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Which of the following is NOT true about an employees decision to leave their employment? Once an employee decides to quit, offering a significant pay

Which of the following is NOT true about an employee’s decision to leave their employment?

Once an employee decides to quit, offering a significant pay raise will likely result in them remaining employed with the organization

The decision to quit is influenced significantly by the availability of desirable job alternatives

People are more likely to stay with their current job when they perceive high economic and psychological costs of quitting

Some employees are simply more likely than others to leave organizations


Organizations seeking to increase employee embeddedness:

should more frequently conduct job analysis on employee positions

should provide enjoyable work, strong promotional opportunities and good benefits

should ensure that employees work standardized work hours so balancing work and family responsibilities is possible

should have a strong policy that discourages employee associations outside of work hours

1 points

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT likely to reduce turnover?

Developing fair pay practices

The establishment of quick and fair grievance procedures

Providing growth and promotion opportunities

The use of idealistic job previews

Employee withdrawal:

occurs when employers use effective means such as exit interviews to gather information from departing employees

results in short-term increases in productivity as an employee tries to make a decision about remaining with an employer

results in an employee feeling less obligated to work for their organization’s success

most all the time results in the employee leaving the organization


Which of the following is NOT a dimension of job satisfaction?

Satisfaction with job fulfillment

Satisfaction with security

Satisfaction with pay

Satisfaction with social relationships in the organization


Which of the following is NOT true about computer-based socialization?

Computer-based socialization is as effective as in person socialization for conveying information about an organization’s goals, politics and people

Computer-based socialization results in lower levels of employee satisfaction

Computer-based socialization results in lower levels of employee commitment

Computer-based socialization is not helpful in developing social relationships in the organization


Benefits of an emphasis on employee retention include all of the following EXCEPT:

reduced recruiting expenses.

retaining employees supports HR strategy, regardless of an organization’s strategy.

employees have a sense of security that persuades them to work for slightly lower wages than they may be able to earn elsewhere.

employee retention helps build a workforce with unique skills.


People are more likely to leave an organization:

when the organization has programs that support diversity

when job satisfaction surveys are used

when they are risk averse

when they perceive that they are very different from other members of the organization


Functional turnover:

occurs when an employee whose performance is at least adequate voluntarily quits

occurs when low performing employees quit

occurs when all turnover is low

occurs when high performing employees remain employed


Severance compensation

is only given if an employee agrees not to file a lawsuit after dismissal

is only given if an employee agrees not to file a discrimination complaint

provides money to an employee to help cover living expenses during a period of unemployment

is usually paid during the dismissal meeting so it is easier to dismiss an employee and to allow the employee to save face


Which of the following is NOT true about an employee’s decision to leave their employment?

Once an employee decides to quit, offering a significant pay raise will likely result in them remaining employed with the organization

The decision to quit is influenced significantly by the availability of desirable job alternatives

People are more likely to stay with their current job when they perceive high economic and psychological costs of quitting

Some employees are simply more likely than others to leave organizations


Dysfunctional turnover:

occurs when a low performing employee remains employed with the organization

occurs when a high performing member of the organization quits

occurs when any employee who is a member of the organization quits

occurs when a high performing member of the organization remains employed


Which question below is an example of a question that might be asked in a behavioral interview?

What would you do if you were offered money by a customer to write off the amount owed the company?

How would you respond to a customer shouting at you?

Tell us about your prior work preparing and monitoring a unit budget.

How do you feel about working overtime during the tax season?


Biographical data or biodata measures:

can be indicators of physical and mental ability

should not be used as indicators of interpersonal skill or leadership

have only been in use recently

are weak predictors of success in sales jobs


Which of the following is most concerned with a selection method’s cost-effectiveness?






Which of the following is NOT true about structured interviews?

It is superior to unstructured interviews

All candidates are asked a set of predetermined questions identified in advance

It is not as effective or valid as unstructured interviews

It can be effective in reducing the biasing effect of applicant impression management

1 points

Question 17

What is the best predictor of individual performance in a work context?

Verbal reasoning

Quantitative problem solving

Performance in a panel interview

General mental ability


Hiring short-term generalists:

is consistent with the Free Agent HR strategy

is consistent with the Bargain Laborer HR strategy

is consistent with the Committed Expert HR strategy

means that new employees have multiple skills and knowledge and perform key jobs in the organization


Progressive discipline

provides successively more severe punishment for each occurrence of negative behavior

always has a follow-up action

never results in termination of employment

always results in termination of employment


Which of the following is NOT true about an employee’s decision to leave their employment?

Once an employee decides to quit, offering a significant pay raise will likely result in them remaining employed with the organization

The decision to quit is influenced significantly by the availability of desirable job alternatives

People are more likely to stay with their current job when they perceive high economic and psychological costs of quitting

Some employees are simply more likely than others to leave organizations


Which of the following is a common problem with progressive discipline?

A pattern of constructive discipline

An inappropriate channel is used

Supervisors are sometimes unwilling to take the first step in the process

Employee appeals delay implementation



begins during the job analysis process

is best accomplished outside of work hours

should not occur between an employee and supervisor

is the process through which a new employee acquire knowledge and behaviors needed to be a member of an organization

1 points

Question 23

Most progressive discipline systems include the following steps:

written warning, suspension, discharge, and appeal of discharge

verbal warning by first level supervisor, verbal warning by second level supervisor, written warning by second level supervisor, and discharge

verbal warning, suspension, discharge and appeal of discharge

verbal warning, written warning, suspension and final written warning that a repeat of behavior will result in discharge

1 points

Question 24

Which of the following is NOT true about employee dismissal?

Employees should be dismissed on Friday so they have the weekend with family and friends to help them recover

It is important to tell an employee directly that he or she is being dismissed

Outplacement services help employees who have been dismissed to copy with job loss

Severance compensation provides money to an employee as part of a dismissal package

1 points

Question 25

Which of the following would NOT help minimize the negative effects of layoffs?

Identify the business need

Involve HR staff

Identify past work

Analyze adverse impact

1 points

Question 26

Progressive discipline

provides successively more severe punishment for each occurrence of negative behavior

always has a follow-up action

never results in termination of employment

always results in termination of employment

1 points

Question 27

An organization pursuing a Loyal Soldier HR strategy:

is not concerned with employee separations

usually puts little emphasis on employee retention

can benefit from employee separations

seeks to manage employee separations

1 points

Question 28

Outplacement services:

are usually paid for by an employee union

are generally more effective if an outside firm is employed

are generally more effective if provided by the organization’s human resource professionals

are not allowed to include actual job leads

1 points

Question 29

For an organization with a Free Agent HR strategy:

the organization seeks to attract a large number of applicants who may have the characteristics that are needed to perform the specific job.

some employee turnover is desirable, since those who leave can be replaced by individual with more-up-to-date knowledge and skills.

employee retention is of primary importance for the organization.

the organization emphasizes employee commitment to avoid turnover.

1 points

Question 30

Which of the following is NOT true about an employee’s decision to leave their employment?

Once an employee decides to quit, offering a significant pay raise will likely result in them remaining employed with the organization

The decision to quit is influenced significantly by the availability of desirable job alternatives

People are more likely to stay with their current job when they perceive high economic and psychological costs of quitting

Some employees are simply more likely than others to leave organizations

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The detailed answer for the above question is provided below Question 1 Once an employee decides to quit offering a significant pay raise will likely result in them remaining employed with the organization This is not true as the decision to quit is influenced by many factors such as the availability of desirable job alternatives the perceived economic and psychological costs of quitting and the individuals tendency to leave organizations Question 2 The use o f idealistic job previews This is not likely to reduce turnover as it may actually lead to higher levels of turnover if employees have unrealistic expectations of their job Question 3 Employee w ithdrawal occurs when employers use effective means such as exit interviews to gather information from departing employees This is not true as employee withdrawal occurs when an employee begins to feel less obligated to work for their organizations success and is often a precursor to leaving the organization Question 4 Satisfac t i on with security This is not a dimension of job satisfaction as job satisfaction is more related to satisfaction with the job itself and factors such as pay benefits and growth opportunities Question 5 Computer b ased socialization is as effective as in person socialization for conveying information about an organizations goals politics and people This is not true as computerbased socialization is not as effective in developing social relationships in the organization as inperson socialization Question 6 Organiza t i ons seeking to increase employee embeddedness should more frequently conduct job analysis on employee positions This is not true as organizations should focus on providing enjoyable work strong promotional opportunities good benefits and a strong policy to discourage employee associations outside of work hours Question 7 Retainin g employees supports HR strategy regardless of an organizations strategy This is not true as an emphasis on employee retention can help build a workforce with unique skills reduce recruiting expenses and help align the HR strategy with the organizations strategy Question 8 People a r e more likely to leave an organization when they perceive that they are very different from other members of the organization This is true as employees are more likely to stay when they feel they fit in and can relate to their peers Question 9 Function a l turnover occurs when a high performing member of the organization quits This is not true as functional turnover occurs when an employee whose performance is at least adequate voluntarily quits Question 10 Severan c e compensation is usually paid during the dismissal meeting so it is easier to dismiss an employee and to allow the employee to save face This is not true as severance compensation is usually provided to help cover living expenses during a period of unemployment Question 11 Once an e mployee decides to quit offering a significant pay raise will likely result in them remaining employed with the organization This is not true as the decision to quit is influenced by many factors such as the availability of desirable job alternatives the perceived economic and psychological costs of quitting and the individuals tendency to leave organizations Question 12 Dysfunc t i onal turnover occurs when any employee who is a member of the organization quits This is not true as dysfunctional turnover occurs when a low performing employee remains employed with the organization Question 13 What wo u l d you do if you were offered money by a customer to write off the amount owed the company This is an example of a question that might be asked in a behavioral interview as it requires the applicant to demonstrate how they would handle a difficult situation Question 14 Biograp h i cal data or biodata measures can be indicators of physical and mental ability This is true as biodata measures have been used to measure physical and mental ability as well as interpersonal skill and leadership Question 15 Which o f the following is most concerned with a selection methods costeffectiveness Utility is most concerned with a selection methods costeffectiveness as it measures how much the selection method costs compared to the benefit it yields Question 16 It is n o t as effective or valid as unstructured interviews This is not true as structured interviews can be more effective and valid than unstructured interviews as they help to reduce the biasing effect of applicant impression management Question 17 What is t he best predictor of individual performance in a work context General mental ability is the best predictor of individual performance in a work context as it is a measure of a persons overall cognitive abilities Question 18 Hiring s h ortterm generalists is consistent with the Free Agent HR strategy This is true as the Free Agent HR strategy is focused on hiring shortterm generalists who can provide the necessary skills for a specific job or project Question 19 Progres s i ve discipline always has a followup action This is true as progressive discipline involves providing successively more severe punishments for each occurrence of negative behavior and always has a followup action such as a written warning or suspension Question 20 Once an e mployee decides to quit offering a significant pay raise will likely result in them remaining employed with the organization This is not true as the decision to quit is influenced by many factors such as the availability of desirable job alternatives the perceived economic and psychological costs of quitting and the individuals tendency to leave organizations Question 21 Super visors are sometimes unwilling to take the first step in the process This is a common problem with progressive discipline because supervisors may be uncertain about how to properly implement the process and may also be reluctant to take the necessary corrective action Question 22 Sociali z at i o n is the pro cess throu gh wh ich a n ew emplo yee a cquire knowl edge and be h av i o r s needed to be a member of an organ iz a t io n This is th e correc t a nswer a s socia lizati on i s the proc ess throug h w hich a ne w empl oyee lea rns the know le d g e and be haviors necess ary to integrat e in t o an or ganizat i on a nd bec ome a f unct ioni ng member Question 23 Verbal w ar n i ng by fi rst level supe rvi so r verb al warni ng by second leve l superviso r w r i tten war nin g by second l evel superv is o r and discharge This i s t he co rr e c t ans wer as mos t progress ive discip lin e sys tems invol ve a ser ies of steps s t arting w ith verb al war nings by first a n d s e cond l evel su p er v i so rs a nd then mov ing to a writ ten warn in g by the second level supervis or and t hen i f n e cessar y t o a di scharge Question 24 Employe e s s h ould be dism issed on F rid ay so the y have t he we ekend with f amily and f r ie n d s to help th em recover This is not t r u e as there is no rule th at emplo ye e s shou ld be dism issed on a ny particu lar day of t he wee k Question 25 Identif y p a s t wor k Thi s is not t rue a s ident ifying p ast w ork does not help minim i ze t h e negati ve effects of la yoffs It i s i m po rtant to ident ify the bus iness n e e d in volve HR s taff and analyze ad ver se im pact to mi nimiz e t he e ffects o f l a yoffs Question 26 Provide s s u c cessi vel y mo re severe pun is hment f or each occur rence of neg ative behav i or This is the correct answ er as progr es s i ve discipline in volves p rov iding i n c reasi ngly s ever e punishme nts for ea ch occur renc e of n egati ve beha vior Question 27 Seeks t o m a n age e mpl oyee separatio ns This is the cor rect answer as an organizati o n p u r suing a Loy al Soldier HR strategy s ee k s t o manage emplo yee sepa rat ions Question 28 Are usu a ll y paid for by an employe e u ni on Th is is no t tru e as outplac ement servi c es a r e typica lly paid for by the organiz ... blur-text-image
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