read theCase: Change Competencyon page 344 of your textbook, and then answer the five (5) questions posted on page 345.
Your written content must be APA format (cover page, each question on a page by itself, and a reference page).
You must also reference your in-text with the sources cited and the written content must be substantive for each question, no less than 250 words per answer.
\fstandards his maior t e h" instilled u _ ask. He states \"Y ' be ' 0\" V: 80! I e . Vice and gets bigger e momc :"Igs'wen more so as the comps:3 too lo Irgm M SHStore retail money, P COMfomble 1 dual? m u\" ' 'Vt made 10:: of , they lost chEVJthense nauy agreed to sell thmgganymom', that's when 0?rt8ildc;'iilllb)ebulhcr With \"we r l \" ' \" Bransor; tried to take oinzhe rogpafcljt of money." States: :'ng on ,amana - gconsultantatlihihhxislf'Consuln rgm Cola Coca.co1a 5e 0 a company \"nth smooth o Is the "3 People's In: H ' m' mt d Ki nt 3 SWAT team to the Perm" that people ma f I ' ' c u \"m s cc 1 ngdom to systematically destroy wrgm Co] a gdenuine Strategist, wh thinks zugdcmtihned to distrust, km 0 a su . a. an . . e h - 1r Sin Cola isc't'setfg die \"[3 big losses f0 W'Ein- en)o}g']svlj?es'?ITie thls. mm\". pasm's' \"meomngll'oomamrilfcm, num er one cola drink in ee lea den-shit)\" :mcllfsenutled 33% to What Mattm 1:23,: He aspect of Branson a In Branson us m'f'm'}'~ among Others tPeo 16 t ch S phdos9phy '5 Centered on ndmg Sonal meanm h fladfaSt Integnty his \"\"1un Sense Of r" p 0 run 6 chverse busmesses m the Vlrgin Group In g as Ways been one of BransOn's Values, ncerned about industry-spemc exPCI'tise as h a recent Vlsmnary commitment, Branson pled ed a recnutm 1 . Inuc as $3 billion durin th g S g emp oyees Wlth strong Communication to tackle lobal g e next 10 years (through 2017 rk pompetencres that mesh With the Virgin culture. antic1pate ersowal gfiThe money ls an minute 0' ms What makes somebody good IS how good they pany SO 11er na Pro ts from an- nes and rail com- With People. If You can nd people who are good e a dramatic ount ls nm'prwse But anything Close would others and getting the best out of people they are deVdOping ne;\":?:$em a cleaneir~ envrronnent through r sources 0 ener . r - want. _ a _ gy anson states. There are plenty of so called experts, but not We must not be the generation responsible for irreversibly . . ' of people. Virgin tends to promote damaging the environment.\" thin. The desrred prole, not surpnsmgly, is someone Branson has other ideas on leadership: Oilsomeone who gets charged up when told that dcaHOC be done 5011160113 who 15 unafraid ofmdustry Ultimately, the entrepreneur will only succeed if he or an W1\" not take 110 for an answer she has good people around them and they hsten to Many execuuves devote their attenUOn primarily to their advice. My colleagues know me as Dr. Yes becausel CFS Bf 3115011 thinks that the always nd it hard to say \"No\" to new ideas and propos- es rst customers next, and als. I rely on them to guide me but ultimately, I'm also $5\" V Jr u omsslon aslfeelitiswell happy, they will do a better job. If they do a better job, ' ' customers will be happy, and thus business will be gm the shareholders will be rewarded