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Provide an answer in learning task 9 The guide is provided thank you It Matters because I've Learned today that What I Can Do Learning

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Provide an answer in learning task 9

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It Matters because I've Learned today that What I Can Do Learning Task 9: End it on your own way! Directions: Go back with the story of Broken Hope, if you could change the ending of the story, how would you end it? Write your ending part on your answer sheet. Also, determine the Plot Device and Vision used in the story. Use the table below. Plot Device of the Story Vision of the Story Your Own Ending 73Denouement 2. Point of View 3. Characters 4. Setting 5. Conflict 1. Kaitlin wants to buy a puppy. She goes to the pound and begins looking through the cages for her future pet. At the end of the hallway, she sees a small, sweet brown dog with a white spot on its nose. At that instant, she knows she wants to adopt him. After he receives shots and a medical check, she and the dog, Berkley, go home together. 2. Scott wants to be on the football team, but he's worried he won't make the team. He spends weeks working out as hard as possible, preparing for try outs At try outs, he amazes coaches with his skill as a quarterback. They ask him to be their starting quarterback that year and give him a jersey. Scott leaves the field, ecstaticl Learning Task 5: Read and Appreciate Directions: Read the short story with understanding and appreciation. Broken Hope by Skye Robertson The Doctor hated his job, not all of it but this part. His job is usually so rewarding. He saves people's lives; he gives mothers their children. He is the guardian angel that they pray for. He strides down the hospital halls, his footsteps creating a symphony of righteous and warm music. The walls of the obstetrics center painted 69which hint at the possibility of a sequel. Films with sequel are examples of this. 2. Twist ending is an unexpected finale that gives an entirely new vision on the entire plot. It is a powerful technique but may leave the reader dissatisfied and frustrated. Example: Planet of the Apes. Twist: As Taylor escapes with mute companion Nova (Linda Harrison), he is stunned to discover that he didn't land on a distant planet, he was back on Earth, centuries into the future. 3. Happy ending- a finale when everything ends in the best way for the hero. Example: Since the target audience are the children, Disney Movies have Happy endings. 4. Deus ex machina plot dating back to ancient Greek theater, where the conflict is resolve through a means (god, or dues) that seem unrelated to the story. This allows the author to end the story as desired without following the logic and continuity of the story. For a plot device to be a Deus Ex Machina, it has to satisfy the following conditions: . The plot is facing an impossible and hopeless problem, no existing characters can solve. . A new element is introduced . The element itself usually doesn't have any plot/ character development to set it up . Even if the element was previously mentioned, it was never used in such fashion, or never explained to have such power. . The element is here to solve this problem and disappear again. The element's power was never used to solve other problems, even the situation is similar. . The element is independent of character choices made in the story. Perfect example of Deus ex machina is the Fairy Godmother of Cinderella who helped her during the moment that the reader thought that no one could help the main character. Questions to Ponder: Among the literary techniques and devices presented, which one for you is the most effective? What will be the devices and techniques that you will use in your own fictional story? What's More Learning Task 3: Read and Tell! Directions"Please Doctor Kevorkian tell me there's something we can do, anything please. " Euston's words frantic taking Dr. Kevorkian by the shoulders shaking him. Eyes mad with grief searching his face but seeing the hard lines of bad news yet to come. "There's more the treatment for your cancer," his eyes nervously darted to Cora's. "Is extremely aggressive, you would normally have a high success rate. " Then she'll be okay right she has to be ok. Cora reaches out and touches his hand Looking the doctor hard in the face. "You said normally, what's different here?" Dr. Kevorkian looked at her in grief and unbearable pain. "What's different here is Hope, you can survive the treatment, but she can't. I'm sorry but you have to make a choice." Wait what do you mean we have to make a choice. Euston stands face red in anger, what kind of choice. Cora's eyes fall down already knowing the truth before the Dr. says it. "If your wife gets the chemo Hope will die, but if she doesn't your wife will die. "How do we save her?" "What are you talking about Cora you're not gonna die." Euston yelling at her grabbing her gently tugging. Fully conscious of her condition. "You aren't dying, we can, we can have other kids." Euston chock's out stammering between tears. "No baby we can't, because I can't let Hope die. We've been trying for years we lost faith until God gave us this..... This hope. You have to hold onto her." "Don't say that," Eustons grief torn screech echoes out. "Don't say that I have to take care of her as if it's already been decided." He kneels down by her and rests his head on her stomach. "Don't talk like you're already dead. Please you're all I have." He's racked with sobs as he hugs her swollen belly. Cora looks at the ceiling trying to make the tears fall silently . "Can you hear her?" She whispers silently her voice breaking. "Can you feel her heartbeat? Remember the time I woke up and punched you because I thought you kicked me?" Euston laughs through his tears choking on them. "Not even born yet and still making us fight." He keeps chuckling making Cora smile. Cora grabs his head and looks him right in the eye's. Tears pouring down her face. "Baby you know what I want, and I know what you want, but you have to make the decision. But before you do. Just think of all the moments of happiness she's already given us, Choose." Euston starts crying again before steeling himself He looks at Dr. Kevorkian who had been shifting awkwardly the whole time. "I choose ......" The hill was moving as the pair climbed it. The wind blowing the grass every direction. They walked to the lone headstone and kneeled before it. The man appearing older than he was. Weathered by the storm of pain that makes up the world. He stared at the tombstone no longer prey to tears, but forever filled with grief He squeezes the hand and of his partner .with bright vibrant colors, full of sounds of happiness and joy. The Doctor would walk down the hall full of pride, Standing straight a grin of true content on his face New fathers would greet him with thank you and handshakes. And the mothers, plea Eyes while thankful could not bear to tear their gaze from their new child's face. They just com mumbled thank you as they cried tears of joy. The nurses would give him flirtations looks, and he would send them right back. The interns looked at him like he was a Rockstar, their hero. But not today, today was different. Core she He'd been sitting in his office, about to go see a patient, he was happy. When the he received an email from his friend, a doctor in the oncology department. He'd consulted him to help with the test result for a patient. The patient he was going to see, Cora Brochain and her husband Euston. He picked up a doughnut sitting on and his desk and took a bite while opening the file. He scanned over it looking for one word humming the song Hero by Enrique Iglesias while looking. When he found the I'm one word he abruptly stopped, and his doughnut slipped from his hand. He read the a cl word over and over again and again, Hoping, praying that it was a mistake. He called alr his friend, but their was none. All of the sudden he was being stared in the face by will the only part of his job that he hated. His shoulders slumped his happiness and content gone. He slowly rose from his chair and walked down the hallway that he usually loved so much. But today, the hallway was different. He wasn't smiling, he walked slowly drained of purpose. The walls were a grey and bleak. His footsteps gra echoing down the hall making it sound as if he was being followed, haunted by can ghosts. As the doctor neared the end of the hall he came upon the door. He pauses at the door listening to the sounds of laughter, joy, and love inside. All of this he was about to ruin, he took a deep breath, knocked once, and walked inside. lost Our lives were perfect, my wife Cora Broehain was laying on her back in a hospital bed. Her swollen stomach exposed; her eyes fixed on the screen. Her mouth to parted as she took in our daughter, Hope. Still trapped in Cora's stomach, waiting to his be released. ha try "Ohhhh Euston she's perfect," her voice choked with tears as she looks toward her husband. he "Just like her mama," I lean down and kiss her forehead. Then I kiss her belly. yo "Euston stop," I keep going and she goes from giggling to laughing. She's still laughing when we hear the knock on the door. That single knock signaling the end of good times. Followed by Dr. Kevorkian sweeping in, his coat flapping like the robes of Death himself. Hey Doc," I rose and extended my arm to shake his hand but freezing when I saw him flinch. He started sweating and his eyes shifted between Cora and me. I knew that look, the look a deer gives when trapped in headlights. A look of impending doom, my heart grew heavy and I took my wife's hand. She looked me in the eye trying to discern what's wrong before finally piecing it together. Her shoulder stiffened and her lips pursed, a tear already welling up in her eye. "Euston, Cora I'm afraid I have some bad news," He paused taking a breath composing himself. "Your tests came back..... It's Cancer." "No, No, No please God No," Cora cry's out screeching clawing into her husband's arms. Euston gathers her shaking form barely holding on himself."I think about the choice I made everyday. I play it in my mind, but I still chose you. Every year we come here not just because she died on this day. But because it should remind us that the hard choices in life. The ones that come at a great sacrifice, always have the best reward." He looks down at his partner, "If there's one thing she taught me it would be to never give up Hope. Do you understand sweetheart?" His partner looks up at him and smiles her candy smile. "Yes daddy." Learning Task 6: Go Back with the Fifth Directions: Go back with the story in the previous learning task. After reading the story, arrange the sequence of events to create the plot the story. Use number 1- and write your answers on your answer sheet.When y In fact, it suggests two attitude addressing (your audience) and the other concerning the thing you're talking about (your subject). That's what the term tone means when it's applied to poetry as well. Tone 1. Dream can also mean the general emotional weather of the poem. that o Example: "And the trees all died. They were orange trees I don't know why they Example died, they just died, Something wrong with the sol possibly or maybe the stuff we Ebenezer got from the nursery wasn't the best. We complained about it. So we've got thirty happened in kids there, each kid had his or her own little tree to plant and we've got these thirty and future a 2. Anal dead trees, All these kids looking at these little brown sticks it was depressing. Flash expla Example Questions to Ponder: Can you still recall the novel that you have happens analyzed when you were taking the 21" Century Literature in the Philippines 3. Prole and the World? How was the storyline? Was the author used effectively the Example elements? 4. Prop BEFU B. TECHNIQUES AND LITERARY DEVICES Example A literary device is a technique that shapes narrative to produce an effect on and Ed the reader. It is a literary or linguistic technique that produces a specific effect, esp. the pro a figure of speech, narrative style, or plot mechanism. continu 5. For Plot Device . an object, character or a concept introduced into the story by the author to introduce its plot. Excamp string 1. Flashing arrow technique used to focus the reader's, but not the characters attention on an object, or location. Example: The Shutter ENDING . A man wonders on his consistent neck ache without knowing that he is carrying the ghost all those times. 1. CH den 662. Red herring- it distracts the reader's attention from the plot twist. It is used to maintain tension and uncertainty . Example: Professor Snape of Harry Potter the In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Severus Snape is a red herring, sneaky and behaving suspiciously but not, eventually guilty. In fact, Snape's chequered path through the books is littered with red herrings. Less e to ambiguously, Sirius Black is painted as an evil character, to be feared, which is undermined when he finally meets Harry. 3. Deathtrap device that the villain uses to try to kill the protagonist and satisfy his own sadistic desires. is Example: Different Death scenes in Final Destination stories 4. Reverse chronology- is a technique where the story begins at the end and works back toward the beginning. Example: The White House Story where the story begins at the end and h progressed the story while taking the story backward. 5. 'In medias res'- the narrative starts in the middle of the story instead of from its beginning. Other events are often introduced through a series of with flashbacks. Example: The Odyssey of Homer. The story started in the middle instead of the beginning of the story. Flashbacks were used to introduce the initial events in the story. VISION - character share with the reader visions of the past or the future to explain a character's motives. king 1. Dream sequence- series of dreams which allows the character to see events that occur or have occurred in another time Example: The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Ebenezer Scrooge had a series of dreams which allowed him to see the events happened in another time with the help of the Christmas ghosts of the past, present and future and led him to change his attitude. rty 2. Analepsis (flashback)- prevents events from before the current time frame. Flashbacks are usually presented as characters' memories and are used to explain their background. Example: Titanic. The story used Rose, the main character, to tell the events have happened to Titanic. ines 3. Prolepsis (flash forward)- presents events that will occur in the future. the Example: Final Destination seeing what will happen in the future. 4. Prophecy- is often used in science fiction to underline their futuristic structures . Example: Breaking Dawn's Final Rival Scene between the Volturi and Bella Swan act on and Edward Cullen's family. Alice who has a premonition supernatural presented esp the prophecy, the possible event that can be happened once the action will be continued. 5. Foreshadowing- is a premonition, muck like a flash-forward, but only hints y the at the future. Example: Toy Story 2. The use of Buzz's glass space helmet to ignite the rocket string was foreshadowed when Buzz was accidentally burnt because of the glass acters' lens. 1 . ENDING - refers to story endings he is Cliff-hanger- an abrupt ending that leaves the plot incomplete, without denouement, it often leaves characters in a precarious or difficult situation 67

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