QUESTION 2) (0 pts) AlSadiq Investment Holding Company is a listed company operating in the Middle It Below table shows the equity Investments of AlSadiq and extracted from 2021 Consolidated Balance Sheet of the company Principal activities Xof Participation 2021 2020 Manamenten 2021 Company Countered investment jri Dairy and Kuwait Food Stuff Manufacturing of dary and food products 5 10 Sellson Not sure to hold or se 347 15 Hold for years Sello SIS 40.74 Al Hamdan Plastics Manufacturing of plastic materials Company AlHout Kingdom of Industries Saudi Trading of chemical of plastic Company Arabia materials Allasim Chemical Kuwait Trading of medical supplies Company Hold for years old for years 60 60 Hold for years old for years Using the data given in the table indicate whether the following statements are True or False antify your you just say True or folie, you will not in any points. You need to your wer providing attestano mi 25 w for eachem a The value of AlHouth Industries Company is included in the non-current assets of 2001 Consolidated Balance Sheet of AlSadiq. True or False justify The value of assim Chemical Company investment is included in the non-current of 2021 Consolidated Balance Sheet of Sadio True or False? Justify The value of Allar Dairy and Food Stuff is included in "Available for sale financial assets in the concurrent assets of 2020 Consolidated Balance Sheet of AlSadiq, True or Fabiustify d) Aladi has significant influence on Allout Industries Company in 2020. True or Feltity. e) The value of Allardan Plastics Company is included in the westment in associates in the non-current assets of 2021 Consolidated Balance Sheet of Aladiq. True or False justify 11 INE 17 QUESTION 4) (30 pts) Below tables are 2020 annual balance sheet and income statement of a company listed in Boursa Kuwait. Using the data in the tables answer the questions Neste pofter 10 arur Owl TRE C A. Bu Tum I WWW HET 21A 11 W WO INT 1 ELIT TU 4 HUR Tu DU LIMI + w w 18 De www 1 UM TRE HT har Nec New . FI 1114 WE 18 FALS BI TH RI 101 175116 19. La pri 12.110 57.013 Acash and other credit balance 19 107 ILOR 12 Total liabilities 30 Totale diables 108 111373 107.5.2013 Condated test of ritorn for the founda yered December 31, 2018 2030 2019 35.075 IND 1.2018 (LU 6314 23.111 W.2001 03.15 3533 5. 7773 30 21 Rave Cost of Gespre Gewilde Otherine Rate Cash dividende Chaise for although we offer Espered Impre of good Deposit Fechar Net wyprudle for the year before aktig of National pues and Board of directory Na La Sport Boud of Nelspruit for the year 10,11 . (47.100) (1.43.73 00 70.00 MIN LAST TAN CM a) Although company combined accounts receivables and other debit balances in one line item in the balance sheet (see Current Assets), what should be the main difference between accounts receivables and other debit balances? (Write a min. of 20 words) (5 pts) b) Calculate the percentage of assets devoted to cash and cash equivalents in 2019 and 2020 (Show the calculations otherwise you will not gain any points) (10 pts). Calculate the percentage of change in "Revenue from Contracts and the change in "Accounts receivables and debit balances" from 2019 to 2020 separately. (Show the calculation otherwise you will not gain any point) (10 pes) d) Considering your answer for (c) indicate whether the change in receivables relative to change in revenue is favorable or not and comment on the trend depending on at least one possible reason. (Write min of 30 words) 15 pts) N QUESTION 4) (30 pts) Below tables are 2020 annual balance sheet and income statement of a company listed in Boursa Kuwait. Using the data in the tables answer the questions ested in the 1,10 A lo Ow TE SIRLASH LIS Crew . Amen Bu HOW SARAN 21 11 W TWEET LIVE E www 11 WO INT ET 1 Der e) LT RE LINE LINAH M Le FIL PE TRE 18 RI 101 DO THE 175116 19 Last- 12.110 57.013 Acash dhe banen 19 07 31. URI) Total liabilities 70 Totality and liabilities 108 011373 103.5.00 Corted soform for the financial yeared December 2010 2030 2019 35.075 IND 1.0.2 7.50 1149 W.2011 0 ITE 773 30 21 Revue Cou Gespre a nilaa Otherine Rentom Cash dividende Cengine for although we offer Espered Limpient of good Deposit 10,11 . 2.00 (1.4 18.00 MIN 7.000 46.63 TAN Netwyprudle for the year before kiegel Natale Spures sed Board of directe National La Sport Bord of Nelspruit for the year CM a) Although company combined accounts receivables and other debit balances in one line item in the balance sheet (see Current Assets), what should be the main difference between accounts receivables and other debit balances? (Write a min. of 20 words) (5 pts) b) Calculate the percentage of assets devoted to cash and cash equivalents in 2019 and 2020 (Show the calculations otherwise you will not gain any points) (10 pts). c) Calculate the percentage of change in "Revenue from Contracts and the change in "Accounts receivables and debit balances" from 2019 to 2020 separately. (Show the calculation otherwise you will not pain any point) (10 pes) d) Considering your answer for (c) indicate whether the change in receivables relative to change in revenue is favorable or not and comment on the trend depending on at least one possible reason. Write min of 30 words) (5 pts) N