Required information Choa AICPA Professional Code of Conduct - Part 2 of 2 (LOS-3, L03-4 AICPA Professional Code of Conduct Read the overview below and complete the active that follow CPs were to hide by professional anders as outlined in the AC Code of Professional Conduct and redundance is important for CPAS to understand the ructure of the professional dance so they can find the information needed to determine an propriate course of action when dienas arise. CONCEPT REVIEW The Code of Professional Conduct is ructured in two section called Principles and Rules Principles on the profession's response to the punches, and follow practions Rules are forceable options of the Principles. Additional guidance that further in the scope and pation of the Rules is included in interpretations and is Rings Part 2 - Concept Check de cordered a Principle w de of Profesion? w Options are: 1. acts discreditable, confidential client information, contingent fees, general standards, the public interest 2. acts discreditable, confidential client information, contingent fees, objectivity and independence, solicitation 3. advertising, responsiblities, scope and nature of service, the public interest 4. due care, general standards, responsiblities, scope and nature of service, the public interest 5. advertising, due care, responsiblities, scope and nature of service, the public interest 6. acts discreditable, confidential client information, contingent fees, general standards, the public interest 7. acts discreditable, confidential client information, contingent fees, objectivity and independence, solicitation 8. due care, integrity, responsiblities, scope and nature of service, the public interest 9. acts discreditable, confidential client information, contingent fees, obiectivity, solicitation