Read Case Study 3:1 and answer the following two questions:
- Describe the nature and mission of your company; specify your position as administrative or staff, full- or part-time.
- Argue, supported by facts, for or against the use of a personality test for your or a similar role.
Case study Reading from book Organizational Behavior & Management By: Robert Konopaske, John M. Ivancevich, & Michael T. Matteson pg. 79-80
subtracting your score from six, that is, 1 becomes 5, Chapter 3 Individual Differences at Work 79 4 becomes 2, and so forth. Average Score Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 The four areas, represented by Groups 1-4, respec- Group 4 tively, are: f motivation 6. 1. 3. *8. 4. 7. _ 9. 17 5. 1. Fair-this score measures the extent to *10. 12 which you see the world as treating you *13. 19 *11 fairly 20. -95 *22. -14 23. 2. Assertive-this score measures the extent to -16 Total - 18. Total which you see yourself as aggressive. 21. Total 24. 3. Equalitarian-this score measures the extent ian. to which you see yourself as nonauthoritar- 25. 26. iper & why -27. 4. Introspective-this score measures the ex- Total tent to which you see yourself as thinking about things that go on around you and try- Now take each of your totals and divide by the number ing to determine why they occur. of answers to obtain your average responses, that is, 115 Em 2.3, 3.2, 4.1, and so forth. On a scale of 1-5, this mea- Source: This self-feedback experiential exercise is reprinted with permis- sures how you see yourself in each of these four areas. sion from the Subordinates' Management Style Survey by Bernard M. OutSu Bass, Enzo R. Valenzi, and Larry D. Eldridge. by yes Case Case 3.1: Personality Testing: Yes or No? ARe Mark, a project leader in Austin, Texas, needed a new software engineer for his eight-person team. He used In fact, studies do indicate that good personality tests are more reliable predictors of performance than ree his network, reviewed resumes, and invited 15 candi- interviews and resumes. However, they are still contro- dates for interviews. In addition he had the top three versial. Some employers have had to face lawsuits be- candidates complete the 16-Personality Factors Test. cause personality tests were used inappropriately. For This was a general test that he believed would reveal example, Rent-A-Center, Inc., used a personality test to personality characteristics that were important to know fill management positions. The U.S. Court of Appeals before making a job offer. for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago ruled that the test Personality testing is a relatively inexpensive qualified as a medical exam. The Americans with Dis- method that helps managers make important hiring de- abilities Act prohibits requiring medical examinations cisions. Tom, a member of Mark's team, warned every- before making a job offer. one about putting too much confidence into personality Court rulings on and controversy about personality test results, however. Tom had read that personality testing has not stopped employers from using such tests were not reliable and could be faked. tests. In an effort to match the best-qualified person Another team member, Mary, believed Tom to be with the position, personality testing, although contro- correct and incorrect at the same time. Some tests are versial, can be beneficial. poor, while others have helped employers make good Employers are very interested in what differenti- selection decisions, she said. She emphasized "helped." ates one person from another in terms of behavior and Tests by themselves shouldn't be the sole factor in hir- performance. Personality testing attempts to provide ing top performers. They are just one tool, she said. quantifiable data that can make the differentiation easier. Such differentiation is still difficult. Some per- She had heard about other firms using different kinds sonality researchers suggest there are regional differ- of tests to assess emotions, intelligence, and interper- ences in personality. That is, a New York candidate sonal style. UJmrw 11/8/2080 Part Two Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior 3. Could personality testing be used for management for Mark's position would be different from an Ore- decisions other than hiring? Explain. gon candidate. Mark, after considering all the issues surrounding Sources: "The Big Five Project Personality Test," personality testing, decided he would not conduct or bigfive/, accessed March 4, 2016; Patrick D. Converse, Frederick L. Oswald use such tests in the future. Anna Imus, Cynthia Hedricks, and Radha Roy, "Comparing Personality Test Questions Formats and Warnings: Effects on Criterion-Related Validity and Test-Taker Reactions," International Journal of Selection and Assessment 16, no. 2 1. Is Mark making a good decision to drop the use of (June 2008), pp. 155-69; Victoria Knight, "Personality Tests as Hiring Tools," The Wall Street Journal, March 15, 2006, p. B3A. personality testing? Why? 2. The better-quality personality tests are difficult to fake. Other than attempting to land the job, why would a job candidate fake a personality test