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REVISION QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Which of the following is a generic

REVISION QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Which of the following is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience? 1) _______ A) moods B) cognition C) emotions D) emotional labor E) affect 2) Ismael spent the morning in the field making sales calls. He called on four prospective clients and they all declined to purchase his company's product. Ismael returned to the office stressed and exhausted. He has an hour and a half for lunch before he has to make a large sales presentation to a current client, which Ismael hopes will expand his account. Which of the following is most likely to be the best way for Ismael to spend his lunch hour? 2) _______ A) He should rest and relax before the presentation. B) He should ask his boss to help him prepare the presentation. C) He should practice his sales pitch orally with a co-worker. D) He should go through the past sales orders placed by this client in order to better understand her requirements. E) He should prepare his sales pitch data and graphics on the computer. 3) Which of the following is not an example of emotional emotions? A) anger about injustice done to others B) disgust at violations of moral norms C) sympathy for the suffering of others D) perturbation toward those acting altruistically E) guilt about our own immoral behavior 3) _______ 4) The corporate office has determined that the company vision needs to be amended. What should corporate leaders do to increase the likelihood that employees will accept this change? 4) _______ A) motivate employees by putting them in a good mood B) evoke empathy for the CEO C) negotiate with them and express anger D) arouse emotions and link them to an appealing vision E) demonstrate how the vision will better company profits 5) Julia works as a receptionist in a real estate company. One morning her boss comes in the door and yells at her, telling her that the front office is a mess and that she needs to get up and clean it immediately. After her boss leaves the room, Julia grabs three magazines and violently slams them into the trash can. Which of the following best describes Julia's anger? 5) _______ A) a thought B) an affect C) a mental process D) a mood E) an emotion 6) People feeling different emotions after being subjected to identical emotion-provoking stimuli is a result of ________. 6) _______ A) positivity offset B) cognitive dissonance C) emotional dissonance D) emotional labor E) personality 7) Erin works at a software company, in charge of the help desk. After being yelled at by a customer about the state of her company's software, she becomes angry, and has to take a short break to calm down. What makes her anger an emotion, rather than a mood? 7) _______ A) It is a simple, unambiguous feeling. B) Her response is not accompanied by facial expressions. C) It has a contextual stimulus. D) Her response is prolonged. E) It is cognitive in nature. 8) What is positivity offset? 8) _______ A) exhibiting a self-serving bias when there is negative input B) experiencing self-elation C) experiencing the fundamental attribution error D) having misperceptions of one's environment E) experiencing a mildly positive mood at zero input 9) Carlos is upset because his boss gave him work to finish over the weekend. It is Friday. Which of the following will least help Carlos lift his spirits? 9) _______ A) going skiing with friends B) playing videogames with his friends C) going to a party at his friend's house D) going out to dinner with his friends E) having his card club over for dinner at his house 10) Which of the following activities is most strongly associated with an increase in positive mood? A) playing videogames B) surfing the Internet C) watching TV D) reading a book E) going to a party 10) ______ 11) If an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions (irrespective of his true emotions), then it is known as ________. 11) ______ A) positive affect B) deviant behavior C) emotional labor D) negative affect E) emotional intelligence 12) Which of the following statements is true about the difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions? 12) ______ A) Men display positive emotions more frequently than women. B) Men are more emotionally expressive than women. C) Women tend to "hold onto" emotions longer than men. D) Men experience emotions more intensely than women. E) Women express anger more frequently than men. 13) When Ariana is told that her dog has been killed by a car, her eyes widen in disbelief and tears begin to stream down her face. Later that day she is able to laugh and talk about the fun times she had with her dog. What is one of the reasons that Ariana's reaction can be categorized as an emotion? 13) ______ A) It is accompanied by facial expressions. B) It is a positive feeling. C) Her reaction is cognitive in nature. D) It has a lengthy duration. E) It is a general, unambiguous feeling. 14) ________ is an emotion that falls into the category of high positive affect. A) Serenity B) Boredom C) Elation D) Relaxation E) Fatigue 14) ______ 15) Which of the following statements is true regarding the effects of moods and emotions on decision making? ______ 15) A) Positive emotions tend to diminish problem-solving skills. B) People in good moods or experiencing positive emotions are less likely than others to use heuristics, or rules of thumb. C) Evidence suggests that depressed people make better decisions. D) OB researchers are increasingly finding that moods and emotions do not affect decision making. E) Depressed people tend to weigh all possible options rather than the most likely ones. 16) Which of the following statements is true regarding surface acting? 16) ______ A) Surface acting is trying to modify our true inner feelings based on display rules. B) Research shows surface acting is less stressful to employees than deep acting. C) Surface acting deals with felt emotions as opposed to deep acting which deals with displayed emotions. D) Surface acting is hiding inner feelings and forgoing emotional expressions in response to display rules. E) A health care provider trying to genuinely feel more empathy for her patients is surface acting. 17) Which of the following statements is true regarding emotions? A) Emotions are caused by specific events. B) Emotions are generally not indicated by distinct facial expressions. C) Emotions are less intense feelings than moods. D) Emotions last longer than moods. E) Moods are more action oriented in nature than emotions. 17) ______ 18) Which of the following is an example of deep acting? 18) ______ A) Liz is worried about her sick dog, but makes her morning sales calls with a smile. B) Javier is angry at his boss so he calls in sick on Friday, the day the project is due, to get back at him. C) Andy tells his employee that he isn't doing a good job and that he needs to shape up. D) Sonora smiles at her cubicle neighbor when she walks by even though his behavior annoys her. E) David invites a co-worker that he doesn't like to lunch, in the hope of getting to know him better. 19) Diane Marshall is an office manager. Her awareness of her own and others' emotions is almost nil. She's moody and unable to generate much enthusiasm or interest in her employees. She doesn't understand why employees get upset with her. She often overreacts to problems and chooses the most ineffectual responses to emotional situations. Diane has ________. 19) ______ A) high cognitive dissonance B) low emotional dissonance C) low emotional intelligence D) low confirmation bias E) high self-serving bias 20) Which of the following statements is true regarding deep acting? 20) ______ A) A health care provider trying to genuinely feel more empathy for her patients is deep acting. B) Deep acting deals with displayed emotions as opposed to surface acting. C) Deep acting is hiding inner feelings and forgoing emotional expressions in response to display rules. D) Research shows surface acting is less stressful to employees than deep acting. E) A worker who smiles at a customer even when he doesn't feel like it is deep acting. 21) What term is used for those emotions that an organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job? 21) ______ A) conditional emotions B) displayed emotions C) mandated emotions D) felt emotions E) required emotions 22) Rahael's team was recently responsible for missing a major sales goal. According to the affective events theory, which of the following is most likely to occur? 22) ______ A) Rahael will become discouraged but will keep working harder for next time. B) Rahael will become discouraged and will start to dislike her job. C) Raheal will become more motivated but will start to dislike her job. D) Rahael will become more motivated and will keep working harder for next time. E) Rahael might react as stated in both A and D. 23) On which day of the week does negative affect tend to be the highest? A) Wednesdays B) Thursdays C) Sundays D) Mondays E) Tuesdays 23) ______ 24) Judy has been having a very difficult time at work. Her supervisor is constantly making her work long hours and is usually very critical of her behavior. This constant negativity is taking a toll on Judy and she is starting to experience hatred toward her job. According to the theory of emotional regulation, Judy needs to do which of the following to control her spiraling emotions? 24) ______ A) Vent...letting it out clears the soul. B) Dance...a hobby is always a good diversion. C) Exercise...get some endorphins going. D) Drink...a little alcohol count help her chill out. E) Curse...a few choice words will help. 25) Research has indicated that people in a ________ mood are better able to ________. A) bad; deal with others B) bad; discern the truth about others C) bland; discern the truth about others D) good; deal with others E) good; discern the truth about others 25) ______ 26) Which of the following statements is true regarding the sources of moods and emotions? A) As we grow older, we experience more negative emotions. B) People tend to be in their best moods on Sundays. C) Moods and emotions are independent of the personality of the individuals. D) The weather strongly affects moods. E) Sleep quality affects mood. 26) ______ 27) People who score ________ on emotional stability are more likely to react strongly to ________ events. 27) ______ A) low; negative B) low; positive C) average; positive D) average; negative E) high; negative 28) Whether a candidate has high emotional intelligence would not be a significant factor when considering candidates for the job of a(n) ________. 28) ______ A) realtor arranging sales between homeowners and potential buyers B) engineer heading a team designing a complex software/hardware interface C) interviewer who assesses candidates in an employment agency D) meeting planner who must set up meetings for candidates around the world E) copy editor who seeks out spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in manuscripts 29) Research suggests which of the following relationships exists between the weather and mood? A) moderately negative effect B) moderately positive effect C) limited or little effect D) strong negative effect E) strong positive effect 29) ______ 30) Amber and Emmet were recently hired by a marketing agency. While Amber is typically in a good mood always, Emmet appears to be depressed most of the time. Based on this information, what would you expect from Amber? 30) ______ A) She will take a great deal of time trying to make a good decision. B) She will not be very creative when making decisions. C) She will have poor problem-solving skills. D) She will find better solutions to problems. E) She will make poor decisions. 31) Barry is angry at losing his job. In order to regulate his emotions, he can do all of the following except ________. 31) ______ A) think about pleasant things B) distract himself C) suppress negative thoughts D) focus on the problem at hand E) engage in relaxation techniques 32) Which of the following terms best describes feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions? A) cognition B) affect C) moods D) reactions E) thoughts 32) ______ 33) Which of the following is a correct argument in favor of emotional intelligence (EI)? A) EI is a simple and straightforward concept. B) The concept of EI has a biological base. C) EI accurately indicates linguistic abilities of a person. D) EI can be measured easily. E) The concept of EI is different from intelligence and personality. 33) ______ 34) People who are ________ are less likely to be able to ________ their emotions. 34) ______ A) confident; change B) sad; suppress C) neurotic; control D) narcissistic; suppress E) happy; control 35) Evidence suggests people who feel negative emotions, particularly ________ or hostility, are more likely than others to engage in deviant behavior at work. 35) ______ A) anger B) nervousness C) depression D) tension E) stress 36) Which of the following is the term used for the strength with which individuals experience emotion? 36) ______ A) emotional labor B) emotional dissonance C) emotional intelligence D) affect intensity E) positivity offset 37) Which of the following statements is true regarding negotiation? 37) ______ A) Feeling bad about your performance appears to improve future negotiations. B) Displaying negative emotions, such as anger, is ineffective. C) A lack of emotion improves performance during negotiation. D) A negative emotional state enhances performance. E) Feeling bad about your performance in a negotiation is likely to improve future performance. 38) Which of the following is not one of Hofstede's five dimensions of national culture? A) power distance B) long-term versus short-term orientation C) flexibility versus rigidity D) uncertainty avoidance E) individualism versus collectivism 38) ______ 39) Which dimension of the Big Five Model refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others? A) conscientiousness B) emotional stability C) agreeableness D) extraversion E) openness to experience 39) ______ 40) According to the Big Five Model, people who score high on the ________ dimension are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive. 40) ______ A) extraversion B) agreeableness C) emotional stability D) conscientiousness E) openness to experience 41) You are assembling a team to work on a long-term project which requires creativity, persistence, and formal thinking. The only piece of information available to you is the Myers-Briggs Type of each of the applicants. These results are shown below: Candidate Myers-Briggs Type Alan Brenda Cameron Drusilla Ellen INTJ ESTJ ENTP ESFP INFP You need a person who is innovative, individualistic, and versatile and is attracted to entrepreneurial ideas. Who would be the best candidate based on their Myers-Briggs Type? 41) ______ A) Ellen B) Alan C) Drusilla D) Cameron E) Brenda 42) Which of the following statements best describes the traits of people having a proactive personality? 42) ______ A) They tend to display their true dispositions and attitudes in every situation and express behavioral inconsistency. B) They identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs. C) They naturally seem to think about other people a lot, being concerned about their well-being and feelings. D) They are more charismatic and thus are more likely to emerge as leaders and display better psychological health. E) They make more rapid decisions and use less information than the low risk takers do. 43) Which of the following differentiates introverts from extraverts? 43) ______ A) As compared to extraverts, introverts tend to be happier in their jobs and in their lives as a whole. B) Introverts are less impulsive than extraverts. C) Introverts experience more positive emotions than extraverts. D) Introverts are generally more assertive than extraverts. E) Introverts are more socially dominant than extraverts. 44) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the "intuitive" type ________. 44) ______ A) rely on unconscious processes and look at the "big picture" B) rely on their personal values and emotions C) are outgoing, sociable, and assertive D) want control and prefer their world to be ordered and structured E) are flexible and spontaneous 45) The ________ is the most widely used personality assessment instrument in the world. A) Big Five personality model B) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator C) Rokeach value survey D) Thematic Apperception test E) Raymond Cattell 16 Personality Factors model 45) ______ 46) Harvey is a very exciting person, people want to be friends with him, and find his company very desirable. Harvey usually takes the lead within his circle of friends and seldom considers what others want. Most likely, Harvey has which of the Dark Triad? 46) ______ A) narcissism B) psychopathy C) Machiavellianism and narcissism D) psychopathy and narcissism E) Machiavellianism 47) With reference to the Big Five Model, which of the following statements is true regarding highly agreeable people? 47) ______ A) They are less compliant and less rule abiding than those who score low on agreeableness. B) They are excellent negotiators. C) They tend to do better in interpersonally oriented jobs such as customer service. D) They are especially susceptible to workplace accidents. E) They are more likely to engage in organizational deviance. 48) Marina loves to visit a new country every year. Her hobbies are visiting museums, painting, traveling, and learning new languages. Which dimension of the Big Five Model best describes Marina, according to her hobbies? 48) ______ A) agreeableness B) emotional stability C) conscientiousness D) extraversion E) openness to experience 49) Individuals scoring ________ are highly sensitive to external cues and can behave differently in different situations. 49) ______ A) low on Machiavellianism B) high on conscientiousness C) high on narcissism D) low on agreeableness E) high on self-monitoring 50) According to research using the Myers-Type Indicator, you are most likely to have which personality type? ______ 50) A) thinking B) introverted C) sensing D) feeling E) extroverted 51) You wish to predict job satisfaction for each of your employees. Which of the five facets of personality will probably be of the most interest in this case? 51) ______ A) emotional stability B) agreeableness C) openness to experience D) conscientiousness E) extraversion 52) Why are agreeable people usually less successful in their careers? A) They aren't liked by superiors. B) They don't make many friends. C) They aren't happy in their lives. D) They don't negotiate well. E) They are prone to impulsive behavior. 52) ______ 53) Which of the following statements is true about people with positive core self-evaluations? A) They view themselves as powerless over their environment. B) They set ambitious goals. C) They are less popular co-workers than those with negative core self-evaluation. D) They lack persistence. E) They tend to question their capabilities. 53) ______ 54) Which of the following Big Five traits is most strongly related to life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and low stress levels? 54) ______ A) extraversion B) openness to experience C) conscientiousness D) emotional stability E) agreeableness 55) The ________ dimension of the Big Five Model addresses range of interests and fascination with novelty. ______ 55) A) agreeableness B) openness to experience C) extraversion D) conscientiousness E) emotional stability 56) Which dimension of the Big Five Model is a measure of reliability? A) emotional stability B) extraversion C) openness to experience D) agreeableness E) conscientiousness 56) ______ 57) High Machs ________ than do low Machs. 57) ______ A) perform better in situations that have several rules and regulations B) manipulate less C) win less D) persuade others less E) are persuaded less 58) You have decided to use Holland's Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations to help your friends recognize which jobs they would be well-suited for. Monica is shy, stable, and persistent. Neil is ambitious and energetic and likes to dominate conversations. Jessica is idealistic, impractical, and very imaginative. Walter is efficient and practical, but he lacks imagination and tends to be inflexible. Chris is analytical, independent, and an original thinker. According to Holland's Typology, Monica's personality type is "________." 58) ______ A) realistic B) investigative C) artistic D) enterprising E) social 59) ________ is as important for managers as for front-line employees and among all big five traits, this trait is most consistently related to job performance. 59) ______ A) Agreeableness B) Extraversion C) Openness to experience D) Emotional stability E) Conscientiousness 60) You have decided to use Holland's Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations to help your friends recognize which jobs they would be well-suited for. Monica is shy, stable, and persistent. Neil is ambitious and energetic and likes to dominate conversations. Jessica is idealistic, impractical, and very imaginative. Walter is efficient and practical, but he lacks imagination and tends to be inflexible. Chris is analytical, independent, and an original thinker. Which of your friends is most likely to find a successful career as a writer? 60) ______ A) Jessica B) Walter C) Chris D) Monica E) Neil 61) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the ________ type are visionaries. They usually have original minds and great drive for their own ideas and purposes. They are skeptical, critical, independent, determined, and often stubborn. 61) ______ A) ESFP B) ESTJ C) ISTJ D) ENTP E) INTJ 62) Marshall and Joe are brothers. Both are very interested in board games and both are very intellectual. Marshall is very kind and caring while Joe is a bit of a nerd. What is the role that genetics has likely played in the personalities of the two brothers? 62) ______ A) even split, genetics and life experience have shaped them B) most likely nothing, it is all about life experience C) everything, you are who you are D) maybe some, after all, they probably grew up together E) probably little, genetics are a big factor 63) When we rank an individual's values in order of their ________, we obtain the person's value system. 63) ______ A) context B) social needs C) intensity D) social acceptance E) content 64) Jeremy has a strong extraversion personality with a moderate level of conscientiousness. In which position will Jeremy most likely be successful? 64) ______ A) waiter B) accountant C) personal trainer D) bank teller E) police officer 65) You wish to hire a person who is innovative, individualistic, versatile, and entrepreneurial. Candidates for this position would ideally have ________ classification on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. 65) ______ A) ESTP B) ENTP C) ESTJ D) INTJ E) ISFP 66) ________ indicates the tendency of an individual to attribute his own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors. 66) ______ A) Stereotyping B) Fundamental attribution error C) Distinction bias D) Selective perception E) Self-serving bias 67) David is of the opinion that people who drive SUVs are dangerous drivers. He often thinks that people driving SUVs are driving rashly, even when other observers can see nothing wrong with the behavior of the SUV drivers. What factor is affecting his perception in this case? 67) ______ A) his interests B) his personality C) his attitude D) his motives E) his expectations 68) The three criteria for making ethical decisions are ________. 68) ______ A) utilitarianism, rights, and justice B) rewards, regulations, and time orientation C) historical precedents, rights, and utilitarianism D) utilitarianism, creativity, and rights E) historical precedents, reward, and justice 69) According to the attribution theory, if a behavior scores ________, we tend to attribute it to internal causes. ______ 69) A) low on flexibility B) high on consensus C) low on consistency D) high on traceability E) low on distinctiveness 70) Attribution theory suggests that when we observe an individual's behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused. That determination, however, depends largely on three factors. Which of the following is one of these three factors? 70) ______ A) consistency B) anchoring C) intuition D) rationality E) stereotyping 71) Which of the following is a component of the three-component model that is considered as the foundation for all creative work? 71) ______ A) intrinsic task motivation B) creative thinking skills C) analytical skills D) expertise E) intuition 72) What are the three generally accepted constructs of decision making each of us employs to make determinations? 72) ______ A) expertise, creative-thinking skills, and intrinsic task motivation B) escalation of commitment, risk aversion, and hindsight bias C) distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency D) rational decision making, bounded rationality, and intuition E) utilitarianism, rights, and justice 73) Allison has just presented her paper and has done a really good job. Why should you not want to present your own paper directly after she does? 73) ______ A) to avoid the fundamental attribution error B) to avoid the contrast effect C) to avoid the halo effect D) to avoid the stereotyping effect E) to avoid the projection effect 74) What is the first step in the rational decision-making model? 74) ______ A) developing alternatives B) collecting relevant data C) defining the problem D) identifying the decision criteria E) weighing the decision criteria 75) Which of the following statements is true regarding the rational decision-making model? 75) ______ A) The rational decision-making model takes into consideration the limited information-processing capability of individuals. B) The rational decision-making process is an unconscious one created from distilled experience. C) Rational decision-making models involve constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity. D) The rational decision-making model involves satisficing; seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient. E) The rational decision-making model assumes that an individual is able to identify all the relevant options in an unbiased manner. 76) Randy always turns in reports with punctuation errors. The reports of the three other employees on the QA report writing team always produce grammatically clean reports. Randy is about to turn in another report, and his manager has already noticed errors. Randy demonstrates ________. His sloppy reports can be attributed to an ________ cause. 76) ______ A) low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external B) low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; internal C) high distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external D) high distinctiveness, high consensus, and high consistency; internal E) low distinctiveness, high consensus, and high consistency; internal 77) Gene is regarded by his peers as an extremely creative designer of watercraft. He attributes much of his success to his family: he was raised by a traditional boat builder and from a very early age was surrounded by boats and the people who made them. To what element of the three-component model of creativity does Gene attribute his success? 77) ______ A) creative thinking skills B) external locus of control C) task motivation D) expertise E) intuitiveness 78) With reference to the attribution theory, which of the following terms indicates the extent to which an individual displays different behaviors in different situations? 78) ______ A) integrity B) continuity C) flexibility D) stability E) distinctiveness 79) Decision makers construct simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity. That is, they operate within the confines of ________. 79) ______ A) intuitive decision making B) bounded rationality C) rationality D) common sense E) optimal decision making 80) Which of the following statements is true regarding perception? 80) ______ A) The context of the situation in which the perception is made has little effect on our perception of reality. B) Our perception of reality is independent of our past experiences. C) Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality. D) We form a perception of a target by looking at it in isolation. E) Our perception of reality is independent of our personality. 81) According to the attribution theory, if a behavior scores ________, we tend to attribute it to external causes. ______ A) low on consistency B) low on consensus C) low on distinctiveness D) high on stability E) high on adaptability 82) ________ theory tries to explain the ways in which we judge people differently, depending on the meaning we attribute to a given behavior. 82) ______ A) Attribution B) Acquired needs C) Hierarchy of needs 81) D) Two factor E) ERG 83) We use a number of shortcuts when we judge others. All of the following are shortcuts that we use to judge others except ________. 83) ______ A) the self-serving bias B) selective perception C) stereotyping D) the halo effect E) the contrast effect 84) Business schools generally train students to follow ________ decision-making models. A) rational B) convolutional C) intuitive D) sequential E) bounded rationality 84) ______ 85) Ideally, ________ would be an objective process; however, it is largely influenced by one's ________. 85) ______ A) judging; perceptions B) perceiving; decision making C) decision making; biases D) perceiving; biases E) decision making, perceptions 86) It was Marisol's first day at work. At first she was very nervous, but when she was introduced to her cubicle neighbor, Hanna, she was reassured by Hanna's soothing smile. Marisol thought that a person with such a beautiful smile could not be bad, and that she would enjoy having her in such close proximity. Which of the following concepts best describes this example? 86) ______ A) halo effect B) selective perception C) contrast effect D) fundamental attribution error E) self-serving bias 87) Which of the following is true regarding job engagement? 87) ______ A) Organizations that have less engaged employees are more successful. B) Critics note that higher levels of engagement may result in work-family conflict. C) Practicing managers believe that job engagement cannot improve performance. D) Academic studies have found negative outcomes of job engagement. E) Groups with more engaged employees have lower levels of productivity. 88) Which of the following statements is true regarding Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory? A) Social needs are lower-order needs. B) Lower-order needs are satisfied internally. C) A substantially satisfied need no longer motivates. D) "Social" needs relate to autonomy and achievement. E) "Esteem" needs relate to affection and friendship. 88) ______ 89) According to the two-factor theory, which of the following statements would likely be true? 89) ______ A) Quality of supervision is a motivation factor. B) The major reason for dissatisfaction is probably the lack of promotion. C) Fixing the conditions that make the employees dissatisfied will not make them satisfied. D) Employees are dissatisfied due to lack of recognition. E) When the working conditions are comfortable, employees will be satisfied. 90) Motivation is one of the most frequently researched topics in OB. According to a study, by workers' own reports, they waste roughly 2 hours per day, not counting lunch and scheduled breaks and the biggest time-wasters are Internet surfing and ________. 90) ______ A) simulating work environment B) conversing with managers C) talking with co-workers D) reading instructional books E) updating their skills 91) What sort of goals does Management by Objectives (MBO) emphasize? A) challenging, rewarding, and measurable B) inspirational, verifiable, and creative C) achievable, controllable, and profitable D) profitable, attainable, and verifiable E) tangible, verifiable, and measurable 92) McClelland's theory of needs concentrates on which three needs? A) self-actualization, stability, and affiliation B) control, status, and affiliation C) affiliation, control, and security D) achievement, growth, and security E) achievement, power, and affiliation 91) ______ 92) ______ 93) According to the two-factor theory, which of the following factors is most likely to create job satisfaction? ______ 93) A) appreciating a job well done B) improving the quality of supervision C) changing company policies D) improving working conditions E) assuring job security 94) According to the theory of job engagement, which of the following activities will aid a manager in facilitating engagement for their employees? 94) ______ A) giving the employees a raise B) providing comfortable desks C) offering the employees a vacation D) including the employees in weekly planning meetings E) none of these work under the theory of job enrichment 95) Joanna watches her friend Sharon slim down. This increases her confidence that she can lose weight too. Which of the following ways of increasing self-efficacy is represented by this example?95) ______ A) vicarious modeling B) focused training C) verbal persuasion D) enactive mastery E) arousal 96) ________ refers to an individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. A) Cognitive dissonance B) Self-efficacy C) Affect intensity D) Need for power E) Emotional contagion 97) The ________ theory is also called motivation-hygiene theory. A) cognitive evaluation B) two-factor C) hierarchy of needs D) self-determination E) goal-setting 96) ______ 97) ______ 98) Loni has worked at local dry cleaners for the past two years as a cashier. When the store was not busy with customers, Loni enjoyed helping Donatella, the seamstress, with various tasks such as sewing on buttons and fixing minor holes and such. Recently, Loni's job description was changed to include working with Donatella in the Alterations area 10 hours a week. Since then, Loni's enjoyment of working with Donatella has decreased. This decline can be explained by ________. 98) ______ A) Theory X and Theory Y B) hierarchy of needs C) self-determination theory D) goal setting theory E) expectancy theory 99) If a manager incorrectly assumes that all employees want the same thing, then according to the expectancy theory, it is most likely to result in a weak ________ relationship. 99) ______ A) performance-reward B) performance-achievement C) rewards-personal goals D) effort-performance E) effort-satisfaction 100) Which of the following ways of increasing self-efficacy is generally used by motivational speakers? A) arousal B) focused training C) verbal persuasion D) vicarious modeling E) enactive mastery 100) _____ 101) You graduated from college two years ago and began working at Hampstead Electronics. You have received good performance evaluations and a raise. You just found out that your organization has hired a recent college graduate with no experience at a higher salary than you are now making. You consider this an unfair act and resolve to do something about it. In such a situation, you will most likely ________. 101) _____ A) produce better work B) work harder C) continue the job to acquire benefits of seniority D) acknowledge that the newly hired person is worth more E) reduce the quality or quantity of work 102) The culture of which country tends to have lower levels of internal motivation? A) Australia B) Portugal C) United States D) Canada E) Great Britain 102) _____ 103) Emotions are ________. 103) _____ A) less likely to be caused by a specific event than moods B) less intense as compared to moods C) independent of the personality of individuals D) critical to rational thinking E) strongly affected by weather 104) Which of the following statements is true regarding moods? A) Moods don't last longer than emotions. B) Moods are generally not indicated by distinct facial expressions. C) Moods are more intense feelings than emotions. D) Moods are less cognitive in nature than emotions. E) Moods are more action oriented in nature, as compared to emotions. 104) _____ 105) Andy, Ben, Liza, Ted, and Jim are online customer service representatives. They have all been reprimanded by their boss. Andy is 24 years old. Ben is 46 years old. Liza is 45 years old. Ted is 26 years old. Jim is 35 years old. Who is least likely to be upset by the reprimand? 105) _____ A) Jim B) Liza C) Ted D) Andy E) Ben 106) Which of the following statements is true regarding emotional intelligence (EI)? A) EI is related to a person's ability to detect emotions in others. B) EI can be measured easily. C) Evidence suggests that a person's performance on the job is independent of her EI. D) EI is a simple, straightforward concept. E) Evidence suggests that EI is not genetically influenced. 107) ________ is a pure marker of low positive affect. A) Relaxation B) Stress C) Anxiety D) Boredom E) Tranquility 106) _____ 107) _____ 108) Some researchers doubt the existence of emotional intelligence (EI). Which of the following is an argument they use against it? 108) _____ A) People with high EI appear to be high performers in the eyes of others rather than in reality. B) The concept of EI is so broad and variegated as to render it effectively meaningless. C) The tests used to measure EI are too simplistic in what they define as right and wrong answers. D) EI is not related to personality or intelligence. E) EI assumes that decisions made emotively are superior to those made dispassionately. 109) What do you call the practice of hiding inner feelings by modifying facial expressions? A) confirmation bias B) affective camouflage C) deep acting D) emotional intelligence E) surface acting 109) _____ 110) When the team he supports wins the World Cup, Robert feels a surge of joy, which turns into a feeling of satisfaction that lasts for days. What is one of the reasons that the feeling of satisfaction might be categorized as a mood and not an emotion? 110) _____ A) It is a positive feeling. B) It is expressed on his face. C) It has a lengthy duration. D) It is a very strong feeling. E) It is brought about by a specific event. 111) A researcher finds that people who work in a fish processing plant, doing work that most people find extremely unpleasant, still have a positive mood about 60 percent of the time. Which of the following concepts can explain such a finding? 111) _____ A) positivity offset B) bandwagon effect C) framing effect D) self-serving bias E) the fundamental attribution error 112) Kathryn expresses her anger against her supervisor for denying her a well-deserved promotion. Which of the following terms best describes the intense feelings that she directs at him? 112) _____ A) moods B) emotional labor C) emotions D) cognition E) affect 113) A ________ means that when nothing is going on, people are generally in a mildly good mood. A) high positive affect B) positivity offset C) low positive affect D) high negative affect E) residual positivity 113) _____ 114) Francine heads an ad agency and works with copywriters, artists, and designers to come up with effective branding solutions for new products. Why is it particularly important for Francine to keep her team happy? 114) _____ A) People tend to weigh all possible options rather than the most likely ones when they are in a good mood. B) People are more creative when they are in a good mood. C) People are less likely to use rules of thumb when they are in a good mood. D) People tend to search for perfect solutions when they are in a good mood. E) People are more conscientious when they are in a good mood. 115) Lydia works as a 911 operator. Her job strength is dictated most likely by ________. 115) _____ A) consequences B) consistency C) comprehension D) clarity E) constraints 116) ________ is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. 116) _____ A) Knowledge B) Personality C) Skill D) Intelligence E) Talent 117) Which of the following terms describes basic convictions that "a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct?" 117) _____ A) affects B) traditions C) attitudes D) values E) customs 118) Individuals high in self-monitoring ________. 118) _____ A) show considerable adaptability in adjusting their behavior to external situational factors B) are easily distracted, disorganized, and unreliable C) are pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, and believe ends can justify means D) have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, and are arrogant E) tend to dislike themselves and view themselves as powerless over their environment 119) An individual who is described as an ESTJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can be best described as a(n) ________. 119) _____ A) organizer B) visionary C) conceptualizer D) innovator E) leader 120) You are assembling a team to work on a long-term project which requires creativity, persistence, and formal thinking. The only piece of information available to you is the Myers-Briggs Type of each of the applicants. These results are shown below: Candidate Myers-Briggs Type Alan Brenda Cameron Drusilla Ellen INTJ ESTJ ENTP ESFP INFP You are looking for an organizer, a person who is realistic, logical, and analytical. Who would be the best candidate based on their Myers-Briggs Type? 120) _____ A) Brenda B) Cameron C) Alan D) Drusilla E) Ellen 121) You have decided to use Holland's Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations to help your friends recognize which jobs they would be well-suited for. Monica is shy, stable, and persistent. Neil is ambitious and energetic and likes to dominate conversations. Jessica is idealistic, impractical, and very imaginative. Walter is efficient and practical, but he lacks imagination and tends to be inflexible. Chris is analytical, independent, and an original thinker. Which of your friends is best suited to being an accountant? 121) _____ A) Chris B) Monica C) Jessica D) Neil E) Walter 122) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the "________" type are flexible and spontaneous. 122) _____ A) extraverted B) feeling C) introverted D) thinking E) perceiving 123) According to Gordon Allport, ________ is/are defined as "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment." 123) _____ A) perceptions B) attitudes C) personality D) values E) beliefs 124) Your boss never gives you the benefit of the doubt. When you arrived late from lunch, he assumed that you had simply taken too much time. He never considered that the elevators were not working that day and the fact that you had to walk up 10 flights of stairs. Your boss is guilty of ________. 124) _____ A) the fundamental attribution error B) stereotyping C) selective perception D) a self-serving bias E) inconsistency 125) Attribution theory uses three factors to determine if a person's behavior is caused internally or externally. One of these three factors is consensus. It indicates if ________. 125) _____ A) the individual displays different behaviors in different situations B) the individual responds the same way over time C) everyone who faces a similar situation responds in the same way D) the person scores high on conscientiousness E) the person has high propensity to defer to others 126) The three-component model of creativity proposes that individual creativity essentially requires expertise, creative thinking skills, and ________. 126) _____ A) external locus of control B) emotional intelligence C) intrinsic task motivation D) selective perception E) positivity offset 127) Which of the following is a component of the three-component model of creativity that encompasses certain personality characteristics of an individual such as the ability to use analogies? 127) _____ A) intrinsic task motivation B) expertise C) creative thinking skills D) intuition E) selective perception 128) Of the five constraints of decision making, which is most likely to be affected by risk aversion? A) formal regulation B) reward system C) time constraints D) historical precedents E) performance evaluations 128) _____ 129) For many people, a 50-50 flip of a coin for $100 might not be worth as much as a sure promise of $50, even though the gamble is mathematically worth twice as much as the sure thing. This is an example of ________. 129) _____ A) risk aversion B) selective perception C) confirmation bias D) self-serving bias E) availability bias 130) ________ involves translating the organization's overall objectives into specific objectives for each succeeding level in the organization. 130) _____ A) Management by exception B) Management by objectives C) Representative participation D) Strategic planning E) Management buy-out 131) Jill is an excellent technical writer. She has never missed a deadline and all her projects are of superior quality. She now wants to telecommute two days a week, so that she can spend more time with her family. She feels that she has proven her reliability. However, her boss is unable to comply with her request and gives her a substantial raise instead. Jill's disappointment demonstrates a breakdown in the ________ relationship. 131) _____ A) effort-performance B) effort-satisfaction C) performance-reward D) performance-achievement E) rewards-personal goals 132) Some researchers have attempted to revive components of the need hierarchy concept, using principles from evolutionary psychology. Which of the following statements is true in this regard? 132) _____ A) Researchers propose that higher-level needs are the chief concern of immature animals or those with primitive nervous systems. B) Researchers observe that in time, these revisions to Maslow's hierarchy will definitely be useful to practicing managers. C) Researchers observe: lower needs are more frequently observed in mature animals with more developed nervous systems. D) Researchers have noted distinct underlying biological systems for different types of needs. E) Researchers have noted the presence of intricate social systems for different types of needs. 133) Which of the following theories discusses three relationships: effortperformance relationship, performancereward relationship, and rewardspersonal goals relationship? 133) _____ A) equity theory B) expectancy theory C) self-determination theory D) goal-setting theory E) self-efficacy theory 134) Helen is an office worker who processes health insurance forms. She has worked at her present job for three years. Initially she was criticized by her supervisor for sloppy work, but thereafter improved considerably. Now she consistently processes her forms without errors and even does more forms than her required quota. However, she has found her supervisor has not responded to the extra effort she puts in, giving her no praise and no financial reward. Helen is most likely to perceive that there is a problem in the ________ relationship. 134) _____ A) performance-awareness B) rewards-personal goals C) performance-achievement D) personal goal-self actualization E) effort-performance 135) What do you call the practice of modifying one's true inner feelings based on display rules? 135) _____ A) affective camouflage B) confirmation bias C) surface acting D) emotional intelligence E) deep acting 136) Negative affect is a mood dimension consisting of ________ at the low end. 136) _____ A) nervousness B) stress C) anxiety D) relaxation E) depression 137) Which of the following statements is true regarding the degree to which people experience emotions across cultures? 137) _____ A) Western cultures experience more negative emotions and fewer positive emotions than Eastern cultures. B) The degree to which people experience emotions is independent of culture. C) The emotions experienced by people in China are more intense as compared to emotions experienced by people in other cultures. D) Eastern cultures like China view emotions like pride more positively than Western individualistic cultures such as the United States. E) People in China report experiencing fewer positive and negative emotions as compared to people in other cultures. 138) Julia is highly aware of her own and other's emotions. She is good at reading emotional cues and knows how to express her emotions without violating organizational norms. This information indicates that Julia has ________. 138) _____ A) low cognitive dissonance B) high job satisfaction C) low self-esteem D) high emotional intelligence E) low emotional dissonance 139) Merry is normally a very quiet person who remains somewhat quiet during conversations and social settings. Merry is also the reigning national debate club champion. According to the Trait Activation Theory, what happens to Merry at competitions? 139) _____ A) Merry wins by not saying much. B) Merry stops pretending to be shy. C) She becomes highly narcissistic and is rude to the other competitors. D) Being at the competition causes Merry to internalize. E) Being at the competition causes Merry to draw on normally unused traits. 140) Varghese is a high level administrator at an organization. Consistently, he calls employees into his office to point out their mistakes and to inform them of flaws within their performance; however, he never praises his employees nor informs them of positive feedback. Varghese most likely has which of the Dark Triad? 140) _____ A) narcissism B) psychopathy C) psychopathy and narcissism D) Machiavellianism E) Machiavellianism and narcissism 141) John Holland's personality-job fit theory presents six personality types. Which of the following is one of these six types? 141) _____ A) imaginative B) investigative C) intuitive D) analytic E) practical 142) Which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior? A) An employee is late because of a flat tire. B) An employee was fired because he violated a company policy. C) An employee is late to work because he was partying late and overslept. D) An employee was promoted because he was hard working. E) An employee died from lung cancer after excessive tobacco use. 143) The ________ bias is typically associated with negotiation. A) confirmation B) hindsight C) distinction D) availability E) anchoring 142) _____ 143) _____ 144) The expectancy theory proposes that ________. 144) _____ A) within every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs and as each of these needs becomes substantially satisfied, the next one becomes dominant B) extrinsic rewards will reduce intrinsic interest in a task C) the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of our expectation of a given outcome and its attractiveness D) achievement, power, and affiliation are three important needs that help explain motivation E) employees can view work as being as natural as rest or play, and therefore the average person can learn to accept, and even seek, responsibility 145) Which of the following mood dimensions is a pure marker of high negative affect? A) stress B) boredom C) fatigue D) nervousness E) depression 145) _____ 146) Which of the following is not one of the five factors included in the Big Five Model? 146) _____ A) intuitiveness B) agreeableness C) extraversion D) conscientiousness E) emotional stability 147) Jennifer has already presented two excellent reports. The third report she has just presented is clearly not as good as the first two reports, yet she is given the same high grade as before. What shortcut has the teacher used in this case? 147) _____ A) the hindsight bias B) the contrast effect C) the framing effect D) the halo effect E) stereotyping 148) The ________ theory is also known as the social cognitive theory or the social learning theory. A) self-efficacy B) hierarchy of needs C) goal-setting D) self-determination E) two-factor 148) _____ 149) ________ are the emotions that an individual is actually experiencing, despite what they might display. _____ A) Surface emotions B) Conditional emotions C) Felt emotions D) Displayed emotions E) Disseminative emotions 150) According to the Big Five Model, a highly conscientious person is most likely to be ________. 150) _____ A) reserved, timid, and quiet B) gregarious, assertive, and sociable C) creative, curious, and artistically sensitive D) responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent E) nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 151) Stress typically has a negative effect on mood. 151) _____ 152) Research shows surface acting is more stressful to employees than deep acting. 152) _____ 149) 153) Evidence confirms there is no real difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions. 153) _____ 154) Moods are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. 155) Displayed emotions are innate. 154) _____ 155) _____ 156) Positive emotions enhance problem-solving skills. 156) _____ 157) People tend to be in their best moods on Monday. 157) _____ 158) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the "feeling" type are flexible and spontaneous. 158) _____ 159) Personality appears to be a result of both hereditary and environmental factors but research has tended to support the importance of the environment over heredity. 159) _____ 160) According to the Hofstede's framework, individualism describes the degree to which people in a country accept that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally. 160) _____ 161) High self-monitors tend to pay less attention to the behavior of other people than do low self-monitors. _____ 162) High Machs perform better when they interact face to face with others rather than indirectly. 161) 162) _____ 163) People who carefully gather and consider information consistent with the rational decision-making model are more likely to engage in escalation of commitment than those who spend less time thinking about their choices. 163) _____ 164) The halo effect occurs because it is impossible for us to assimilate everything we see. 164) _____ 165) A focus on utilitarianism promotes the rights of minorities. 165) _____ 166) Those who spend extensive periods of time in other cultures generate more innovative solutions to problems. 166) _____ 167) Workers around the world prefer rewards based on seniority over rewards based on performance and skills. 167) _____ 168) As per Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, social and self-actualization needs would be first priority in countries where uncertainty-avoidance characteristics are strong. 168) _____ 169) According to McClelland's theory of needs, when jobs have a high degree of personal responsibility and feedback and an intermediate degree of risk, high achievers are strongly motivated. 169) _____ 170) If an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions, the employee is performing emotional labor. 170) _____ 171) Emotional intelligence can be measured easily with the help of standard tests. 171) _____ 172) According to John Holland's personality-job fit theory, individuals belonging to the "realistic" type prefer rule-regulated, orderly, and unambiguous activities. 172) _____ 173) Values tend to be stable and enduring. 173) _____ 174) According to the attribution theory, if a behavior scores high on consensus and distinctiveness, we tend to consider it as an internally caused behavior. 174) _____ 175) Critics have noted that a "dark side" to job engagement might be that an individual becomes overly competitive. 175) _____ 176) Studies indicate that emotional intelligence is moderately correlated with job performance. 176) _____ 177) High self-monitoring managers are less likely to occupy central positions in an organization than low self-monitoring managers. 177) _____ 178) When we make judgments about the behavior of other people, we tend to overestimate the influence of external factors and underestimate the influence of internal or personal factors. 178) _____ 179) Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. 180) Men generally express anger more frequently than do women. 179) _____ 180) _____ ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. 181) Elvira wants to hire three new customer service representatives. She is considering using a measure of EI to help select her new employees. Explain what EI is and how it could be useful for Elvira for the jobs that she's hiring for, and the reasons why she should not depend entirely on the EI measures for her selection. 182) Discuss whether there are gender differences regarding emotions. 183) Jack's department has three employees that are Chinese nationals. Keeping in mind that in China, negative emotions are viewed positively and pride is viewed negatively, how might Jack need to change his leadership and motivation methods with these three employees? 184) Discuss the emotional labor experienced by a customer service executive. Explain how a worker's emotional state can affect customer service and customers. 185) Research has been conflicted on the role that emotions play in the workplace, especially in relation to irrational and ethical behavior. Select one of these two areas and discuss the role of emotions in these behaviors. 186) Discuss John Holland's personalityjob fit theory. 187) Compare the characteristics of extraverts with those of introverts. 188) What are the various categories in which the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classifies people? 189) What is escalation of commitment? 190) Explain how stereotyping can cause problems for some managers when making ethical decisions. Provide an example. 191) What factors that operate to shape and sometimes distort perception reside in the perceiver, what factors reside in the target being perceived, and what factors reside in the context of the situation in which the perception is made? 192) What makes people more likely to be engaged in their jobs? 193) What are the three relationships in Vroom's expectancy theory? 194) Explain the differences between the following terms: affect, emotions, and moods. 195) Describe the personality trait of self-monitoring. 196) Discuss the attribution theory. 197) What relationship exists between management by objectives (MBO) and goal setting theory? 198) Explain how stress affects emotions and moods. 199) Describe the five value dimensions of national culture as identified by the Hofstede's framework for assessing cultures. 200) List and explain any three decision biases or errors. 1) E 2) A 3) D 4) D 5) E 6) E 7) C 8) E 9) B 10) E 11) C 12) C 13) A 14) C 15) E 16) D 17) A 18) E 19) C 20) A 21) B 22) E 23) D 24) A 25) B 26) E 27) A 28) E 29) C 30) D 31) D 32) C 33) B 34) C 35) A 36) D 37) C 38) C 39) C 40) E 41) D 42) B 43) B 44) A 45) B 46) D 47) C 48) E 49) E 50) B 51) A 52) D 53) B 54) D 55) B 56) E 57) E 58) A 59) E 60) A 61) E 62) A 63) C 64) C 65) B 66) E 67) E 68) A 69) E 70) A 71) D 72) D 73) B 74) C 75) E 76) B 77) D 78) E 79) B 80) C 81) A 82) A 83) A 84) A 85) E 86) A 87) B 88) C 89) C 90) C 91) E 92) E 93) A 94) B 95) A 96) B 97) B 98) C 99) C 100) C 101) E 102) B 103) D

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