Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
The prianary insarer has a quota share treaty with a rensurer as thown below. The his premium is decided as 0.002 of the risk amount (sum insired) reinsurer abcept the 40+ of the sum insured. At the end of the insurance poriod, the amount of lostes is reported as a00j000. How mich will the reinwer recelve as the teinurance premium, which is the value of Y in the table? (uso an integer number for your anwwe, such as 122436 ) 12.5144 II-\$7 P4 11is:PQ thinpse The primary inuzer hss a 40 in qucta share treaty witha ceintirer as shown below? The ribk premiun is becided as 0.002 of the risk amourt \{sum itsire if Thinsuter accept the 400 of the sun insared the she end of the insurance period, the ancuat of towes is reported as 000,000 . How moth does the evinsuree accept the sish, which is the value of X in the table? tuse an intezere nuttiber for yaur answer, such as 123456? The primaryingure has a qucta thare truaty with a reinseser as thown below: The risk premium is decledad 30,002 of the risk ameunt feum insared ? reinsiver socept the 40 in of the eum insued. At the end of the insurance period, the an ount of torses is reported as 800.600. How mach will the reifsurfer recelve as the revinurance prestium, which is the value of Yinthe takiel Luse aninteper number fac your antwer. stach ats 123455 ) (A) Copy of Question 3H All the foibwing are among the advantrges of the yoanly renewable term bases of reinsurahce. BXCEPT: (Read the pasted lecture note "Ch 6 Reinsurance MG's LIe", C16.7-16.9) The primary company enjoys a more rapid growth in assets because it retainta substantial part of the origiaal policy's annual gress piemiumi b The primary company riay not deduct the reserves on reinsured policies foom its overali reserve habilities in the reinsurer is not. licensed in the primary compary c. Yeafy cencwable term insurance is much easier to admanister than is the coinsurance plan. d It is considered more appropriate for participating instirance that offers great flesinity throught tiwe operation of the dividenit formula