required 1
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Aryaireit coverage of the history of the Pacife Nartiwect, and the state of Orequn a parficular MSt has not nold th producti diectly to teaches. imlormation retated to production ef Mosi s cuntere hishry programi folowe. Reguired: 1. Compuae the incremental profit (on soss) Mom accebtirg the shecial oider. 2. Stioulik Msa except the speccal order? 2. SHepose that the special order had been to parchase 1600 copes of the progap for 3250 each Compute the incremevial prots (or loss) frem accepting the special order under thas scenano 4. Suppose that MSt is operatry at haf capacity to accept the speciot order, it wobd have to retuce productipn of the humory program. Compete the apecial order peice at which Mst wodid be indifferent betesen acceptrga or rescting the speciat oider. Complete this question by entering vour answers in the tabs below. profit (er loss) from accepting the tidecial erder undis this ecenarda of scheod apheres en the past but as Masefing Department iderefied that possibaty dining a recent ineeting Aesired 2. Should MSi accept the ipecine arder? for issel bom accepting Er torcialoded inder the Mcenalio Compuinte this question by cestering raur enswees io the talos tectirw. (heound your ecamer in y decanat places.) Required informetion [The follomeng ainonnation apoues ro the chestous cespiayed below] Moining siy, ins. (MSi), manulactures and sells compater qames. The compory has several product lines based on the ege range of the target aiaket. MSi sells both incividual games as wel as packaged sets. Al garnes are in CD koirat, and some utue acceisories tuch as steering wheets, electronic tablets, and hand controls. To date, MSil kas developed and mansiactured ati the CDs itseti as wek as the accessories and packaging foe all of its products. The gaming maiket has tradtionaly been targeted at leenagers and young aduits: however, the increaskg affordabiay of computers and the incorporation of computer activities into junior tigh and elementary sehool cuericulums tas led to a sugnficant inciease in sales to younger chikien. MSt has atways inct uded getmes for younger children but now wants lo expend ns busirs to to cepeakere on changes in the induatry The company currenty has eacess capacity and is inwestigating several poskhile ways in inprowe profitabity M5i has been appoached by a fourth-grade teacher bom Portand about the posteiny ef cieating a specialy desquped pamie that would be tiatomued fot her dasiroom and epienment. The leocher would ake an educaponal game to corespond to her elaivoom coyeraje of the tustory of the Pacilic Northisest, and the state of Oregon in patkidar. Muy has not sold es preducts drectly to teachers programi abaut US. hatory to accominodate the tequet. The modifications weuld cost approsinately 4420 A sumenary af the infermation reiated to production of MSFs cietent histoy brogran foldows. Required: 1. Comed: 2. 5 hovid MSt accept the special oveer? 4. Suppose that His is operatrgat ful oupacity To accept the special order. If woild have to teduce productioned the histery. Required information (The folowing infomation thplies to the quections disployed below] Moeneng Sty, inc. (MSa, marsidactures and sells compiter games. The compady has several product lines baced on the age range of the target market. MSi sells both indtividial games as wed as packaged sets Al gattof are in cD format, and some uture accessories such as steering wheels, electronic tablets, and hand controls. To date MS1 has developed and manulactured all the CDs treit is well an the accescones and packaging tor al of as products The gamugg market has traditionaly been taroeted det teenagess and young adits, however, the increasing aftordability of computers and the incorporation of computer activities into finior high and elementary schoor curiculums thas led to a significant merease in maks to younger thilden. MSt has always hcluded games for younger children but now wants io expand is tuseses to capilalce on thanges in the intuntry. Thie compariy cuerently has eacess capicity and is imestigating seneral possble ways to ingrowe profitabitay. Msu nas been acoroached ty a fourth Grade teacher from Horthad abost the possibity of cheating a necialy designed game frst woudd be customiged tor her cimsioom and enviconment. The teacher would ane an educational game ta correspond to her classrocen coresage of the huboty of the Pscific Northinest, and the uate of Oregon in perticulag. MSi has not soldits products directly to teachers or schosi systems in the past, hut its Markebng Department identified that oosubity duing a recent meeting The teacher tas offeied to buy 1,000 copies of the CD at a price of Sao0 each. M5I could eadly modify one of its eusbng educational programe about US histary to accominedate the request. The modifications would cost apareximately 5420 . A summary of the Recuired: Aecquiredt 1. Compute the incitmental profa tor loss) from acceptund the special oenier: 2. Should MSi accept the special order? 2. Should MSt accept the specal order? 3. Suppose thar the special onder had been to patchase t,600 copies of the progiam for 52.50 each. Compute the incremertal prost (oe lasa) from accepeng the speciar oider under this scenano 4. Scppese that Misi a operabny ar ful cafacily. To accept the special ordec it woild hare to reduce production of the hisiory progrom. Compute the special order price at which MSi woold be indilerent between accepting or rejecling the special order. MSt has been aaproached ty a fourth arede teacher from Fortand about the possedery of creating a sceecially decigned game that conerage of the hastogy of the Pacific Narthweit-and the state of Oregon in particulae MSa has noe sold as oroducts directly to teachets or schoel systems in the post, but it Marketing Depatitient idenafled that possibety duting a recent meeting The teachet has ofleredto buy 1600 copies of the CD at a pike of 5600 each. Msf could easily modily one of its eabsting educatianal proprams about US. history to accormodabe the tequest. The moditications would cost aporoximately 5420 A summary of the Required: 1. Compate the incremental prota (or kasi) from accepting the special order 2. Shoula MSt accept the specist order? 3. Sunpose that the speciat oriter had been to purchase tooo copes of tie program for 3250 each. Campeite the incremental protit (or tostif froin accepting the spectal order under this scenario. A. Suppose Ifat MSis operating at fill capacity. To accept the speciat order, at would have to teduce production of the hustory program. Compute the special order price at which MSI would be indeterent between accepting of reiecting the special arder. Carpplete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Suppose that MSa is eperating at full capacity. To accese the special codec, it wodid have to reduce preduction co the hustory program. Compute the spedal order price at which MSt would be indiferent between acoepting or fejecting the apeoat order, (round your answer to 2 dechmal places.) Aryaireit coverage of the history of the Pacife Nartiwect, and the state of Orequn a parficular MSt has not nold th producti diectly to teaches. imlormation retated to production ef Mosi s cuntere hishry programi folowe. Reguired: 1. Compuae the incremental profit (on soss) Mom accebtirg the shecial oider. 2. Stioulik Msa except the speccal order? 2. SHepose that the special order had been to parchase 1600 copes of the progap for 3250 each Compute the incremevial prots (or loss) frem accepting the special order under thas scenano 4. Suppose that MSt is operatry at haf capacity to accept the speciot order, it wobd have to retuce productipn of the humory program. Compete the apecial order peice at which Mst wodid be indifferent betesen acceptrga or rescting the speciat oider. Complete this question by entering vour answers in the tabs below. profit (er loss) from accepting the tidecial erder undis this ecenarda of scheod apheres en the past but as Masefing Department iderefied that possibaty dining a recent ineeting Aesired 2. Should MSi accept the ipecine arder? for issel bom accepting Er torcialoded inder the Mcenalio Compuinte this question by cestering raur enswees io the talos tectirw. (heound your ecamer in y decanat places.) Required informetion [The follomeng ainonnation apoues ro the chestous cespiayed below] Moining siy, ins. (MSi), manulactures and sells compater qames. The compory has several product lines based on the ege range of the target aiaket. MSi sells both incividual games as wel as packaged sets. Al garnes are in CD koirat, and some utue acceisories tuch as steering wheets, electronic tablets, and hand controls. To date, MSil kas developed and mansiactured ati the CDs itseti as wek as the accessories and packaging foe all of its products. The gaming maiket has tradtionaly been targeted at leenagers and young aduits: however, the increaskg affordabiay of computers and the incorporation of computer activities into junior tigh and elementary sehool cuericulums tas led to a sugnficant inciease in sales to younger chikien. MSt has atways inct uded getmes for younger children but now wants lo expend ns busirs to to cepeakere on changes in the induatry The company currenty has eacess capacity and is inwestigating several poskhile ways in inprowe profitabity M5i has been appoached by a fourth-grade teacher bom Portand about the posteiny ef cieating a specialy desquped pamie that would be tiatomued fot her dasiroom and epienment. The leocher would ake an educaponal game to corespond to her elaivoom coyeraje of the tustory of the Pacilic Northisest, and the state of Oregon in patkidar. Muy has not sold es preducts drectly to teachers programi abaut US. hatory to accominodate the tequet. The modifications weuld cost approsinately 4420 A sumenary af the infermation reiated to production of MSFs cietent histoy brogran foldows. Required: 1. Comed: 2. 5 hovid MSt accept the special oveer? 4. Suppose that His is operatrgat ful oupacity To accept the special order. If woild have to teduce productioned the histery. Required information (The folowing infomation thplies to the quections disployed below] Moeneng Sty, inc. (MSa, marsidactures and sells compiter games. The compady has several product lines baced on the age range of the target market. MSi sells both indtividial games as wed as packaged sets Al gattof are in cD format, and some uture accessories such as steering wheels, electronic tablets, and hand controls. To date MS1 has developed and manulactured all the CDs treit is well an the accescones and packaging tor al of as products The gamugg market has traditionaly been taroeted det teenagess and young adits, however, the increasing aftordability of computers and the incorporation of computer activities into finior high and elementary schoor curiculums thas led to a significant merease in maks to younger thilden. MSt has always hcluded games for younger children but now wants io expand is tuseses to capilalce on thanges in the intuntry. Thie compariy cuerently has eacess capicity and is imestigating seneral possble ways to ingrowe profitabitay. Msu nas been acoroached ty a fourth Grade teacher from Horthad abost the possibity of cheating a necialy designed game frst woudd be customiged tor her cimsioom and enviconment. The teacher would ane an educational game ta correspond to her classrocen coresage of the huboty of the Pscific Northinest, and the uate of Oregon in perticulag. MSi has not soldits products directly to teachers or schosi systems in the past, hut its Markebng Department identified that oosubity duing a recent meeting The teacher tas offeied to buy 1,000 copies of the CD at a price of Sao0 each. M5I could eadly modify one of its eusbng educational programe about US histary to accominedate the request. The modifications would cost apareximately 5420 . A summary of the Recuired: Aecquiredt 1. Compute the incitmental profa tor loss) from acceptund the special oenier: 2. Should MSi accept the special order? 2. Should MSt accept the specal order? 3. Suppose thar the special onder had been to patchase t,600 copies of the progiam for 52.50 each. Compute the incremertal prost (oe lasa) from accepeng the speciar oider under this scenano 4. Scppese that Misi a operabny ar ful cafacily. To accept the special ordec it woild hare to reduce production of the hisiory progrom. Compute the special order price at which MSi woold be indilerent between accepting or rejecling the special order. MSt has been aaproached ty a fourth arede teacher from Fortand about the possedery of creating a sceecially decigned game that conerage of the hastogy of the Pacific Narthweit-and the state of Oregon in particulae MSa has noe sold as oroducts directly to teachets or schoel systems in the post, but it Marketing Depatitient idenafled that possibety duting a recent meeting The teachet has ofleredto buy 1600 copies of the CD at a pike of 5600 each. Msf could easily modily one of its eabsting educatianal proprams about US. history to accormodabe the tequest. The moditications would cost aporoximately 5420 A summary of the Required: 1. Compate the incremental prota (or kasi) from accepting the special order 2. Shoula MSt accept the specist order? 3. Sunpose that the speciat oriter had been to purchase tooo copes of tie program for 3250 each. Campeite the incremental protit (or tostif froin accepting the spectal order under this scenario. A. Suppose Ifat MSis operating at fill capacity. To accept the speciat order, at would have to teduce production of the hustory program. Compute the special order price at which MSI would be indeterent between accepting of reiecting the special arder. Carpplete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Suppose that MSa is eperating at full capacity. To accese the special codec, it wodid have to reduce preduction co the hustory program. Compute the spedal order price at which MSt would be indiferent between acoepting or fejecting the apeoat order, (round your answer to 2 dechmal places.)