Question 1 (1 point) J Saved Darcie, a 22 year old woman, comes to you for advice. In January, she attended a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey game downtown. Not surprisingly, the Leafs lost. Fans were upset because although the reality is the team was horrible and hadn't won a Stanley Cup since 1967, they were blaming the referee for a bad call that night which they say caused the Leafs to lose. After the game, and even though it was minus twenty-three outside, people gathered outside. Darcie and a group of friends passed a reporter who was live on TV. Darcie rushed over. grabbed the microphone, shouted "Everybody f@#k off. The referee is an as#%&|e ll!\" into the microphone on live TV, and then rushed off. Unfortunately for her. people on the Intemet have identied Darcie. and they have started sending messages to Darcie's employer, demanding she be red. (For the past 4 years, Darcie has worked as a buyer for a clothing retailer that is 100% owned by Klaudio, a Canadian citizen.) Darcie believes that since (i) she does not deal with the public in her job. and (ii) her attendance at the game had nothing to do with her job, then if her employer res her, it would be violating Darcie's rights to free expression under section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Section 2 of the Charter reads: 2. Everyone has the foiiowing fundamentai freedoms: (b) freedom of thought, beiief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; If Darcie is red solely because of what she shouted into the microphone outside the hockey arena. and the issue of whether her employer has violated Darcie's rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms went to Court, Darcie would likely to win. True or false