Python - Lab - Database CRUD - Instructions Write a program to perform database CRUD operations. We are writing all of the code together in class. We can have a menu something like this: Welcome to my database program! Menu : Enter S to get started and create a new database Enter C to create a new row Enter R to retrieve data Enter U to update a row Enter D to delete a row Enter Q to quit the program Enter your choice: Suggested functions below. Feel free to change the code as you like, just be sure to: 1.) offer the same menu options as above 2.) do the CRUD operations 3.) use functions with parameter passing. Function Name Parameters Return Processing General main None Call connect_to_db. Call display_menu. connect_to_db db Connect to the database. conn, Get database cursor. db cursor display_menu db conn, None Loop: Display menu. Ask for user input. If invalid db cursor menu choice, print error message and "try again". If valid, call appropriate function. Commit to the database. Call select_all to display rows. Ask user if want to loop again. Quit loop if user chooses DDL (Data Definition Language) create_table db cursor None Execute SQL: create drop_table db cursor None Execute SQL: drop DML (Data Manipulation Language) (CRUD) insert row db cursor None Ask user for field values. Execute SQL: insert select all db cursor None Execute SQL select without where. Print results. select_row db cursor None Ask user for key. Execute SQL select with where. Print results. update_row db cursor None Ask user for key. Ask user for new field values. Execute SQL: update. delete_row db cursor None Ask user for key. Execute SQL: delete. Note: When executing SQL, we will: 1) Create a variable that contains the SQL statement string. 2) Execute the SQL statement 3) Print a message stating that action was successful