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Question 1 Dynamite limited is a private company where a financial performance evaluation is to take place. The management accounting department advised the management to

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Question 1 Dynamite limited is a private company where a financial performance evaluation is to take place. The management accounting department advised the management to use Return on Investment to carry out the exercise. Table below provides the data for 2020 that could be used for the analysis 1.870 8.500 Data items S Cash 24,500 Supplies Account receivable 28.560 Prepaid Expense Inventory 15,800 Plant 120,000 Property 260,000 Equipment 95.000 Accumulated Depreciation 25,000 Equipment Accumulated Depreciation - Property 7.900 Uneamed Revenue 45.000 Sales 145,000 Cost of goods sold 38.500 Operating expenses s Salary expenses 25,800 Supplies Expense 8.400 Utilities expense 12.000 Depreciation Expense 11.300 Rent expense 9,100 Interest Expenses 16.200 Operating Assets for year 2019 330.000 The company is taxed at 18% Show all your calculations REQUIRED 1. Calculate the operating profit (EBIT) for 2020 2. Calculate net income of the current year. 3. Calculate the Average Operating Assets 4. Calculate the ROI using the information on the table 5. Find RO using the two component method (DuPont Analysis! 6. Explain why the two component method of calculating Rol is more useful 7. What component has contributed the most in 2020 to the ROI of this company 8. What are the major weaknesses of ROI

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