Q2: (1.5 Points Each = 7.5 Points): Identify the potential type of bias in each of these scenarios: Differential Loss to Follow-Up Interviewer Bias Non-Differential Misclassification Differential Misclassification Selection Bias Recall Bias >mpom> 1. Mothers whose children developed leukemia and mothers of healthy children were asked about their alcohol consumption during pregnancy. 2. Researchers conduct a case-control study of hypertension and the risk of hospitalization for COVID- 19. Data on hypertension Is obtained from the medical records for the volunteers hospitalized with COVID-19 (cases). For the volunteers with COVlD-19 who were not hospitalized (controls), hypertension data was obtained by self-repo rt. 3. Study participants in a long-term cohort study no longer participate in the data collection process because they have moved. and the researchers do not have their new addresses in the study database. This happened more often in the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. 4. In a case-control study about workplace safety, researchers asked cases about whether they may have been exposed to hazardous chemicals commonly used at their workplace. For the control group the researchers selected volunteers from another workplace that did not use chemicals. 5. There are multiple researchers questioning study participants about their sexual health histories during interviews throughout a cohort study. They do not use standardized questionnaires, and questions are left to the discretion of the interviewers. Q3: (2 Points): The results of a study are as follows: RR = 3 (95% Cl: 1.78 - 4.01). Interpret the Cl starting with the words, "We are 95% confident that Q4: (2 Points): The results of a study are as follows: RR = 0.90 (95% Cl: 0.50 to 1.20). Should you reject or not reject the null hypothesis? Explain