Required information Problem 8.3A (Algo) Flexible overhead budget; materials, labor, and overhead variances; and overhead variance report LO P1, P2, P3, P4 (The following informatlon applles to the questions displayed below) Antuan Campany set the following standard costs per unit for its product. The standard overhead rate (\$18,50 per direct labor houn) is bosed on a predicted activity level of 75% of the foctory's capacity of 20,000 units per month. Following are the company/s budgeted owerhead costs per month at the 75 capacity level. The company incurred the following actual costs when it operated at 75% of capocity in Octobet. Problem 8-3A (Algo) Part 2 2. Compute the direct materials variance, including its price and quantity variances. (lidicate the effect of ebch variance by selecting favorable, unfavorable, or no variance.) Required information Problem 8-3A (Algo) Flexible overhead budget; materials, labor, and overhead variances; and overhead variance report Lo P1, P2, P3, PA [The following informalon applies to the questians displsyed belonk] Antuan Comparty set the following standard costs por unit for its product. The standard everhead rate (\$51.50 per direct labor houn) is based on a predicted activity level of 75% of the factory/s copacity of 20,000 units per month. Following are the compumy's budgeted overhedd costs per month at the 75% capacty level The company incurred the following actual costs when it operased at 75% of capacty in October Problem 8-3A (Algo) Part 3 3. Compute the diect labor variance, including its fale and efficiency variancer. findicate the effect of each variance by selecting favorable, untavorable, or no varlance. Round "Alate per hour" answers to two decimal places) Aequlred information Problem 8-3A (Algo) Flexible overhead budget, materials, Iabor, and overhesd variances; and overhead vatiance report LO P-, P2, P3, P4 (The following information appiles to the quespions dopldyed below] Aetunn Company set the folowing standard costs per unit for its product. The standerd overtiead tate (\$18.50 per direct lnbor hour) is based on a predicted bctivty level of 75 Wi of the factary's capacity of 20.000 units per month. Following are the compamy's budgeted overhead costs per month at the 75 siplepocty Wrets The comptry incurred the follening actual costs when it operited at JSs of capacity in Cctobec. Problem B-3A (Algo) Part A 4. Prepare a detalled overhead variance report that shows the variances for indidalial atems af evechecat fhelicate the eflect at each variance by selecting fovorable, unfavorable, or no varlance.)