Prostitution is not just a problem with trafficked/kidnapped women and children. There are plenty of prostitutes that have chosen their line of work. Local law
Prostitution is not just a problem with trafficked/kidnapped women and children. There are plenty of prostitutes that have chosen their line of work. Local law enforcement allocates some resources to the problem, but it isn't usually a very high priority other than a periodic crackdown due to public requests. Law enforcement arrests and charges both the prostitute and her client. Law enforcement considers both parties as equally responsible for the crime. However, similar to the problem with those forced into prostitution, some prostitutes suffer serious violence at the hands of clients who don't feel the prostitute will report it. These perpetrators of the violent felonies are of more concern to law enforcement than the act of prostitution that usually doesn't result in extra work for the street officers. Prostitutes have historically been easy targets for serial killers as well. Prostitutes may not report crimes due to the fear of being charged with prostitution, or worse yet, they may face retaliation from their pimp or handler of the organized crime ring they work for.
What should law enforcement do to encourage prostitutes to seek help and/or report aggravated assaults and sexual assaults?
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