Question #5
10 AutoSave OFF W CRJU 4005 Homework 6 assignment - Saved to my Mac Q . Search in Document Home Insert Design Layout References Mailings Review View Share v Friends: 7 friends . Morals: score of 16 with multiple regression output provided below, interpret the regression equation using Does the formula provided (the model) explain anything different than chance? II. How much variation in the dependent variable is explained by with me Do any of our independent variables have statistically significant effects on our dependent variable? V. If there are any statistically significant slopes (bl, then Interpret the numerical values of that/those b. Interpret 'S according to "the bigger the Beta the better" rule. Output The results of a multivarlate regression analysis predicting juve and biological sex are below. quency based on age Model summary Medel Summary Adjusted Std. tmar of the Model R Square 1 658 431 a. Predictor [Constant), morally wrong scale, hauta watch ty per week, parental supervision scale, frierch behavior ANOVA Regression 239.723 Residual 1267 Total Model Sum of Square Mean Square Regremion 844235.405 211051.351 235.731 1215423.915 1267 2353623 130 1371 . Dependent Variable: Sims I delinquency scale b. Predictorx (Corntart), morally wrong scale, hours watch tv per week, Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model Stad. Error B leanstanti 87 890 9.100 9.659 000 TV -063 068 -.020 928 353 -3.503 667 -423 5.253 000 Friends 5.603 34.451 000 Starals 4551 384 Standardland Confident 3:8. Enter [Corntant) 5.100 hours watch to per work -.063 353 parental supervision scale -123 37: 34.451 morally wrong scale -306 900 Bart Variable: Sims 1 delinquency acake Page 2 of 4 779 words X English (United States) E Focus - + 65%