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Read and analyze the following document developed for an organization and in ONE full page discuss how this process may help an organization identify, recruit,

Read and analyze the following document developed for an organization and in ONE full page discuss how this process may help an organization identify, recruit, and retain top talent.
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STAFF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION procedures manual for hiring managers and supervisors Purdue University is committed to maintaining a basis of tace, religion, color se age, inational origin community which recognizes and yalues the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolennce, or ancestry, genetic information, marita statis. sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity ifs members, and encourages each individual to strive and expression, disability, of status 2s e veteran. The to reach his or her own potential In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the University seeks to devclop University will conduct its programs, services and and nurture diversity. The University believes that with the procedures and limitations as set forth: diversity among its many members strengthens the in Purdues Equal Opportunity Equal Access and institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange Iffirmative Action policy which provides specific of ideas, and enriches campus life. contractual rights and remedio. Additionally the Purdue University views, evaluates, and treats University promotes the full realization of equal all persons in any University related activity or employment opportunity for women, minorities. circurnstance in which they may be involved, solely as perfons with disabilities and veterans through its individuals on the basis of their own personal abilities. affirmative action program. qualifications, and other relevant chancteristics. Any question of interpretation regurding this Purdue University prohibits discrimination against Nondiscrimination Policy Statement hall be referred any member of the University conmunity oa the to the Vice President for Ethics and Complanoe for final determination. Purdue University is committed to equal employment opporturity for all, regardless of mace, religion, color; sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, distbility, status as a veteran, marital status, parental status, sexual Recruitment and Selection orientation. gender identify, or gender expression. Federal legislation has singled out the following Process Goals groups of racial/ethnic minorities for specific attention: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African Americaf. Hispanic or Latino. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Recruitment and two or more races. The University recognizes that the entire academic enterprise is strengthened by enlarging its community of well quatified individuals and providing role models for its - To attract hughly qualified individuals to. Purdue University faculty, staff, and students. Indeed, a proactive stance in support of equity and diveruity broadens the institution's cultural richness and enbances its vitality and reputation. - To provide an equal opportunity for potential job seckers to apply for vacuncies Hiring supervivors are charged with the immediate responsibility for recruiting, supporting, assisting. mentoring, and, thus, retaining employees with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. The Olfice of Institutional Equity and Human Resourcer staffs are available to assist and direct supervisons in these activities. Purdue Univerity, as an academic institation, whares the responsibility of attracting and Selection retaining capable and aspiring individuals, including those from traditionally underrepresented groups: The purpoge of this manual is to equip all hiring dechalon makers for all staff vacancies at the University with the means to envure that every search provides each job seeker with equal access to. the entire process and equal opportunity throughout the proces. The following pages act forth the required procedures, practices and requiaite forms to. ise in effectuating Purdoe University i commitment to these objectives and are to be undertaken for every inafi search ot all levels of the Univensity. The ultimate goal of the selection process is to positively. contribute to the Univerify's cffort to recruit, select, and retain the best candidate for each job. Ability Accessibility Accommodation mance of fob taiks by worken with special nectr. Adverse Impact Practices of polides that remit in the selection of memberi of a protected class at a rate lover than that of other grouph Affirmative Action (AA) employment opportunity and aflimative action. Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) ed to femedy the eliects of past dacrimination agains of kover takes of hiling os propoling or higher rates of terminativis pars of the organfitition. Applicant the employcr, and is condidered by the enployer for a pariculer parition. Avallability Business Necessity Candidate a nominathan. Compliance their impleniming regultions. Disability Discrimination Iilegally diferentiating hetween people on the basis of groop membership rather than individul merit Disparate Impact. Adispropotiondte adverse efiect on a partiodat disidrantiged groop. Disparate Treatment Occurn when proteded class inembers are treated differently froen gther, whether of not there is discriminatoon latenti. Employment Inquiries Communications received by any office within Purdue from individtals expeesing interent in poitions that may be avail. able. Employment inquiries are not considered applications for ppecific vacancies. Bqual Employment Opportunity Proclaims the right of each person to apply and be evaluated for employment opportanities whinose regard to race, Bolot. sonable accommodation(s)) Essential Functions. Minorities rices. The term may relen to these groups in the agerester of to an indidida goop Protected Class Qualified Individual with a Disability Reasonable Accommodation Uied in connection with individaals with disabilities Modification or adjustment to a fab, the work givifonnerit, of ithe Feawnable accommodations hould be such that they do not create an unduc hardshlp and may lavilit inkh actione an an enpptoyer grant an employee occoumodations for religlous reasons. These ascomatodations nhy be ad utimenty to houet. or days worked no other amilar actions that will male it possble for an enployee to fuifil his lier rodigious obligations. Undue Hardship An action that requiess shmificant difficulty of expense in relation to the aise of the employen, the resiources whilable, and the nature of the operation Process Overview Successful Search Checklist Congloted ratk fleanonsiblepartyleav Review and update loo obescription foe vocant postion Be cources Corpensalion Open the reguistion oy fubrithong a soned copy of the Posstom Deserfoton Form find Hring Superow and flomant Stalf posibon Posting fom. Pusources Congensition! Talent Acquilion finaliee position and create recrublent pian. Posibion-spectic screering questors are Term Nermoenha Snecialist wilten, and the postion is posted on the Puroue thiversity West untrethe Web silh for a munimum of five fuil business days. Implenent a focruitment plan and loentify recrultenent resources that aid in assuring Hining supervisen. a strong and diverse applicant poo. Tuent foquakion team menter of ha 5 pecialst. red Talent Acmuisition mulipie Limos curthg processi) Pace all oxternal advertisensents. Nob Secher Hob seevers asply online for posainon. Hinere Supensor a and falent Develop a set of poseion-specific inteviev cuentins la pe consetenvy used which Acasifon Tram Remberth intervewne al potentiar candidaves. Socoulisi falen fecicitos Tesen menternur Soecaist appleant trideng adetem- Taleo Writenfortelated critesia III Select top quanted applicants that fequire addiuonal scroening ave cortact talent Aoquistion team member or hin specialst. firing aperisor: questont, and dociment candidate responses. Hinger supencion" Gompieted Task Respens lhit Party(er) Contact asproprate businens office to discuss salary offer. Hling Superieor Make an otler. Hiring Superrisor Notily vendor to conduct bsokground check. Iavent Acoulsizion Team MemberthR Specialist. Nodify Takit Acquibilon tesm member or MR Specialist when an enler has been Hiring Supervisor verbily accepted: Cotfirm the offer andor acceptance in wiling wits a ketes. Hiring Supervisor Aken biring superviear of background check residts. Talent Acquatition Team MembeohR Spocinllast After receiving writien notication of the acceptance, notify undoccesidd intervienes Hirng Supensor that they wert not setected. Remove the vactancy from pasting and update tracking ayden. Tatent Acquisaion Team Memberthr Specialist Fose the requidson by returning ta Himan Resources at hiling documentation used Hiring Supervisor throughout the hiring process. Below is a checklat of materiais to be included in fint. file. Aocords will be maintsined in Humm Resouices for throe yran. - These activalier may inchude or Ac deleguted fe al seirch onmanither. Hiring Documentation Checklist a Documentid job ocseripion - Waverfintemal search request if applicable a Credential evauation criteria a Hiring supervisor and ielich conimithen interiew tomyloustons, notes. and evaluation instrements a Documentaion for nat hiring a Reoution-in Forte (RA) candides a feference checks conductednorms and notos a.). Offer lettere and acceptance of offer Documentabion of backeround chock a. Documentation of eroployment oflerie and regoctonixy" Empleyinent controcts, if applicible Notication of unsuccesaful interifuyes Job Announcement Position Description and In accordance with Purduc University's equal employment opportunity and affimative action obligations all regular vacancies must be listed Staff Position Posting Forms with Human Resources for announcement to University staff and the public through normal job posting procedures. When a regular adminisirativefprolessional or clerical/service staff macancy occurs, or a nesy position is created, a deccription of the position and the minimum qualifications must be submitted to When a regular vacaney oc the Human Resources Compencition area or the: position is istablished, the unit headand/or unit-specific Hamari Resources team. An clectronic supervisor must make this known to hishher regular hard copy is necessary for review by Compensation. staff members by the most effective means, An The current job deccription should be reviewed. announcement concerning the open position should and if any revisions are made, approval must be: includejob title, job level and minimum shalls, obtained from the director or department head, experience, and educational requirements. as appropriate. The hiring supervisor must obtain. budget approval and prepare the Stafr Position Posting Form and Position Description. Form that Job Posting include a comprehensive list of all the knowledge. sikills, and abilities that are required for the position. Upon posting a position, hiring supervisors and A well-constructed job description will yicld the best mansigers must consult with the dean/vice precidents results when scarching for applicants. office to determine what goals have been establistied for the appropriate unit. The scope of recruitment efforts is encouraged to go beyond the unit and University postings, Resources, the Compensation area will reviev all It is each unit's responsiblity to ensure that the concir or undated job descriptions to identify andior Equal Opportunity, Bqual Access, and Afirmative status Compensation staft will then forward the Action Policy (III.C.2) (www.purduecedu/policiest information to the approprate Talent Acquisition list service, journal etc. must be approved prior to potained for posting purposey. Required signaturea publication by Homan Resources. include the posting iathorization aignature and the: All regular administrative/professional and cierical/ fiscal apthorization signature on the Staff Position Resources by completing a Staff Position Posting _ oe AR Specialist will then cantact the hiring. Form and a Position Deseription Form in both supervisor to discuas necesiary information, such as electronlc and hard copy and forwarding the forms the minimum qualifications, salary, and recraitment to the Compersation unit in Human Resources. Pon. Positions wilt be posced gencrally within 24 hours of the time that the hiring soperylsor and Talent Acquisition team meaber or His specialist finalize the detall of the job pasting. The Web-based Position Description and Staff Position Posting forms are located at ouline at Executive, Administrative, In such instances, appropriate documentation must. and Managerial Positions be submitted tothe Director of Talent Acqui Searches for executive, administrative, and documentation includes the following: managerial positions, which include executives. - Position Description and Staff Position Posting academic administrators, student affairs administrators, business and financial managers, forms, plant and facilities administrators, and residential life administrators are to be national in nature. Recruitment plans for these positions are to include conducted, and methods that reach a national audience. - a copy of the candidate's rsurn. Waiver Procedures In order to achieve equal access and equal employment opportunity, it is generally necessary to post all positions. There are a few concretely defined circumstances under which a waiver of posting may be permitted. Instances in which waivers may be permitted include: - A current Purdue employee whose position is being eliminated due to a reduction-in-force. - The unit has secured a candidate with "special distinction" (i.e, rare expertise in a specialized field, internationally renowned). - This position will exist only if this individual with unique education, training and experience is interested and available. - The terms of the grant of contract require the appointment of the defined individual. - As part of the recruitment in another unit on campus, the candidate is a qualified "dual-carcer" spouse or partner. Chapter 4: The Search Committee The Search Committee Some staff hiring at Purdue is conducted through. The members of the Search Committee should the use of a Search Committee. Positions for which a possess sensithrity to affirmative action issues. When search committee may be formed include Executive, posshble, women and minorities from within the. Administrative, and Managerial openings, as well as anit should be represented on all Search Committees any position in which the hiring supervisor or unit to offer diverse perapectives and different ideas head deems the use of search committee as essential that may enhance efforts to recruit and evaluate to the success of the search. candidates. However, since these individuals tend It is important for every member of the Search to be asked frequently to serve on an array of Committee to thoroughly understand the committees, this may not always be feasible. There of the position to be frled, the needs of is certainly no objection to including women or the department or anit, Universify policies regarding. units or enlisting their help in the search process. equal employment opportunity, and the mission of the University in order to assure the prospect of a Perionnel from the Office of Institutional Equity successtul search. and Human Resources are avalable to meet with. It is entirely possible for the Search Committee to the committee or to serve as a resource at any point be the only personal contact many applicants and in the search process. The Search Committee will want to evaluate all steps of its search in tems of candidates will have with the - University. Therefote, affirmative action, with particular attention to the: the Search Committee is provided with an excellent danger of unintentionally introducing any kind of opportunity to enhance the reputation and image of discriminatory practice into the process. Purdue Univeraity. Always bear in mind that while. a Search Committec is evaluating a candidate, the candidate is also evaluating the Search Commimee, the department or unit it represents, and, ultimately. the University. The charge to the Search Commitee must be clear and precise. Ambiguity in the charge, in the role Forming the Search of the committee, or in the extent of its authority can create confurion that will hamper and delay the Committee selection process at crucial points. The Search Committee should have members who _. Ideally, a Search Committee should be as small have legitimate and direct interests in the selection. as possible, yet large enough to include as process, Criteria used in sclecting the Search many legitimate interests as possible. It must be. Comenittee membersoften include the following. remembered that it takes time to meet as often - knowledge of the substantive area as a Search Coinmittee will find necessary, the more members, the more difficult it is to have - demonstrated ability in promoting a everyone present for the meetings - all of which are deliberative process - knowledge of the campus and its surrounding cormmunities - strong initerperional and recruitment. tcills Typical Duties of the Search 12. Inform all applicants and nominees that finalists Committee for Staff Searches cannot be guarinteed confidentiality. 13. Develop a list of core interview questions to 1. Set a timetable for each search procedure. ask candidates related to the essential duties of the position. 2. Formulate the position description. 14. Participate in the screenings of candidates. 3. Determine job-related criteria for the position. 15. Take part in conference calls to candidates. 4. Develop job-related evaluation forms. 16. Assist the chair in travel arrangements and 5. Select and engage a search firm, if it is desirable. interview schedules. 6. Select newspapers, Web sites and jourmals in. 17. Participate in a formal interview. which advertisements will appear- 18. Participate in final evaluation and formulation 7. Draft advertisement. The advertisement must of recommendation by a designated date. include the following statements: - Purdue University is an equal opportunity/ 19. Where a goal for women or minorities exists, equal access/affirmative action employer fidly contact and work with the Office of Institutional committed fo achieving a diverse workforce. Equity and Human Resources to promote the inclusion of qualified diverse candidates in the - A background check will be required for pool of finalists to allow opportunity to correct employment in this position. underatilization. 8. Plan a search that is sensitive to affirmative 20. When the committee sends forward to the action issues and the need for a diverse pool appropriate administrator the recommended of candidates. finalist to hire, a meno of justification will 9. Develop all written communications (L.e., include reasons why the particular candidate is recruitment letters, letters acknowledging being recommended and why the other finalists receipt of application, letter to nominee, are not being recommended The justification non-selection notification), must be job-related. 10. Collect the names and addreises of persons 21. Attend all mectings and maintain appropriate and institutions to which recruitment letters confidentiality about Search Committee mectings. can be sent. 11. Review applicants to determine if the applicants meet the advertised qualifications. Enlarging the Pool of Applicants One of the most important elements of the recruit-_ means an exhautive liat; hiring superviliors are ment process is creating a broad and diverse appli-. encouraged to utilize publications that would be. cint pool. The time to discuss diversity is at the the most relevant to the knowledge, slalls, and/or beginning of the search. It is not uncommon to hear abilities related to the position. Talent Acquisition that the pool of women or minorities in a specific team members or HR Specialists can assist hiring: discipline or field is meager or even noneristent. Supervisors with this takk by identifying and While certain fields may not have large numbers of providing additional wources. women and minorities, there is no field in which they are nonexistent. The Chronide of Higher Education (No. 1 news source for college and university ficulty members The Recruitment Plan and administratory) Advertising 1255 23.d Street, NW, Sulte 700, Washington, DC 20037 To create a broad, rich, and diverse applicant Phone (202) 466-1050 pool, hiring supervisors and managers should consider advertising in a variety of publications and contacting a variety of professional organizations. Affirmative Action Register (National EEO Many publications and organizations advertise staff recruitment publication directed to females, minoripositions for women, minorities, individuals with (ties, veterans, and individuals with disabilities) disabilities, and veterans. Advertising in appropriate pablications and contacting relevant organizations 225 Meramec Avenue, Suite 400, will not only assist in enlarging the applicant pool, S. Louis, MO 63105 but will also convey the commitment of the unit and Phome (314) 8632900 or (800) 537-0655 institution to recruit women, minorities, individuals Fox (314) 863-2905 with disablities, and veterans. Webs wwe aarjobscom/ All advertising, including any form of announcement Academic Careers Online (Global job site of career whether by e-mail, letter, the Web, list service, opportunities in cducation and academia) journal, etc., must be approved prior to publication by a Talent Acquisition team member or HR Specialist. The Talent Acquisition team member or HR Specialist will verify that the advertisement contains consistently correct minimum qualifications and includes at a minimum the following equal. employment opportunity statement, Purdue University is an equal opportunity/equal acceal affirmative action employer, fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce. The Talent Acquivition team member or HR Specialist may also add specific contact information of where interented job reekers may submit a rsum for consideration. Web mww acenct edu 485 Devon Park Drive, Suite II 6 ; Wayne, PA 19097 Phone (6t0) 96t-9200 Webs www.scademicareenscoma E-mail: infoeg Advertising only in the traditional pablications will American Council on Education (Maintains often result in a homogeneous pool of traditional applicants. To enlarge the applicant pool, hiring supervisors or managers may wish to consider P.O. Box 71445, Talent Acquiation team member of HR Specialint to Marietta, GA 300071445. talor the recruitment plan to the needs of the unit Phone (877) 838-5627. and position. Web: The informal, word-of-mouth approach to Winds of Change (Magazine publiched quarterly recruitment is one of the most ruccesful practice for the American Indian Science \& Engineering for identifying potential applicants. In addition to Society) 4450 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 , advertiving the position in publications targeting traditional and underrepresented groups, hiring Boulder, CO 80303 supervisors may also consider any of the following Phone (303) 448.8853 ideas to assist in expanding the pool of qualified Fax: (303) 444-6607 Web: wwwirocmagorg B-mail; adwocelindracom applicants. Women in Higher Education (Great resource to reach 12,000 women who have administrative careers Personal Contacts in higher education) 5376 Farmeo Drive, Madison, WI 53704 Phone (608) 251.3232 - Make direct contact with profersional Fax (608) 284-0601 Wel: www.wihecom E-mail careerewihecom organizations and colleagues in the field, notify them of your units oper position, and fequest names of potential qualified applicants. Women in Technology International (Computing, science, and technology positions) 13351-D Riverside Drive \&41. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 - Use a personal approzch in recruiting applicantis Otten outstanding potential candidates do not apply for advertiod positions, but might be responsive to individal contacts. Contact the potential candidate and invite hion/her to ipply. If an individaal declines a nomination or does not repond to your leter of inquiry. you may wish to call the person to determine if thather roisons for declining can be addressed and resolved. Phone: (818) 788-9484) - Contact underrepresented group members who Fex (818) 7889410 have received professional recognition. If they are Webr B-mail infoewiticom not interested in the position, aw for the names of promising women and minorify applicants - Target specific underrepresented group Networking members whose work or contributions you As part of a broad and comprehensive recruitment admire. Ask individuals for names of others they plan, hiring supervisors are urged to collaborate with Talent Acquisition team members or HR have mentored. Specialists to identify recruitment strategies that will enlarge the pool of qualified applicants beyond the results yielded from solely relying on traditional means. It is the task of the hiring supervisor and Talent Acquisition team member or HiRSpecialist to - Inform alumni publications at universities where publicire the vacant position, bring it to the attention of qualified potential applicants. induding those who ate members of underrepresented groups, and women and minorities are well reprenented of available poritions. actively identify and recruit qualified applicants. - Acces representation data and availability estimates for women and minorities in the Prardue Univernity Affirmative Action Plan, which is poppared annually by the Office of Institational Equity (OIE). Contact the OIE for assistance in using this data. - Contact the Office of Institutional Equity/s Invite underrepresented group membera to Assistant Director for Equity in Hiring. who is participate in an orr campus seninar as a special responsible for the University \& veterans outreach guest of your unit. initiative and can assist in identifying organizations: and groups where veterans are well represented. * Designate a staff member to work with the unit. head in focusing on affirmative acton efforts. Professional Associations Etiblish a working relationship with departments. and units at institutions with sabitantial numbers - Maintain ongoing contict with professional of women and minorities. organizations, associations, and agencies that have. a job-referral service. - Pequest names of potential applicants from women and minorites at Purdue University. as Encourage staff attending professional conferences well as at institutions with strong programs in the or visiting other universities to combine their relevant discipline visits with recruitment efforts for present and future vacancies. Expanding Your Contacts - Keep national higher education associations informed of present and possible future vacancies. - Request names of potental applicants from groups ( the American Educational Research as from institutions with strong programs in your Association has Hispanic and Black caucuses). discipline or administrative area. - Maintain membership and actively participate in minority caucuses in professional associations. - Maintain dose contact with women and minority - Maintain ongoing communication with caucuses - them to recomumend the University for graduate: comprised of underrepresented groups. training. faculty positions, and administrative - Request the names of potential candidates from opportunities. women and minority caucuses within relevant professional and academic associations. Maintain - Consider those who have held part.time or ongoing communication with these caucuses on temporary positions in your department of other issues: adminztrative unit. - Consider lobbying professional organizations - Pubilshstatements on the units commitment to to develop a national recruitment strategy for equity and disersity and discussions of affimative members of underreptesented groups. action issues an anit newsleters or brochures sent to constetuent gromps and alumni, thereby informing them of the anitgs support of affirmative action goale and enlisting their assistance. In Your Unit - Maintair current listings of underrepresented - Ensure publications are representative of the units _ alumn and their profesional involvemene commitment to diversity. - Conduct unit reviews to enhance minority veteran students or employees and encourage them perspectives that are missing and/or important to to recommuend the Uriversify as an employer. the growth of the staff. - Consider hiring recent women and minority graduates from your own unit or from units related to your administrative area. External Recruitment and Search Firms Hiring supervisors choosing to work with agencies outside the University, such as search firms must do so in collaboration with a Talent Acquisition team member or HR Specialist. It is necessany for the Talent Acquisition team member or HR Specialist to approve all advertising for the vacant position, and it is vital that applieant data gathered throughout the hiring process be reflective of the true applicint pool. This step necessitates that the outside agency work with the Talent Acquisition team member or HRSpecialist. Evaluating Applicant Credentials Referral It is important that the initial criteria set be applied to all job seekers throughout the selection process As early as the sixth working day following posting and that all phases be properly documented. on the University's employment Web site, Talent Acquisition team members or HR Specialists Once a hiring supervisor can view rsums: Will release rsums of the minimally qualified job seekers, along with a summary of selection and/or credentials of applicants, the evaluation guidelines and procedures, to the hiring supervisor. credentials before determining which applicants to However, the specific time frame for the release of interview. Hiring supervisors may work with the rsums may be longer and vary by position. Hiring: Talent Acquisition team member or HR Specialist to supervisors must carefully review the selection: develop an evaluation tool. criteria and procedures for each vacancy to ensure that only job-related, nondiscriminatory factors are considered in making employment decisions and One strategy is to divide the rsums in to three that womed, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans in the applicant pool have been given fair consideration. groups. This helps focus on the most qualified All selection and screening activity must be conducted applicants. in a manner that complies with the Equal Opportunity. Equal Access, and Affirmative Action policy. Group 1 (see www.purdueedu'policies/ethics/iilc2 htmi) Highly qualified applicanta who should be given The Evaluation Process further consideration. In the evaluation process, it is vital to climinate any stereotypical ideas based on an applicant's race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, disability, status as a veteran, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation. gender identify, or gender expression (the notions, After sorting all rsums according to qualifications, for instance, that women are more transient than the hiring superviwor and search committee members men or that individuals with disabilities are not should review the resames in Group I. Regardless interested in long-term careers). Applicants with of whether the next step in the selection process is disabilities must be evalunted in terms of the actual telephone screening or on-campus interviews, the job requirements, with thought given to roasonable _ hiring supervisor and search committee should accommodations that can be made to enable them to determine how many applicants to contact and then perform the position's essential functions. identify that number of resumes from Group I. Often a lack of understanding exists as to the applicability of vocational akils, certifications. and abilities learned in the military to a civil work context. To ensure equal opportunity, hiring supervisors or search committees should contact the Office of Institutional Equity's Assistant Director for Equlty in Hiring for resources and/or assistance to understand whether occupations and skills listed on a military resume translate to relevant experience for the position. After the hiring supervisor and search committee Handling Applicants have reviewed the rsums and rarrowed the overall applicant pool, the hiring supervisor should Umiformly apply the selection system to all contact the Talent Acquisition team member or HR applicants. For selection criteria that are deemed to. Specialist to provide the names of the finalists that be essential comportents of the job, it is difficult, if require additional screening The Talent Acquisition not impossible, to explain why a certain criterion is team member or HR Specialist will conduct a basic necessary for successful job performance if there is a screening interview. This may consist of general lack of consiatency regarding that component within screening questions and/or salary verification only, Once all screenings are completed, the hiring supervisor will receive the results for job-specific interviewing Job-Related The relection system must be related to the characteristics and okills necessary for puccessful job performance - in all componenti of the system. Components include selection criferia, screening. tools, interview protocols, reference checks, ete. Guidelines for - Be prepared to be a resource to the candidate Conducting Interviews on topics-related to employment at the Univeraity, such as medical benefits, disabality. accommodations, vacation policies, retirement By the time most job applicants reach the actual plans, and dress codes. A candidate from outside selection interview, they have already passed a careful the local area may also appreciate information evaluation of their education and experience and are considered to possess at least the minimum job qualifications. The purpose of the interview should be about the local community. to collect additional information on the candidate's - Remember that interviewers are representing the job-related lonowledgerskills, and abilities that would University to the candidates chosen for on-campus be helpfal in deciding whether hershe is likely to succecd in the job. The degree to which the interview is valid is the extent to which it predicts job success. A positive impression about Purdue University can be solidified during candidate interviews. The intervicws. Think about why a candidate should guidelines below will assist you in developing an choose Purdue as an employer, atmosphere conducive to a productive interview: ing their interview and campus visit. When feasible, - Stracture the selection interview as much as similar events should be scheduled, interviews with possible. the same University personnel should be arranged, - Give adequate advance notice so the candidate can each candidate, Additionally, the same set of core. prepare for the interview. interview questions must be asked of each candidate. - Eliminate interruptions. - Ensare that the environment is comfortable and Conducting Interviews non-threatening As an employer, you want to select the best-qualified - Greet the person and establish rapport. candidate for the position. Hiring supervisors have -Statethepurposeoftheinterview,togatherbasisofjob-relatedqualificationsinaccordancewiththecriticalresponsibilitytoselectemploycesonthe relevant information in order to make a selection. all applicable laws and regulations and must carefully decision and answer the candidate's questions define the position and the qualifications it requires. related to thejob. Well-planned pre-employment interviews can help. - Explain the format of your interview and the ensute the best match for the job. For a hiring prointerview process as a whole. cess to be effective, everyone involved must be aware that significant legal guidarice exists that directs an - Share pertinent background information about the employer's selection decisions. job, unit, and University. - Use open-ended questions to begin gathering _ (EEOC) has developed a umiform set of guidelines information, making the caudidate feel for employers to follow when using pre-employment comfortable while maintaining his/her self-eateem. selection procedures as a basis for any employment - Take notes! All notesshould be related to the decision. They apply to all selection criteria, includjob. It is recommended that interviewers record _ ing educational degree requirements, job experience. a candidate's answers to interview- and skals evaluations. Under the guidelines, selection the quetlons that criferia must be validated and may not have a disthe queations that the candidate asks, noting any parate impact on applicants in protected classes. An relevant observations during the interview. employment practice has a disparate impoct if it has For example, the practice creates a barrier to entry or upward mobility to members of a protected group. Interviewing Pitfalls The employer must make every effort to cosure that Common Interviewing Mistakes all employment selection tools directly relate to suecessful job performance. Bvaluation criteria should be carefully chosen based on relevance to successful job performance. However, if these desired qualifi. cations are not really required for this position and disproportionately sereen out applicants in protected . Falfure to actively listen classes, they may be discriminatory. Similarly, subjective procedures may discriminate if they adversely affect a protected class of applicants. - Dominating the interview Hiring supervisors wishing to use tests during the - Failare to probe - lack of fallow-up questions applicant selection process must consult with the Talent Acquisition team member or HR Specialist before doing so. Fests used in applicant selection must be validated prior to implementation. Hiring. supervisors considering using tests should be aware that test validation is a task requiring a considerable amount of effort on the part of the hiring unit: to clarify ideas A Legal and Meaningful Interview - Falure to plan for the interview When employers seek information from job candidates, they should ask themselves (1) Will the answers to this question, if used in making a selection, have a disparate effect in screening out candidates in protected classes? and (2) Is this information essential to judge a candidate's qualifications for this job? The guidelines on the following pages will help you conduct legal and meaningful interviews - Asking hypothetical questions - behaviar based questions clicit more uscfil information - Personal bias used during interview - Asking yeso versus open-ended quertions Federal, State, and Local Personal Biases in Interviewing Employment Laws - Making judgments too carly in the proces. In addition to the KEOC guidelines, many state and - The halo effect - happens when one positine aspect of a candidates background of qualifications becomes inappropriately traniferred to all aspects federal laws and regulations govern employment practices and affect the hiring process. - The horn effect - happens when one negative aspect of the candidates background or qualifications becomes inappropriately tranferred to all aspects - Stereotyping - Personal similarity - Oversimplification - False criteria It is important to remember that all interviev questions must be job.rclated. Appropriate and Inappropriate Interview Questions Often a hiring supervisor or manager will wish to or expression, genetic information, age, political set aside a block of time for the candidate to meet affiliations, or other personal matters. Such questions informally with faculty, staff, and/or students, Such or remarls create a negative impression of the unit Applicants with Disabilities Interviewing a Candidate with Any Disability The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Ensure that interviews, presentations, lodging, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 require the University to provide reasonable accommodation dining arrangements are mobility accesible. Use the to qualiffed individuals with disabilities who are term "accessible parking" rather than "handicapped employees or applicants for employment, except parking. when such accommodation would cause an undue Before an offer of employment is made, do not ask hardship. The undue hardship standard is very high a candidate questions regarding: and rarely met at the University. - the existence of a disability. The ADA also establishes rules about disability- - the nature of a disability, related inquiries, which consist of a question or a - the severity of a disability. series of questions that is likely to solicit informat ability to make disability-related inquiries at three _ . the condition causing the disability, stages. First, the ADA prohibits all disability-related inquiries before an offer of employment, even if they - any prognosis or expectation regarding the are related to the job. Next, after a candidate is given condition or disability, or a conditional job offer, but before he/she starts work, - whether the individual will need treatment or an employer may make disability-related inquirice special leave because of the disability. and conduct medical examinations, regardless of whether they are related to the job, as long as the employer does so for all entering employees in the Interacting with a Candidate with Any same job category. Finally, after employment begins, Disability an employer may make disability-related inquiries - Offer to shake hands when introduced. People and require medical examinations only if they are with limited hand use or an artificial limb can job-related and consistent with business necessity. usually shake hands and offering the left hand is For assistance arnanging a reasonable an acceptable greeting: accommodation for an applicant or employee, please contact either the Assistant Director for - If you offer assistance, wait mintil the offer is Compliance and Disability Services at 49.47253 or accepted. Then listen or ask for instructions. the Emiployee Relations Administrator at 49-40269. . Do not refer to an individual by his or her Tips on Interviewing woman." A person is not a condition. Instead, Candidates with Disabilities you may want to sy "he is deaf or "she husa Candidates. With Disabilities mobility impairment." In light of the ADA, an individual may wonder - Do not emphasixe disability over other what questions may and may not be asked when characteristics when describing a perron with a interviewing a candidate with a disability, In disabilify, It is okay to say that a person uses a addition, individuals are often unsure of "disability whicelchair, expecially when dealing with questions etiquette" when interacting with employees with of parking and making accommodations - juat do disabilities. These guldelines are provided to not make it the major emphasis of what the person help individuals in the interviewing process and has to offer when dealing with people individually. to enhance communication skill of individuals when interacting with prospective einployees with - Be considerate of the extra time that it may take disabilities a person with a disability to perform a major life activity. Listen attentively when talking with people - Keep doors cither opencd or closed; a half-opened who have difficulty speaking and wait for them door is a serious hazard. to finish. - Offer assistance in travel. If the offer is accepted, - Never pretend to understand; instead repeat what I let the candidate grasp your left arm, usually just you have understood and allow the person to above the elbow. responal. - Everyone makes mistakes from time to time If you Interviewing a Candidate Who Is Deaf make a mistake and offend someone, apologize. or Hard of Hearing - Relax. People with disabilities are people first. - Do not shout. - Use a physical signal to get the candidate's Interviewing a Candidate Who Uses a attention. Wheelchair - Do not lean on the wheelchair. - Enunciate clearly. If the candidate is lip reading keep your mouth clear of obstructions and place -DonotbeembarrassedtousesuchphrasesasmindthatanaccomplishedlipreaderwillbeableyourselfwherethereisamplelightingKeepin "Let's walk over to the auditorium." to clearly understand 30 to 35 percent of what you - Do not push the wheelchair unless asked to do so. are saying. -Makesureyougetonthesameeyelevelwiththeistellingyou,donotpretendyoudo.Askthe-Ifyoudonotunderstandwhatthecandidate candidate if the conversation lasts more than a candidate to repeat the sentence(s). couple of minutes. - Keep accessibility in mind. (Is that chair in the middle of your office a barrier to a whedchair - If requested, use a sign language interpreter. Keep user? If so, move it aside.) in mind that the interpreter's ob is to translate, not to get involved in the interview in any other way. Therefore, always speak directly to the candidate. Interviewing a Candidate Who Has a Visual Impairment - Plan well in advance, beginning when the - Do not be embarrassed to use such phrases as "Do interpreter or real-time captioner. you see what I mean?" - Do not shout. Reminder - Do not touch a candidate's cane. Even though a candidate discloses the need for an - Do not touch a gride dog when it is in hamess. In accommodation, before an offer of employment an - Do not touch a guide dog when it is in harness. In employer stili may not inquire as to: fact, resist the temptation to pet a guide dog- - Identify yourself and others present immediately; - the nature of a disability. cue a handshake verbally or physically. - the severity of a disability. - Use verbal cues be descriptive in giving directions. - the condition causing the desability. ("The table is about five steps to your left") - any prognosis or expectation regarding the - Verbalize chair location or place the person's condition or disability, or hand on the back of the chair, but do not place the person in the chair. - Whether the individual will nced treatment or Educational Background spectal leave because of the disability. - What is the tighest level of cducation you have For further nssisfance in the area of disabilities. received? contact either the A ssistant Diractor for Compliance and Dicability Servines af 4947253 or the Enyployee Relations Adminiatrulor at 4940269. - List any other education or training relevant to the (position title) position. Interview Employment Background Questionnaire Guide - Who is your present or most recent employer? When developing interview queutions, consider the - What are/were your major responisibilities at following (present/most recent job)? - aslc only for information that will serve as a basis - Ask questions to discuss/determine skills and level for the hiring decision, and of expertise related to (position title). - know how the information will be used to make - What do/did you like best about that position? the decision. What do/did you like least? Hiring supervisors should develop questions based on each major task and responsibility in the position - Why are you phanning ta/did you leave that description and on the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the position. Problem-solving questions that allow the candidate to think creatively should be incladed. When posvible, refrain from asking questions that elicit only a "yes" or "no" response. position? The following Interview Questionnaire Guide Interview Questions provides hiring superylsors with a resource from however, each candidate should be asked the same. Which to select questions that will help identify the initial set of questions. In the case of multiple candidate who will be most successful in a position. Interviewers, the hiring supervisor should decide Because research has shown that past behavior is which intervicwer is to be resporiable for asking. predictiveoffuturebehavior,thequestionsareintervieweristhenassignedthreetofourquestioasquestionsrelatedtothevariousfactor(s).Fach behavior-based.Theywillpreventasupervisorfromfromtherespectivefactorlist(s)toaskofeveryintervieweristhenasstfineilthrevth-futhquesth. missing important information, overlooking job motivation and organizational fit, and asking illegal, candidate. The following sample questions are not motivation and organizational fit, and asking illegal, non-job-reloted queations. The sameset of questions. an exhaustive list of performance factors. Other non-job-related queations. The same set of questions should be used to interview all candidates. making, performance management, integrity. Background Review adaptability, and collaboration. Conslder also Application/Rsum phrasing your questions to ensure the interviewee. clearly understands that you are referring to both civilian and military experience. Human flesources The following questions are designed to confirm._ cas provide additional questions that address these the information on the candidate's rume. Verify _ a sind other performance factors. the address and phone numbers with information provided by Human Resources. If there are changes, adyise the candidate to update hishher rsume tharought tise applicant tracling system, Taleo. Conducting Reference Remember that a candidate may pursue a public Checks records request sceking to obtain reference informa. tion, particularly letters of reference. Candidates for staff positions agree to reference checks when completing the online application pro- BaCkgrOund GheCkS cess. Hiring supervisors should explain to candidates at the interview that they will be contacting employ. All faculty and staff positions poisted on or after May ment references following the interview. Candidate 1, 2011 are subject to the University's Background requests should be honored, If at all possible. For Check Policy, which requires criminal history and example, should a candidate request that the hir- sexual offender registry checiss for all new hires: ing supervisor not contact his/her current employer These checks are paid for from a central account until the candidate is the finalist for the position. If managed by the Office of the Vice President for possible, this request should be honored. A candi-: Human Fesources. Additional checks, including. date's current position could be jeopardized if his/. verification for education, certifications, and credit her supervisor is made aware of the candidate's job history checks. may he required based an job search. It is also more appropriate to conduct a refer- responsibitities. Positions with the same or similar ence check once a finalist has been identified. Job reaponsibilities will require the same or similar. Questions used for checking references should be_ background checks, These additional checks will be work related, such as dates of employment, job titles and duties, length of service in each position. When a position is classified, the hiring department promotions, demotions, attendance, salary, reason will work with a Compensation Specialist to. for terminatios, and other information for which _ determine the type of background check that will the responder may have documentation. Subjective be required and will note the type of check on the information or information that could be considered. posting form. All advertisements, including the discriminatory should not be part of the discus Purdue job posting and external advertisernents, vion; if this type of information is offered, jgnore. must include the language: "A background check will it. Because information gathered through reference be required for employment in this position." checks is conffdential, it should be communicated only to those who have a business need to know. A. When a candidate is selected for a position, the sample list of reference check-questions is provided hiring department mut offer the position contingent in Appendix. A. on the background check. Offer letters, samples Hingraperwisor must obtain a thinimume hire is contingent upon the results of the whom helste plans to extend an offer. If possible, also notify the Talent Acquivition team member or contact with the current ar most recent supervisor HiR Specialist of the offer and provide the following. should be made. Each relerence check should be information: appropriately documented. Many companies today will only corifirm employ. . Candidate's narme. ment dates and positions held. For this reason, when . Candidate's e-mall addreas conducting reference checks, ask the candidate for the name and number of a supervisor and contact - Position candidate has hecen oflered that person directly. Explain to the supervisor that, as the hiring decision rauker, you need a work reference. - Accosat number to charge for additional and may not be able to hire the individual if you can-t. background theck services (if applicable) not obtain one

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