Question 1 VARIABLE: 2010 HOMICIDE RATE What is the median for the 2010 HOMICIDE RATE ? (round to two decimal places) Question 2 VARIABLE: 2010
Question 1
What is the median for the 2010 HOMICIDE RATE?
(round to two decimal places)
Question 2
How many observations or cases [N] are included in the 2010 HOMICIDE RATE?
Question 3
What is the mean for the 2010 HOMICIDE RATE?
(round to two decimal places)
Question 4
Does the variable for 2010 HOMICIDE RATE include an outlier?
Group of answer choices
Question 5
What is the standard deviation for the 2010 HOMICIDE RATE?
(round to two decimal places)
Question 6
Create a histogram for the 2010 HOMICIDE RATE (per 1000).
Upload the image of the histogram. If using SPSS - include a distribution line. If using Excel, don't forget to label your histogram (and be careful in choosing your "bin size" (visual categories).
Choose a File
Question 7
Examining the descriptives output for the 1995 HOMICIDE RATE, compare the mean and median.
Group of answer choices
The mean is smaller than the median.
The mean and median are equal.
The mean is larger than the median.
Question 8
Is the distribution for 1995 HOMICIDE RATE significantly skewed?
You will need to calculate this by hand using the formula from lab and lecture. If you are using Excel, the SE of the skew is .337
Group of answer choices
Not enough information
Question 9
Although we are not conducting a statistical test for this question, make a comparison for the means of 1995 HOMICIDE RATE and 2010 HOMICIDE RATE. What trend do you see?
Group of answer choices
The homicide rate is not different; the rates for 1995 and 2010 are the same.
The homicide rate is higher in 1995.
The homicide rate is higher in 2010.
Question 10
Although we are not conducting a statistical test for this question, make a comparison for the standard deviations of 1995 HOMICIDE RATE and 2010 HOMICIDE RATE. What trend do you see?
Group of answer choices
There is more dispersion in the 2010 homicide rates
There is more dispersion in the 1995 Homicide Rates
The amount of dispersion is not different
Question 11
Create and upload a table from the output that includes descriptive statistics (mean, median, range, standard deviation, skew, and kurtosis) for both 1995 & 2010 homicide rates.
You can copy the output into Word or create a table yourself with the important values.
Choose a File
Question 12
Identify the value for the [25th] percentile of the 2010 RAPE RATE variable. (round to two decimal places)
Question 13
Identify the value for the [75th] percentile, of the 2010 RAPE RATE variable. (round to two decimal places)
Page of 2 360 dipend WmRep Voters Capspend Internet Truth That Comarca Poros de Marte 9321.00 13.00 59.20 211.00 00 2.60 1:50 2360 12.10 13.40 9.00 1219.00 2200 64.30 18.80 347.00 1900 2.50 1,30 17.20 6.30 520 6095300 20.30 5385.00 3200 48.00 322.00 84.00 2.50 1.30 2430 1160 11.50 2845.00 19.00 251200 23.00 50.30 169.00 71.00 2.90 180 21.10 13.00 1480372100 3.00 972.00 2700 49.90 381.00 2400 200 1.00 2660 10.70 10.605893100 E7.50 1006900 38.00 64.50 278.00 83.00 200 100 24 50 5.20 8.90 55430100 22.00 14099.00 3200 61.30 259.00 32.00 0.70 24.30 6.70 6703400 15.90 14612.00 2600 6160 366.00 79.00 2.10 130 2360 6.0 7.10 5686000 20.90 937400 2400 $8.50 345.00 30.00 260 130 25.10 9.30 10.70 46736.00 10690.00 15:20 19.00 55.00 224.00 80.00 220 1.20 26.00 10.00 12.70 47590.00 2040 13417.00 33 00 45.70 239.00 79.00 2.20 1 10 25 50 3.0 6409800 230.00 26.00 5890 200.00 84.00 2.50 150 1980 7.70 904612600 25.10 1101100 28:00 57.20 317.00 80.00 1.90 0290 28.00 9,90 5396600 16.30 10514.00 2100 57.40 175.00 75.00 2.00 090 22.90 7.10 30.045424.00 10115.00 2300 67.40 197.00 30.00 2.00 1 20 150 7.00 7.700 11324.00 30:00 58.90 24400 $5.00 190 30 18.50 6.20 9,00 4781700 2010 17.00 16.00 55.80 18.00 72.00 250 10 2260 1150 14.60 40072.00 11412.00 16.00 5090 277.00 75 00 1 80 16.00 3:30 42492.00 12.60 14576.00 20:00 70.00 176.00 12.00 1.00 110 22.90 6.60 8.30513000 14325.00 31.00 61,20 317.00 33.00 1.70 1.00 31.30 6.50 61069272.00 1610 15502.00 26.00 60.80 282.00 14.00 1:30 0.60 27.30 7.10 7.00 8100 14.10 118700 2500 65.70 23300 8100 1.90 0.00 2.5.10 7.70 1604525500 3.60 11600 35.00 23.30 272.00 83.00 1.50 0.70 22.50 5:10 70055618.00 150 7814.00 59.40 1996.00 71.00 3.10 1:20 23.60 14.20 17.30 646.00 9315.00 2200 64.70 238.00 78.00 220 23:20 7.70 10.305229.00 11.70 180.00 26.00 65.60 215.00 75.00 2.50 2.00 9.50 9.90 42322.00 100600 20.00 60.10 202.00 83.00 1.90 1.20 17.90 6.50 8.404735200 7777.00 3200 49.90 385.00 35 00 3.00 1 20 23.10 6.90 900533400 13130.00 69.20 225.00 86.00 1.60 6.90 25.70 150 50 6056700 15983.00 23.00 353.00 33 00 1.50 0.80 2.80 600 7.00 68342.00 10819.00 30.00 56.10 304.00 77.00 3.10 1.40 21.60 14.20 13.60 302200 19.90 14429.00 24.00 5140 393.00 79.00 210 0.90 31.40 10.10 10.00 $469.00 14.80 9175.00 26.00 61.50 225.00 7700 1.30 23.20 9.60 11 436 14.00 19.00 10805.00 16.00 63.50 166.00 80.00 190 1.70 16.60 8.10 660 47827.00 27.30 10795.00 22.00 54.90 258.00 78.00 180 0.90 22.80 2.40 15.0 11.10 5.19500 249.00 11 00 53.40 200.00 77.00 190 160 20.50 1100 22:40 12.10 4166400 11501.00 29.00 62.0 259.00 16.00 2.20 1.10 22.10 950 980 48457.00 18.10 12165.00 15.00 6150 215.00 100 78.00 120 25.00 1030 7.80 3.60 49520.00 16127.00 57.0 222.00 311.00 110 00 100 23.20 15210 350 8160 54119.00 1000100 10.00 20500 74.00 250 180 23.20 12.90 242.00 15. 9243.00 6300 171.00 20.00 11.00 2.0 1.40 8.40 16.70 9.00 4504100 20:30 900-100 34.70 19.00 221.00 72.00 2.50 140 2400 13 10 41725.00 10.50 9143.00 45.10 24 00 220.00 R0.00 2.10 130 240 12.30 20 40 13 40 482000 81410 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DENT 0 BO TOPOTE OSE O BT 2 055 95 06 O andee 099 EX OF OF O Oct OE EE DE ET 055 OV Page of 2 360 dipend WmRep Voters Capspend Internet Truth That Comarca Poros de Marte 9321.00 13.00 59.20 211.00 00 2.60 1:50 2360 12.10 13.40 9.00 1219.00 2200 64.30 18.80 347.00 1900 2.50 1,30 17.20 6.30 520 6095300 20.30 5385.00 3200 48.00 322.00 84.00 2.50 1.30 2430 1160 11.50 2845.00 19.00 251200 23.00 50.30 169.00 71.00 2.90 180 21.10 13.00 1480372100 3.00 972.00 2700 49.90 381.00 2400 200 1.00 2660 10.70 10.605893100 E7.50 1006900 38.00 64.50 278.00 83.00 200 100 24 50 5.20 8.90 55430100 22.00 14099.00 3200 61.30 259.00 32.00 0.70 24.30 6.70 6703400 15.90 14612.00 2600 6160 366.00 79.00 2.10 130 2360 6.0 7.10 5686000 20.90 937400 2400 $8.50 345.00 30.00 260 130 25.10 9.30 10.70 46736.00 10690.00 15:20 19.00 55.00 224.00 80.00 220 1.20 26.00 10.00 12.70 47590.00 2040 13417.00 33 00 45.70 239.00 79.00 2.20 1 10 25 50 3.0 6409800 230.00 26.00 5890 200.00 84.00 2.50 150 1980 7.70 904612600 25.10 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