Scenario 2: Which formula do you want to use (1,2,3 or quit) >>>2 Input Dollar Amount ? 7.89 Your change is: Five Dollar Bill: 1 One Dollar Bill: 2 Quarters: 3 Dimes: 1 Nickels: 0 Pennies: 4 (EXIT PROGRAM) Scenario 3: Which formula do you want to use (1,2,3 or quit) >>>3 (EXIT PROGRAM) Which formula do you want to use (1.2.3 or quit) >>> quit (EXIT PROGRAM) Problem 1 - Formula maker v1 30 points Given your success with the converter program, your employer has decided to task you with a more difficult problem. The company needs a utility program that non- programmers can use to calculate different formulas. Your program will ask the user for what formula to use, or will list all of the formulas possible by typing help. Once the formula has been entered and the result computed. Finally, your program must be in a menu driven format Formulas to implement 1)Distance formula 2)Coin Change 3)Quit THE DISTANCE FORMULA d = N *; - *; )"+(- ] Note: Need a Menu for this programe Functions when all possible. Ietiches required. How would you design each solution on paper Examples of program in action! Scenario 1: Which formula do you want to use (1,2,3 or quit) >>> 1 Quadratic Formular: Enter point 1 x? 0 Quadratic Formular Enter point 1 y20 Quadratic Formular Enter point 2 x? 2 ha Quadratic Formular Enter point 2 y? 0 The distance is 2.0 (EXIT PROGRAM) You are one of the two high ranking regional Managers at Kroger and wondered how much money if I were to exchange the number of coins you have in your pocket to the four categories ODNP You then tasked yourself to write this interesting math program in python to decipher the number of coins you will get Be sure that use input can be massive but never Negative! Note: Use Functions when all possible. If-elif-else is required