Read the following business plan for Alberta: then answer the question below
Transportation Business Plan 2020-23 Ministry Mandate and Structure The ministry consists of the Department of Transportation and the Alberta Transportation Safety Board. The ministry supports the province's economic, social and environmental vitality by developing and preserving a safe, efficient and affordable multi-modal transportation system. The system enables economic growth and supports market access while promoting connected communities and enhancing Albertans' quality of life. Transportation undertakes key activities to effectively maintain and expand the provincial highway network, support critical water infrastructure and implement strategies to promote safe travel for all road users. Minister of Transportation Department of Alberta Transportation Transportation Safety Board A more detailed description of Transportation and its programs and initiatives can be found at: The Ministry of Transportation is committed to the ongoing review of programs and services to ensure that the best possible outcomes are being achieved for Albertans. As part of this ongoing review, the ministry is committed to reducing red tape to make life easier for hard-working Albertans and businesses. This includes reducing regulatory burden and unnecessary processes to encourage economic growth and job creation; and make Alberta one of the freest and fastest moving economies in the world. The ministry is committed to working towards achieving the one- third reduction in the number of regulatory requirements in its statutes, regulations, policies and forms by 2023. Ministry Outcomes Competitiveness, Market Access and Economic Growth: Alberta has a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system that supports the economy Long-term Sustainability and Affordability: Alberta can afford to maintain its existing transportation assets and invest in new strategic infrastructure Connected and Active Communities: Albertans have inclusive and accessible transportation options in and between communities Safety and Security: Transportation safety and security is enhanced through educational, regulatory, technological and infrastructure improvements Transportation | Business Plan 2020-23 153