Question Figure Q2 shows Euclid's algorithm which finds the Greatest Common Denominator (GCD For further details about Eaclid's algorithm and mathematical considerations, you may Figure 02 (a) Using Figure Q2 employ Flowgorithm softhware to gemerate a program in Python and another in a programming language of your choice. Run both programs screen capture of the traces to prove your result. You should have tested the programs sufficiently and verify whether they prodace the same results. Use the Write comments on the program in another language to demonstrate your understanding of the semantic of the program and of Euclid's algorithm. (8 marks) (b) Make changes to the algorithm given above Add a counter in the loop. The counter will count the number of inerations a program using algorithm takes to output the god Reduce the nusber of iterations Reduce the mumber of iterations it takes to find the god. For this change, you must make at least THREE (3) postings So a discussion group to agge members the group to arrive at the answer to ve the efficiency of the algorithm Your posting could be a suggestion, a caution, an elaboration, an agreement etc. Each positing should be accompanied with reasons,e.g, how your sugpestion helps etc. ) Study the discussion to arrive at your version of an impeoved flowchart for the required changes As usual, all solutions must be your pensonal effort, from your personal Question Figure Q2 shows Euclid's algorithm which finds the Greatest Common Denominator (GCD For further details about Eaclid's algorithm and mathematical considerations, you may Figure 02 (a) Using Figure Q2 employ Flowgorithm softhware to gemerate a program in Python and another in a programming language of your choice. Run both programs screen capture of the traces to prove your result. You should have tested the programs sufficiently and verify whether they prodace the same results. Use the Write comments on the program in another language to demonstrate your understanding of the semantic of the program and of Euclid's algorithm. (8 marks) (b) Make changes to the algorithm given above Add a counter in the loop. The counter will count the number of inerations a program using algorithm takes to output the god Reduce the nusber of iterations Reduce the mumber of iterations it takes to find the god. For this change, you must make at least THREE (3) postings So a discussion group to agge members the group to arrive at the answer to ve the efficiency of the algorithm Your posting could be a suggestion, a caution, an elaboration, an agreement etc. Each positing should be accompanied with reasons,e.g, how your sugpestion helps etc. ) Study the discussion to arrive at your version of an impeoved flowchart for the required changes As usual, all solutions must be your pensonal effort, from your personal