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Please enter the password: Crypto this is the hash of entered password of12b878966127473291296ec828eab6120275863680ec60@3682821d77fd31 This the hash of our password df12bat89661274c73291296ec828eab61202+5863680ec6003682821d77fd31 The hash matches please continue e. After hash matching, it should ask borrower and lender name, then it check whether both borrower and lender names exist in the blocks or not, if yes, then ask the amount you should transfer, If name does not exist in blocks, it should not perform the transaction and display the message "wrong names, re enter the name/data" 15 Marks Enter your borrower name: Prudvi Enter your lender name: Vamsi Both Borrower and Lender are in block chain please continue f. When user enter the amount, then the amount from the borrower should be deducted and the amount should be added to the lender. If the entered amount is more than the amount existed in the block then it should display the message "Not enough amount, re-enter the amount" 15 Marks Enter the amount of money you want to send: 10 Transaction is complete please check your account g. Now new hash should be generated and blocks should be updated since the transaction is done. 5 Marks. 'i'our required to extend that program by creating a new function called "transaction" which should perform a transaction in between the borrower and lender and a function called password which should create hash for the password entered . The transaction function should contain a. Hardcode your password in the code and create a hash of this variable our_password 5 Marks b. Ask the user if they want to perform the transaction, If user say "'i'es" it should move further for performing transaction otherwise it end with message \"Thank you" 5 Marks c. Ifyes then user have to enter the password, hash should be generated by using the password function you created, this hash and the previous password hash should match. 5 Marks d. If hash doesn't match - Then it should print entered password is wrong 5 Marks