Recommendation for food inflation that affect the quality of life in India (Based on Macroeconomics prospectives)
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This photo is the case study, however it is too general to depend on.
Food inflation hurting quality of life To address challenges on sustainable basis both Central and State govts must prepare food security plans VIJAY SARDANA allocation for the same. It is esti- pushing agriculture production gap between demand and supply must prepare sustainable food mated that every year the coun- areas away from residential is creating inflationary pressure security plans. Today we do not WE NEED income to maintain try's human population increase area. Growing population is also on food and feed system and have any such plans which can our quality of life. If there is in- es by 15 million and animal putting pressure on fresh pota- which is visible in market when tell us how much food and feed is flation it makes things expensive population by another five mil- ble water and ground water you see rising prices of food required and how planners are and our purchasing power goes lion on an average. It means we sources which are also re- and feed materials all planning to address these gaps. down and our quality of life suf- need more food than last year to quired for food production over the country There is need to relook at the fers. In order to maintain the feed these growing mouths. As a These factors are reduc In order to address data compilation mechanism be- quality of life, our income, ei- country we want industrial de- ing vital resources which hese challenges on cause agriculture is highly frag- ther from salary or from interest velopment and export growth. are required to sustain sustainable basis both mented and unorganised and on savings, must improve to Large number of industries en- the food and feed pro- Central as well as there is reliable data which can compensate the inflation. gaged infood, feed, fiber and fuel duction in the coun- State governments be used as reference point for If we are not compensated for also need raw material from ag- try. This widening planning. inflation, the surplus disposal riculture sector. If you club all Agriculture is a state subject. income, after spending on essen- these, the demand of agriculture All state governments should be tials like food, health, education, products is increasing at a faster asked to submit their food secu- housing will shrink. It means pace. We also need foreign ex- rity plan. These plans must have with less surplus income, the de- change and agriculture products 20 years plan with annual break mand for non-essential items exports are also required to ups so that time bound action like travel, entertainment, serv- meet export demand as plan be taken and progress can ices, luxury items, etc. will also well be monitored on annual basis. go down. On one side this reduc- On the other hand, we This will make system account es the quality of life and on the have limited agriculture able and people of this country other it reduces the demand for land, limited water re- will judge the quality of govern- these non essential industries. sources and climatic chal- ance based on food inflation. To- If inflation is high in essential lenges which restricts our day, when common man is suf- items like food, health, educa- ability to grow products as per fering due to food inflation, the tion and housing this also has our wish. claim of good governance is not serious impact on public health, The growing population is making sense. quality of education and pushing urbanisation. Every As a welfare state it is the mor- housing year some portion of agricul al duty of the governments that It is observed that consumers ture land is going for infra- quality of life of a common do have tendency to adopt the items structure development and not suffer due to food inflation. and produces which are cheap (The writer is an Agricultural not what is good for them. This Economist imbalances have very serious. short term and long term nega tive implications on investments, WHY CONTROL INFLATION? health and education, productive ity in society Issues like malnu- trition, child and mother mortal- This widening gap To address There is need to If we are not ty, stunting, lack of learning between demand these elook at the data compensated for ability, lack of stamina to work and supply is challenges on compilation inflation, surplus hard, poverty, etc., are social creating inflationary sustainable mechanism disposal income challenges caused by economic pressure on basis both because agriculture after spending on reasons like inflation. food and feed Central as is highly essentials like Food inflation in India is grow- system which is well as State fragmented and food, health, ing challenge and it is becoming visible in market governments unorganised and education, housing increasingly difficult for govern- when must prepare there is reliable will shrink, in turn ments to control the same. The you see rising sustainable data which can be educing demand reasons are very obvious. There food security used as reference for non essential is lack of planning and resource AMIT BANDRE prices of food and feed materials plans point for planning items INDIAN Mon, 27 June 2016 PRESS epaper , newindianexpress. com/c/11295650