provide at least two solutions) |
Part2 This assessment task is divided into following four (4) activities:
- Activity 1: Develop a PowerPoint presentation and present it to the client.
- Activity 2: Update the proposal after the negotiation.
- Activity 3: Implement a new solution.
- Activity 4: Gather client feedback, adjust the services and document the changes.
Activity 1: Develop a PowerPoint presentation and present it to the client You need to develop a PowerPoint presentation based on the business proposal prepared in the Part 1. Your presentation must cover the following information:
- Benefits from the solutions
- Cost and timeframe for the solutions
- How to reduce the energy cost
You need to create 8-10 PowerPoint slides. Once you have developed the PowerPoint, you need to present the PowerPoint to the client. Your client (trainer/assessor) will not agree with the given timeline and he wants to complete this project within 2 weeks and he wants you to add their antivirus on the server within the provided cost. You need to negotiate the timeline and antivirus installation cost with the client. You need to negotiate in a professional manner and you need to listen to the client requirements and then provide a solution/s. Your presentation must be clear, to the point and detailed enough so the client can understand and make a decision. You need to deliver the presentation within 10-15 minutes. Your trainer will observe you during the task and complete the following performance checklist. Activity 2: Update the proposal after the negotiation In this activity, you need to update the proposal prepared in Part 1 according to the agreed negotiated terms in the previous task. You need to submit an updated proposal to your trainer/assessor. Activity 3: Implement a new solution
In this activity, you need to implement the proposal given to the client. Your trainer will provide you the following resources:
You need to complete the following task:
- Connect all the cables and add all the computer in a LAN
- Connect with the Internet
- Update energy saving settings on server
- Test the computer connectivity
- Check the progress according to the prepared proposal
You need to complete this task in 4-6 hours and your trainer may provide you an additional time if required. Your trainer will observe you during the activity and complete the following performance checklist. Activity 4: Gather client feedback, adjust the services and document the changes In this activity, you need to collect client feedback, adjust the services and update the final document.
Part A: You need to discuss with the client, (trainer/assessor) related to implementation of the proposal and collect the feedback by completing the feedback form from the client.
Client feedback form |
Overall satisfaction of service (Scale 1-10, 1- very unsatisfied 10 very satisfied) |
Would you like our service in the future? |
How can we improve our service? |
You need to submit completed feedback to the trainer/assessor. Part B: This part is a continuation from the previous part. Your client provided feedback that you have not cleaned the worksite as mentioned in the WHS policy, so you need to adjust the service and complete the task. You also need to need to make final changes in a proposal if required.