Refer to Table 10-6; Price quotes are stated in 1/64ths. a. How many Exxon Mobil May 2020 $42.5 put options were outstanding at the open of trading on March 13, 2020? (Round your answers to 3 decimal places. (e.g., 32.161)) b. What was the settlement price of a 10-year Treasury note June 138 futures call option on March 13, 2020? (Round your answers to 4 decimal places. (e.g., 32.1616)) c. What was the closing price of a May 2,715 call option on the S&P 500 Stock Index futures contract on March 13, 2020? Calculate the dollar price of the May 2,715 call option on the S&P 500 Stock Index futures contract on March 13, 2020. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. (e.g.. 32.16)) d. What was the open interest on March 2020 put options (with an exercise price of 225) on the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock index on March 13, 2020? a. Put options b. Settlement price C. Closing price Dollar price d. Open interest STOCK OPTIONS Underlying Asset: Exxon Mobil Stock (XOM) Expiration Strike Price 03/27/20 37.00 03/27/20 40.00 04/24/20 37,00 04/24/20 40.00 05/15/20 40.00 05/15/20 42.50 06/19/20 40.00 06/19/20 42.50 STOCK INDEX OPTIONS Underlying Asset: DJIA Index Expiration Strike Price 03/20/20 225.00 03/20/20 235.00 225.00 04/17/20 04/17/20 235.00 05/15/20 225.00 05/15/20 235.00 06/19/20 225.00 06/19/20 235.00 STOCK INDEX OPTIONS Underlying Asset: S&P 500 Index Last 3.00 1.50 4.50 2.75 3.40 2.37 2.80 2.68 Last 10.50 5.20 14.08 9.20 15.97 12.66 60.42 21.00 Call Volume 132 1,742 55 92 781 154 277 2,128 Call Volume 19 Open Interest 1 163 0 64 143 444 98 415 Open Interest 22 111 Last 2.00 4.60 5.00 545 6.46 8.33 6.79 8.65 Last 17.35 20.50 14.95 21.14 28.70 27.50 27.90 32.97 Cloning Price: $38.11 Open Interest 366 568 66 135 502 716 16,159 2,348 Closing Value: 231.36 Open Interest 1040 2329 96 148 13 33 358 Cheng Val 2,710.95 Pow Puts Volume 839 114 1 8 162 183 32 Puts Volume 12 ring Asset: S&P 500 Index Calls Expiration Strike Price Last 03/27/20 2705.00 64.70 03/27/20 2715.00 64.02 04/24/20 2705.00 0.00 04/24/20 2715.00 13671 05/15/20 2710.00 201.80 05/15/20 2715.00 199.60 06/19/20 2710.00 187.90 06/19/20 2715.00 170.78 2 OPTIONS ON INTEREST RATE FUTURES Underlying Asset: June 2020 30-Year Treasury Bond Future Expiration Strike Price Last Apr 2020 175.00 4:08 Apr 2020 179.00 1:49. May 2020 174.00 6:14 May 2020 180.00 3:20 Jun 2020 173.00 8:00 Jun 2020 176.00 $32 Jun 2020 179.00 4:30 Jun 2020 180.00 450 OPTIONS ON INTEREST RATE FUTURES Volume 13 73 0 1 45 47 10 Calls Volume 47 133 88 51 10 752 43 48 Open Interest 15 8 0 1 11 16 0 Open Interest 6:21 405 8:20 5:30 10/04 8:34 7:14 6:52 Last 206.01 130.93 322.03 300.78 224,83 330 44 350.60 348.89 Last 1:57 3:59 2:57 638 347 5:45 806 7:30 Cloning Valur: 2,710.95 Pats Open Interest 488 715 19 1 2.948 1,111 330 N Prior Settle: 179:00 Prise Settle 1:53 405 330 630 405 714 7:52 Volume 11 593 2 0 3 14 188 14 Pata Volun 1 236 55 665 OPTIONS ON INTEREST RATE FUTURES Underlying Asset: June 2020 10-Year Treasury Note Future Expiration Strike Price Apr 2020 136.00 1:19 Apr 2020 137.00 044 May 2020 136.50 143 May 2020 137.00 1:22 May 2020 138.00 108 May 2020 138.50 101 Jun 2020 137.50 1/55 Jun 2020 138.00 1:32 Volume 1,178 5,347 4,471 2.768 6.139 129 324 5,132 2 Open Interest 1:58 1:24 2:19 205 1:45 135 224 213 7:30 Lant 0:46 1:35 1:28 1:46 202 3:02 254 3:03 B 7:52 Prise Settle: 1.37 08 Prior Settle 142 108 135 133 2399 251 240 761 Puts Volane 3.535 6376 5.408 6337 2 123 224 253