Question 9 10 Which one of these statements displays the following countries from the orders table? 8 Results BH Messages ShipCity Ship Country 1 San Cristbal Venezuela 2 Graz Austria 3 Albuquerque USA 4 Graz Austria 5 Caracas Venezuela 6 Seattle USA 7 Lander USA 8 Albuquerque USA 9 Barquisimeto Venezuela Albuquerque USA 5 10 SELECT ShipCity. Ship Costry FROM Orders WHERE Ship Country Like "A%A': SELECT ShipCity. Ship Country FROM Orders WHERE Ship Country Like '%A': SELECT ShipCity. Ship Country FROM Orders WHERE Ship Country Like A' SELECT ShipCity. Ship Country FROM Orders WHERE Ship Country Like A) Question 3 Which of the following statements pulls all the orders between the given dates? Results pl Messages OrderID Customer D Order Date 1 10806 VICTE 1997-12-31 00:00:00.000 2 10807 FRANS 1997-12-31 00:00:00.000 3 10808 OLDWO 1998-01-01 00:00:00.000 4 10809 WELLI 1998-01-01 00:00:00.000 5 10810 LAUGB 1998-01-01 00:00:00.000 SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, Order Date FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN '1997-12-31' AND '1998-05-04 ORDER BY Order Date O SELECT OrderID, CustomerID. Order Date FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate THROUGH 1997-12-31' AND 1998-05-04 ORDER BY Order Date: SELECT Orderid. Customer D. Order Date FROM Orders WHERE Order Date THROUGH 1997-12-31 AND 1998-05-04 ORDER BY Order Date: O SELECT OrderID, Customer D, Order Date FROM Orders WHERE Order Date BETWEEN 1997-12-31 DATEDIFF (1998-05-04 ORDER BY Order Date: U Question 4 Which of the following statements will display the result set below? Resus Messages Order Unit Price QuantityOrder Total 1 10462 4.80 1 4.80 2 10281 7.30 1 7:30 3 10420 4.80 2 9.60 4 10850 250 4 10.00 5 10782 12.50 1 12.50 6 10623 450 3 13.50 7 11038 7.00 2 14.00 O SELECT OrderID, UnitPrice Quantity. UnitPrice Quantity AS OrderTotal From Order Details ORDER BY Order Total DESC O SELECT Order D. UnitPrice. Quantity, UnitPrice" Quantity AS Order Total From (Order Details ORDER BY OrderTotal: SELECT Order, UnitPrice Quantity, UnitPrice Quantity AS OrderTotal From [Order Details ORDER BY Quantity DESC: SELECT Order UnitPrice Quantity UnitPrice Quantity AS OrderTotal From Order Details ORDER BY Orderrota Question 5 10 pts