Purcriases, Aceounts Pevable Subsidiary Arcount, and Acrounts Payable Ledger Sterling forest lasdsceping cevgrs and thatats landscaping the iandscape dekighers and office raff use office supplies, whie field wupplies (tock, bark, etc.) are used in the actual landscaping. Purchase: aceount completed by stering focet tandroping during October are as follows Oct: 2. Purchased omice supelies on account trom Meade C0, 14,720 . 5. Purchaved othice equipment on aceount from Peach Computes Co,36,790. 9. Alchases office supplies on acceunt fram Executive Olfice Supply Co, 5490. 13. Purchased field supgles on account frem Yamura Co, 55,370 . 14. Purchated held supples on zcouat trom Omni Co,5710. 17. Fuichased field suppliet on account from Yomurs CO,$12,780. 24. Purchuied field supplies on account from Omini Co, 13,600 . 29. Firchased oftice supplies en account from Excoutive Olice Supply Co, 5320: 31 hurhased field weplet on actount from Omni Co,31,710. Note: Posting references have been provised. gequired 1. Inset the following balances in the penenal ledger as of October is Ater completing the recording of transactions in part 3, post the purchases journal to the accounts in the general ledger, If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank 2. Insert the following balances in the socounts payable subscuary ledger as of October 1 . blank. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUBSIDIARY LEDGER Account: Meade Co. Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Account: Omni Co. Account: Peach Computers Co. Oct. 5 \begin{tabular}{llrr} \hline Oct. 13 & P30 & 5,370 \\ \hline Oct. 17 & P30 & \\ \hline \end{tabular} 3. Bournalize the transsctions for October con chrooslogical orden), using the purchases journal below ( 0 . 30 ) similior to the ene lilustrated in this chapter. Pvst to the oreditor accounts in the acounts pavabie subsidibry ledpe (in purt 2) immediately after ebch entry 4. Pout the purchases fournal to the aceevits in the gtheral ledger (in part 1), If an amount box does not require an entre, leave it blanik. If no other eccount is ncesesd in the "Caher Accobnts Oe" colurnn select "No entry required: 5a. What is the sum of the creditor balances in the subsidiary ledger at October 31 ? 5b. What is the balance of the accounts payable controlling account at October 31 ? 6. What type of e-commerce application would be used to plan and coordinate transactions with suppliers