QUESTION 4 4.1 Refer to the text "Divorce Case" (Peta Teanet) on page 86 in Learning unit 4 of your study guide and do all questions (i.e. 1,2,3) in Activity 4.7. (8) 4.2 Section 179 of the Constitution of South Africa states that "a National Director of Public Prosecutions, who is the head of the prosecuting authority; and is appointed by the President" Trace the different individuals who served as National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP) since 1994 and their relationships with the various Presidents at the time. In this light, discuss the "power" of the office of the NDPP in relation to nepotism, corruption and state capture. (4) QUESTION 5 Mr Mahlobogwane, an attorney at Mahlobogwane Attorneys Inc, arranges an account for his client, MacBuff Phosa of Buffer Safaris (Pty) Ltd, on the following basis: Every letter written R277 Every letter received R123 Drafting of summons R1044 Drafting of an affidavit R69, 50 per page or any part thereof Telephonic consultations R147,50 per 15 minutes or any part thereof Consultation R948,70 per 30 minutes or any part thereof Stamps R9.40 VAT excl VAT @ 15% During the past month Mahlobogwane Attorneys rendered the following services: Received 12 letters Wrote and posted 11 letters Drafted 3 summonses Drafted three affidavits: 1 consisting of 6 pages, 1 consisting of 31/2 pages and 1 consisting of 61/2 pages Consulted twice telephonically: first for 28 minutes and later 19 minutes Consultation twice: first for 33 minutes and later for 1 hour and 32 minutes Instructed an Advocate, Mac Mafarani, to draft a document. The Advocate charged R3660,50 VAT excl Client went to Makankane Medi-Clinic in Topanama to consult a doctor, and source out a medico-legal report. The doctor charged R7 780.50 VAT excl. annlnar'lad hv Smart7 Mligin 07R {mnfgllnitghpanRmnmr-Iil nnm1