Required information The fallowing intommation appoles to the questions dispiayed beiow. Weryclear Gi3s5ware is a new business owned by Skyler Peoples, the compony president, Sicyler's first year of operation commenced on danuary 1.2022 EIN: 787654398 Addiess: 2305t Oid Redwood Highway. Sebastopol, Calitornia. 95482. phone 707.555-5555 Number of emploweess 13 Wages, tips, and other compensation paid during the first quarter of 2022:5174,279 Income tax withrield from employees: $34,855,80 Social Secinty tax witheld fram empioyees: 510.805 .30 Medicare tax withheid from employees 32,527.05 Required: For Veryclear Glassware (Calfornia Employer Account Number 999.9999-9). complete the following State of California Form DE-9. Quarterty Contrioution, and Report of Wages. Use 5.4 pereent as the UI rate with a cap of 57,000 per employee, 01 percent as the EII rate wish a cap of $7,000 per employee, and 1.1 percent as the $01 rate with a cap of $145.600 per employee. All employees have worked the full quarter with the compary. and all wages are subject to Ui. EIT, and SDI. The California PIT taxes withheld for the quarter are $4,077. The company has deposited \$7,881.38 for the quarter. Skyler Peoples submated the farm on 4/15/2022. Note: Instructions on format can be found on certain cells within the forms. Round your percentage answers for Cells D and E to 3 decimal places (e.9. 9.5%; =0.095) and all other numerical answers to 2 decimal places. Required information The fallowing intommation appoles to the questions dispiayed beiow. Weryclear Gi3s5ware is a new business owned by Skyler Peoples, the compony president, Sicyler's first year of operation commenced on danuary 1.2022 EIN: 787654398 Addiess: 2305t Oid Redwood Highway. Sebastopol, Calitornia. 95482. phone 707.555-5555 Number of emploweess 13 Wages, tips, and other compensation paid during the first quarter of 2022:5174,279 Income tax withrield from employees: $34,855,80 Social Secinty tax witheld fram empioyees: 510.805 .30 Medicare tax withheid from employees 32,527.05 Required: For Veryclear Glassware (Calfornia Employer Account Number 999.9999-9). complete the following State of California Form DE-9. Quarterty Contrioution, and Report of Wages. Use 5.4 pereent as the UI rate with a cap of 57,000 per employee, 01 percent as the EII rate wish a cap of $7,000 per employee, and 1.1 percent as the $01 rate with a cap of $145.600 per employee. All employees have worked the full quarter with the compary. and all wages are subject to Ui. EIT, and SDI. The California PIT taxes withheld for the quarter are $4,077. The company has deposited \$7,881.38 for the quarter. Skyler Peoples submated the farm on 4/15/2022. Note: Instructions on format can be found on certain cells within the forms. Round your percentage answers for Cells D and E to 3 decimal places (e.9. 9.5%; =0.095) and all other numerical answers to 2 decimal places