Requirements 1. For 2018, Polin marketing managers project monthly sales of 430,000 12-ounce bottles and 160,000 1-gallon containers. Average selling prices are estimated at $0.30 per 12-ounce bottle and $1.25 per 1-gallon container. Prepare a revenues budget for Polin, Inc., for the year ending December 31, 2018. 2. Polin begins 2018 with 980,000 12-ounce bottles in inventory. The vice president of operations requests that 12-ounce bottles ending inventory on December 31, 2018, be no less than 610,000 bottles. Based on sales projections as budgeted previously, what is the minimum number of 12-ounce bottles Polin must produce during 2018? 3. The VP of operations requests that ending inventory of 1-gallon containers on December 31, 2018, be 290,000 units. If the production budget calls for Polin to produce 1.000.000 1-gallon containers during 2018, what is the beginning inventory of 1-gailon containers on January 1, 2018? www.comportam Org. Po 13are dispute bodies and put a continens Pequirements. Ponovog manager project many of 630.000 tot komt ind 900.000 per certain hurrage etry peces as water Petoro dec. 201 Men det To 2. B200.000 120 min ay The president of precebimending to Debenherstone 12. Pag Pret) Fig. Requlrement 2. Polin begira 2018 with 980,000 12 ounce botter in inventory. The vice president of operation requests that 12 ounce botter ending Inventory on December 31, 2018, be to me than 10.000 bottles. Based on sales projections as budgeted previously what is the minimum number of 12-ounce bottes Polin must produce during 2017 Production Budget in Units) For the Year Ending December 21.2018 12 oz. bottles Units to be produced Requirements. The VP of operations requests that ending inventory of t.guion contacten on December 31, 2018, be 200,000 unite the production budget calls for Pelin to produce 1.000.000. 1-asion containers during 2018, what is the beginning inventory of golion containers on January 1, 2018 The beginning inventory of gation containers, in on January 1, 2018