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Read 2.2 The Financial Crisis in Gitman and Zutter. Discuss the root causes of the crisis and damages that it caused to society as a

Read 2.2 "The Financial Crisis" in Gitman and Zutter. Discuss the root causes of the crisis and damages that it caused to society as a whole. In hindsight, explain the specific lessons that can be learned for the government, for the banks and other lenders as well as for the individual borrower. What ethical issues did the banks and lenders face? What, if any responsibility did the individual have? Find at least one fact-based article about the crisis to support your answers; be sure to cite the article/s in your response. Cite your sources properly in APA format (both in-text and reference entries).
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2.2 The Financial Crisis LG 4 In the summer and fall of 2008, the U.S. financial system, and financial systems around the world, ap- peared to be on the verge of collapse. Troubles in the financial sector spread to other industries, and a severe global recession ensued. In this section, we outline some of the main causes and consequences of that crisis. Financial Institutions and Real Estate Finance In the classic film It's a Wonderful Life, the central character is George Bailey, who runs a financial in- stitution called the Bailey Building and Loan Associ- ation. In a key scene in that movie, a bank run is about to occur, and depositors demand that George return the money that they had invested in the Building and Loan. George pleads with one man to keep his funds at the bank, saying: You're thinking of this place all wrong, as if I have the money back in a safe. The money's not here. Your money is in Joe's house. That's right next to yours--and then the Kennedy house, and Mrs. Maklin's house, and a hundred others. You're lend- ing them the money to build, and then they're going to pay it back to you as best they can. What are you going to do, foreclose on them? This scene offers a relatively realistic portrayal of the role that financial institutions played in allocating credit for investments in residential real estate for many years. Local banks took deposits and made loans to local borrowers. However, since the 1970s, a process called securitization has changed the way that mortgage finance works. Securitization refers to the process of pooling mortgages or other types of loans and then selling claims or securities against that pool in a secondary market. These se- curities, called mortgage-backed securities D, can be purchased by individual investors, pension funds, mutual funds, or virtually any other investor. As homeowners repay their loans, those payments eventually make their way into the hands of in- vestors who hold the mortgage-backed securities. Therefore, a primary risk associated with mortgage- backed securities is that homeowners may not be able to, or may choose not to repay their loans. Banks today still lend money to individuals who want to build or purchase new homes, but they typi- cally bundle those loans together and sell them to organizations that securitize them and pass them on to investors all over the world. securitization The process of pooling mortgages or other types of loans and then selling claims or securities against that pool in the secondary market. mortgage-backed securities mortgage-backed securities Securities that represent claims on the cash flows generated by a pool of mortgages. Falling Home Prices and Delinquent Mortgages Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, most investors viewed mortgage-backed securities as relatively safe investments. Figure 2.2 illustrates one of the main reasons for this view. The figure shows the behavior of the Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller In- dex, a barometer of home prices in ten major U.S. cities, in each month from January 1987 to February 2013. Historically, declines in the index were rela- tively infrequent, and between July 1995 and April 2006 the index rose continuously without posting even a single monthly decline. When house prices are rising, the gap between what a borrower owes on a home and what the home is worth widens. Lenders will allow borrowers who have difficulty making payments on their mortgages to tap this built-up home equity to refinance their loans and lower their payments. Therefore, rising home prices helped keep mortgage default rates low from the mid-1990s through 2006. Investing in real estate and mortgage-backed securities seemed to involve very little risk during this period. 250 Time Figure 2.2 House Prices Soar and then Crash The figure shows the Standard and Poor's Case- Shiller Home Price Index from January 1987 through February 2013 and that home prices rose almost without interruption for nearly a decade before experi- encing a prolonged slump. In part because real estate investments appeared to be relatively safe, lenders began relaxing their stan- dards for borrowers. This change led to tremendous growth in a category of loans called subprime mort- gages. Subprime mortgages are mortgage loans made to borrowers with lower incomes and poorer credit histories as compared to "prime" borrowers. Loans granted to subprime borrowers often have adjustable, rather than fixed, interest rates, which makes subprime borrowers particularly vulnerable if interest rates rise. Many of these borrowers (and lenders) assumed that rising home prices would al- low borrowers to refinance their loans if they had difficulties making payments. Partly through the with nf ohnrima mannen hanke and thar fi difficulties making payments. Partly through the growth of subprime mortgages, banks and other fi- nancial institutions gradually increased their invest- ments in real estate loans. In 2000, real estate loans accounted for less than 40 percent of the total loan portfolios of large banks. By 2007, real estate loans grew to more than half of all loans made by large banks, and the fraction of these loans in the sub- prime category increased as well. Unfortunately, as Figure 2.2 shows, home prices fell almost without interruption from May 2006 through May 2009. Over that 3-year period, home prices fell on average by more than 30 percent. Not surprisingly, when homeowners had difficulty mak- ing their mortgage payments, refinancing was no longer an option, and delinquency rates and fore- closures began to climb. By 2009, nearly 25 percent of subprime borrowers were behind schedule on their mortgage payments. Some borrowers, recog- nizing that the value of their homes was far less than the amount they owed on their mortgages, simply walked away from their homes and let lenders repossess them. Crisis of Confidence in Banks With delinquency rates rising, the value of mort- gage-backed securities began to fall and so, too, did the fortunes of financial institutions that had in- vested heavily in real estate assets. In March 2008, the Federal Reserve provided financing for the ac- quisition (that is, the rescue) of Bear Stearns by JP- Morgan Chase. Later that year, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. Throughout 2008 and 2009, the Codorol Daeonia tha Gaarna W Buich ministro Crisis of Confidence in Banks With delinquency rates rising, the value of mort- gage-backed securities began to fall and so, too, did the fortunes of financial institutions that had in- vested heavily in real estate assets. In March 2008, the Federal Reserve provided financing for the ac- quisition (that is, the rescue) of Bear Stearns by JP- Morgan Chase. Later that year, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. Throughout 2008 and 2009, the Federal Reserve, the George W. Bush administra- tion, and finally the administration of Barack Obama took unprecedented steps to try to shore up the banking sector and stimulate the economy, but these measures could not completely avert the cri- sis. Figure 2.3 shows the behavior of the Standard & Poor's Banking Index, an index that tracks bank stocks. Bank stocks fell 81 percent between Jan- uary 2008 and March 2009, and the number of bank failures skyrocketed. According to the FDIC, only three banks failed in 2007. In 2008, that number rose by a factor of eight to 25 failed banks, and the number increased nearly six times to 140 failures in 2009. While the economy began to recover in 2010, bank failures continued at a rapid pace, with 157 in- stitutions failing that year followed by 92 more fail- ures in 2011. Index Value Index Value on May 17 2008 2008 2009 2009 Figure 2.3 Bank Stocks Plummet During Finan- cial Crisis The graph shows the Standard and Poor's Banking Stock Index from January 2008 to May 2010. Con- cerns about the health of U.S. financial institutions drove bank stocks down by 81 percent in just over a year. Spillover Effects and the Great Recession As banks came under intense financial pressure in 2008, they began to tighten their lending standards and dramatically reduce the quantity of loans they made. In the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, lending in the money market contracted very sharply. Corporations that had relied on the money market as a source of short-term funding found that they could no longer raise money in this market or could do so only at extraordinarily high rates. As a consequence, businesses began to hoard cash and cut back on expenditures, and economic activi- ty contracted. Gross domestic product (GDP) de- clined in five out of six quarters starting in the first quarter of 2008, and the economy shed more than 8 quarter of 2008, and the economy shed more than 8 million jobs in 2008-2009 as the unemployment rate reached 10 percent. Congress passed an $862 bil- lion stimulus package to try to revive the economy, and the Federal Reserve pushed short-term interest rates close to 0 percent. Although the economy be- gan to recover in 2009, the recovery was very slow. As late as May 2013, total employment was still just 2 percent lower than it had been prior to the start of the recession. Perhaps the most important lesson from this episode is how important financial institutions are to a modern economy. By some measures, the 2008- 2009 recession was the worst experienced in the United States since the Great Depression. Indeed, there many parallels between those two economic contractions. Both were preceded by a period of rapid economic growth, rising stock prices, and movements by banks into new lines of business, and both involved a major crisis in the financial sec- tor. Recessions associated with a banking crisis tend to be more severe than other recessions be- cause so many businesses rely on credit to operate. When financial institutions contract borrowing, ac- tivity in most other industries slows down too. Review Questions 2-8 What is securitization, and how does it facilitate investment in real estate assets? 2-9 What is a mortgage-backed security? What is the basic risk associated with mort- gage-backed securities? 2-10 How do rising home prices contribute to low mortgage delinquencies? 2.2 The Financial Crisis LG 4 In the summer and fall of 2008, the U.S. financial system, and financial systems around the world, ap- peared to be on the verge of collapse. Troubles in the financial sector spread to other industries, and a severe global recession ensued. In this section, we outline some of the main causes and consequences of that crisis. Financial Institutions and Real Estate Finance In the classic film It's a Wonderful Life, the central character is George Bailey, who runs a financial in- stitution called the Bailey Building and Loan Associ- ation. In a key scene in that movie, a bank run is about to occur, and depositors demand that George return the money that they had invested in the Building and Loan. George pleads with one man to keep his funds at the bank, saying: You're thinking of this place all wrong, as if I have the money back in a safe. The money's not here. Your money is in Joe's house. That's right next to yours--and then the Kennedy house, and Mrs. Maklin's house, and a hundred others. You're lend- ing them the money to build, and then they're going to pay it back to you as best they can. What are you going to do, foreclose on them? This scene offers a relatively realistic portrayal of the role that financial institutions played in allocating credit for investments in residential real estate for many years. Local banks took deposits and made loans to local borrowers. However, since the 1970s, a process called securitization has changed the way that mortgage finance works. Securitization refers to the process of pooling mortgages or other types of loans and then selling claims or securities against that pool in a secondary market. These se- curities, called mortgage-backed securities D, can be purchased by individual investors, pension funds, mutual funds, or virtually any other investor. As homeowners repay their loans, those payments eventually make their way into the hands of in- vestors who hold the mortgage-backed securities. Therefore, a primary risk associated with mortgage- backed securities is that homeowners may not be able to, or may choose not to repay their loans. Banks today still lend money to individuals who want to build or purchase new homes, but they typi- cally bundle those loans together and sell them to organizations that securitize them and pass them on to investors all over the world. securitization The process of pooling mortgages or other types of loans and then selling claims or securities against that pool in the secondary market. mortgage-backed securities mortgage-backed securities Securities that represent claims on the cash flows generated by a pool of mortgages. Falling Home Prices and Delinquent Mortgages Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, most investors viewed mortgage-backed securities as relatively safe investments. Figure 2.2 illustrates one of the main reasons for this view. The figure shows the behavior of the Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller In- dex, a barometer of home prices in ten major U.S. cities, in each month from January 1987 to February 2013. Historically, declines in the index were rela- tively infrequent, and between July 1995 and April 2006 the index rose continuously without posting even a single monthly decline. When house prices are rising, the gap between what a borrower owes on a home and what the home is worth widens. Lenders will allow borrowers who have difficulty making payments on their mortgages to tap this built-up home equity to refinance their loans and lower their payments. Therefore, rising home prices helped keep mortgage default rates low from the mid-1990s through 2006. Investing in real estate and mortgage-backed securities seemed to involve very little risk during this period. 250 Time Figure 2.2 House Prices Soar and then Crash The figure shows the Standard and Poor's Case- Shiller Home Price Index from January 1987 through February 2013 and that home prices rose almost without interruption for nearly a decade before experi- encing a prolonged slump. In part because real estate investments appeared to be relatively safe, lenders began relaxing their stan- dards for borrowers. This change led to tremendous growth in a category of loans called subprime mort- gages. Subprime mortgages are mortgage loans made to borrowers with lower incomes and poorer credit histories as compared to "prime" borrowers. Loans granted to subprime borrowers often have adjustable, rather than fixed, interest rates, which makes subprime borrowers particularly vulnerable if interest rates rise. Many of these borrowers (and lenders) assumed that rising home prices would al- low borrowers to refinance their loans if they had difficulties making payments. Partly through the with nf ohnrima mannen hanke and thar fi difficulties making payments. Partly through the growth of subprime mortgages, banks and other fi- nancial institutions gradually increased their invest- ments in real estate loans. In 2000, real estate loans accounted for less than 40 percent of the total loan portfolios of large banks. By 2007, real estate loans grew to more than half of all loans made by large banks, and the fraction of these loans in the sub- prime category increased as well. Unfortunately, as Figure 2.2 shows, home prices fell almost without interruption from May 2006 through May 2009. Over that 3-year period, home prices fell on average by more than 30 percent. Not surprisingly, when homeowners had difficulty mak- ing their mortgage payments, refinancing was no longer an option, and delinquency rates and fore- closures began to climb. By 2009, nearly 25 percent of subprime borrowers were behind schedule on their mortgage payments. Some borrowers, recog- nizing that the value of their homes was far less than the amount they owed on their mortgages, simply walked away from their homes and let lenders repossess them. Crisis of Confidence in Banks With delinquency rates rising, the value of mort- gage-backed securities began to fall and so, too, did the fortunes of financial institutions that had in- vested heavily in real estate assets. In March 2008, the Federal Reserve provided financing for the ac- quisition (that is, the rescue) of Bear Stearns by JP- Morgan Chase. Later that year, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. Throughout 2008 and 2009, the Codorol Daeonia tha Gaarna W Buich ministro Crisis of Confidence in Banks With delinquency rates rising, the value of mort- gage-backed securities began to fall and so, too, did the fortunes of financial institutions that had in- vested heavily in real estate assets. In March 2008, the Federal Reserve provided financing for the ac- quisition (that is, the rescue) of Bear Stearns by JP- Morgan Chase. Later that year, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. Throughout 2008 and 2009, the Federal Reserve, the George W. Bush administra- tion, and finally the administration of Barack Obama took unprecedented steps to try to shore up the banking sector and stimulate the economy, but these measures could not completely avert the cri- sis. Figure 2.3 shows the behavior of the Standard & Poor's Banking Index, an index that tracks bank stocks. Bank stocks fell 81 percent between Jan- uary 2008 and March 2009, and the number of bank failures skyrocketed. According to the FDIC, only three banks failed in 2007. In 2008, that number rose by a factor of eight to 25 failed banks, and the number increased nearly six times to 140 failures in 2009. While the economy began to recover in 2010, bank failures continued at a rapid pace, with 157 in- stitutions failing that year followed by 92 more fail- ures in 2011. Index Value Index Value on May 17 2008 2008 2009 2009 Figure 2.3 Bank Stocks Plummet During Finan- cial Crisis The graph shows the Standard and Poor's Banking Stock Index from January 2008 to May 2010. Con- cerns about the health of U.S. financial institutions drove bank stocks down by 81 percent in just over a year. Spillover Effects and the Great Recession As banks came under intense financial pressure in 2008, they began to tighten their lending standards and dramatically reduce the quantity of loans they made. In the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, lending in the money market contracted very sharply. Corporations that had relied on the money market as a source of short-term funding found that they could no longer raise money in this market or could do so only at extraordinarily high rates. As a consequence, businesses began to hoard cash and cut back on expenditures, and economic activi- ty contracted. Gross domestic product (GDP) de- clined in five out of six quarters starting in the first quarter of 2008, and the economy shed more than 8 quarter of 2008, and the economy shed more than 8 million jobs in 2008-2009 as the unemployment rate reached 10 percent. Congress passed an $862 bil- lion stimulus package to try to revive the economy, and the Federal Reserve pushed short-term interest rates close to 0 percent. Although the economy be- gan to recover in 2009, the recovery was very slow. As late as May 2013, total employment was still just 2 percent lower than it had been prior to the start of the recession. Perhaps the most important lesson from this episode is how important financial institutions are to a modern economy. By some measures, the 2008- 2009 recession was the worst experienced in the United States since the Great Depression. Indeed, there many parallels between those two economic contractions. Both were preceded by a period of rapid economic growth, rising stock prices, and movements by banks into new lines of business, and both involved a major crisis in the financial sec- tor. Recessions associated with a banking crisis tend to be more severe than other recessions be- cause so many businesses rely on credit to operate. When financial institutions contract borrowing, ac- tivity in most other industries slows down too. Review Questions 2-8 What is securitization, and how does it facilitate investment in real estate assets? 2-9 What is a mortgage-backed security? What is the basic risk associated with mort- gage-backed securities? 2-10 How do rising home prices contribute to low mortgage delinquencies

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