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RO GE up ro lo Tay Risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects Journal of Information Technology (2000) 15, 317-327 T E U L D r &

RO GE up ro lo Tay Risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects Journal of Information Technology (2000) 15, 317-327 T E U L D r & Fr a nci s G M ARY SUM NER School of Business, Southern Illinois University, Campus Box 1106, Edwardsville, IL 62026, USA The purpose of this study was to identify the risk factors in implementing traditional management information systems projects, describe the risk factors associated with enterprise-wide/ERP (enterprise resource planning) projects and identify the risk factors in ERP projects which are unique to these projects. Some of the unique challenges in managing enterprise-wide projects which were highlighted through the ndings included the challenge of re-engineering business processes to ' t' the process which the ERP software supports, investment in recruiting and reskilling technology professionals, the challenge of using external consultants and integrating their application-speci c knowledge and technical expertise with existing teams, the risk of technological bottlenecks through client-server implementation and the challenge of recruiting and retaining business analysts who combine technology and business skills. Introduction In the past few years many organizations have initiated enterprise-wide/ERP (enterprise resource planning) projects using such packages as SAP, Peoplesoft and Oracle. These projects often represent the single largest investment in an information systems (IS) project in the histories of these companies and, in many cases, the largest single investment in any corporatewide project. These enterprise-wide/ERP projects bring about a host of new questions because they represent a new type of management challenge. The management approaches for these projects may be altogether different from the managerial approaches for traditional management information systems (MIS) projects. Some of these questions and issues are as follows. (1) What are the major risk factors associated with implementing traditional MIS projects? (2) What are the major risk factors associated with enterprise-wide information management projects? (3) What are the differences? (4) What new risk factors need to be addressed in ERP projects? (5) What are some of the risks in ERP projects that are not factors in non-ERP projects? Most organizations have extensive experience managing traditional MIS projects, but these new ERP projects may represent new challenges and present new risk factors that must be handled differently. This paper will provide case studies of seven organizations implementing enterprise-wide/ERP projects and will provide insight into each of these questions based upon their experiences. Risks in implementing IS projects A simple de nition of 'risk' is a problem that has not yet happened but which could cause some loss or threaten the success of your project if it did (Wiegers, 1998). A number of research studies have investigated the issue of the relative importance of various risks in software development projects and have attempted to classify them in various ways. Much has been written about the causes of IS project failures. Poor technical methods is only one of the causes and this cause is relatively minor in comparison to larger issues such as failures in communications and ineffective leadership. Studies dealing with risk factors in IS projects have described issues of organizational t, skill mix, management structure and strategy, software systems design, user involvement and training, technology planning, project management and social commitment. Table 1 provides a summary of the risk factors in IS projects. Organizational t In their paper, Barki et al. (1993) proposed a variety of risk factors associated with the organizational environment, including task complexity, the extent of changes, resource insuf ciency and the magnitude of potential loss. In the framework developed by Keil et al. (1998), the risks in the environment quadrant deal with issues over which the project manager may have no control, such as changing scope/objectives and con icts between user Journal of Information Technology ISSN 0268-3962 print/ISSN 1466-4437 online 2000 The Association for Information Technology Trust DOI: 10.1080/02683960010009079 Sumner 318 departments. In his text on the factors contributing to project failure, Block (1983) pointed to resource failures (con icts of people, time and project scope) and requirement failures (poor speci cation of requirements). Skill mix Lack of expertise, including lack of development expertise, lack of application-speci c knowledge and lack of user experience, contributes to project risk (Barki et al. 1993; Ewusi-Mensah, 1997). The risk factors in the execution quadrant of Keil et al.'s (1998) framework include inappropriate staf ng and personnel shortfalls. Management structure and strategy In their study of the factors that software project managers perceive as risks, Keil et al., (1998) addressed the risks associated with customer mandate, which deals with a lack of senior management commitment. Ewusi-Mensah (1997) also pointed to a lack of agreement on a set of project goals/objectives and lack of senior management involvement. Block (1983) described goal failures (inadequate statement of system goals) and organizational failures (lack of leadership). Software systems design The risks associated with scope and requirements include misunderstanding requirements and failing to manage change properly. Lack of an effective methodology and poor estimation can lead to cost and time overruns (Keil et al., 1998). In his paper 'Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices', Boehm (1991) identi ed ten software risk factors including developing the wrong functions, developing the wrong user interface, 'gold-plating', a continuing stream of changes in requirements, shortfalls in externally furnished components, shortfalls in externally performed tasks and performance shortfalls. User involvement and training Lack of user commitment, ineffective communications with users and con icts among user departments are all sources of risk (Block, 1983, Keil et al., 1998). Technology planning In a study of the issues that contribute to the cancellation of IS development projects, Ewusi-Mensah (1997) pointed out that lack of adequate technical expertise and lack of an adequate technology infrastructure for supporting project requirements contribute to escalating time and cost overruns and are associated with project abandonment. The risk factors include technological newness (need for new hardware and software), application size (project scope, number of users and team diversity), application complexity (technical complexity and links to existing legacy systems) and failure of technology to meet speci cations (Block, 1983; Barki et al., 1993). Project management Project cost and time overruns can occur because of lack of a measurement system for assessing and controlling project risk (Ewusi-Mensah, 1997). McFarlan (1981) developed dimensions of project risk assessment based upon project size, experience with the technology and project structure. Project management and control failures caused by inadequate planning and tracking can contribute to unrealistic schedules and budgets and project failure (Block, 1983; Boehm, 1991). Social commitment Risk factors and risk outcomes need to take into account distinctive human and organizational practices and patterns of belief and action, as well as traditional project-related factors (Willcocks and Margetts, 1994). There is a tendency to discount problems in information technology (IT) projects and their severity may remain unknown for a long period of time. When projects run into dif culty, there is a tendency to escalate projects because of societal norms (e.g. needing to save face) and to keep pouring resources into a failing project. This may augment risk. In order to minimize problems it is essential to look for opportunities of using external feedback in order to recognize the problem and then rede ne it. This may entail considering alternatives to accomplishing the project's goals and preparing key stakeholders for the decision - particularly if the decision is an exit strategy (Keil and Montealegre, 2000). Ginzberg (1981) conducted a longitudinal study of user expectations as predictors of project success or failure and his ndings suggested that systems implementation failure is more likely when there are unrealistic expectations about a system. Users who have more realistic expectations are more likely to be satis ed with the outcomes. Managing large-scale, commercial, off-the-shelf software projects The existing research on managing commercial, offthe-shelf software projects, including software package Risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects Table 1. 319 Summary of the risk factors in IS projects Risk factor Issue Organizational t Organizational environment (resource insuf ciency and extent of changes) (Block, 1983; Borki et al., 1983) Changing scope and objectives (Keil et al., 1998) Skill mix Lack of technical expertise (Ewusi-Mensah, 1997) Lack of application knowledge (Barki, et al., 1993; Ewusi-Mensah, 1997) Inappropriate staf ng and personnel shortfalls (Block, 1983; Boehm, 1991; Keil et al., 1998) Management structure and strategy Lack of agreement on project goals (Block, 1983; Ewusi-Mensah, 1997) Lack of senior management involvement (Ewusi-Mensah, 1997; Keil et al., 1998) Software systems design Misunderstanding requirements and changes in requirements (Block, 1983; Boehm, 1991; Cash et al., 1992; Keil et al., 1998) Lack of an effective methodology, poor estimation and failure to perform the activities needed (Block, 1983; Keil et al., 1998) User involvement and training Lack of user commitment and ineffective communications with users (Block, 1983; Keil et al., 1988) Con icts between user departments (Keil et al., 1998) Technology planning Lack of adequate technology infrastructure (Ewusi-Mensah, 1997) Technological newness, strained technical capabilities and failure of technology to meet speci cations (Block, 1983; Boehm, 1991; Cash et al., 1992; Barki et al., 1993) Application complexity (technical complexity) (Barki et al., 1993) Project management Unrealistic schedules and budgets (Boehm, 1991) People and personality failures, lack of effort, antagonistic attitudes and people clashes (Block, 1983) Lack of measurement system for controlling risk and inadequate project management and tracking (Block, 1983; Ewusi-Mensah, 1997) Social commitment Inability to recognize problems. a tendency to keep pouring resources into a failed project and unrealistic expectations (Ginzberg, 1981; Willcocks and Margetts, 1994; Keil and Montealegre, 2000) implementation, manufacturing resource planning (MRP) implementation and ERP implementation, provides insight into the factors associated with project success and failure. In their analysis of implementing packaged software, Lucas et al. (1988) suggested that package implementation is different from custom implementation because the user may have to change procedures in order to work with the package, the user is likely to want to change some programs in the package to t their unique needs and the user becomes dependent upon the vendor for assistance and updates. Some of the variables associated with the successful implementation of packages are (1) greater vendor participation in implementation and support, (2) a higher rating of user/customer capabilities by the vendor and (3) a higher rating of user skills by MIS management. A highly skilled workforce is important for successful package implementation. Experience in implementing large-scale integrated packages, including MRP systems, provides a better understanding of the challenges associated with commercial, off-the-shelf software implementation. In their research on success factors in MRP projects, Duchessi et al. (1989) concluded that commitment from top management and adequate training were 'critical' success factors for implementation. In another study of the problems encountered during MRP implementation, Ang et al. (1994) found that lack of training led to dif culties in MRP systems implementation. Enterprise-wide/ERP projects are also large-scale, commercial, off-the-shelf packages which pose unique challenges. Several studies have reported on the success factors and pitfalls in ERP implementation. Bancroft et al. (1998) provided critical success factors for ERP implementation, including top management support, the presence of a champion, good communication with stakeholders and effective project management. The factors which are speci c to ERP implementation include re-engineering business processes, understanding corporate cultural change and using business analysts on the project team. In their study of the factors associated with successful implementation of ERP systems, Parr et al. (1999) observed that ERP systems are more complex than packages because users are involved in re-engineering processes and factors associated with Sumner 320 project success from the literature (management support and a champion) are important because of the substantial re-engineering that takes place. Based upon interviews with senior members of ERP implementation teams, they identi ed factors which are necessary for the successful implementation of ERP systems, where success is understood to be adherence to time and budgetary constraints. Three of these factors were of paramount importance: management support of the project team, a project team with the appropriate balance of technical/business skills and commitment to change by all the stakeholders. Managing client-server IS The implementation of ERP systems often entails the use of client-server technology and this may cause further complications. It is often critical to acquire external expertise, including vendor support, in order to facilitate successful implementation. In addition, the costs of training and support are often underestimated and these costs may be many times greater than originally anticipated. Client-Server implementations often bring 'surprises' with respect to cost because of the costs of decentralized servers, systems integration software, technical support and software updates and version control. In reality, the total cost of a client-server implementation can be three to six times greater than for a comparable mainframe-based system. Even though there are great cost reductions possible through moving off the mainframe, the costs of learning the new technology and of acquiring technical support are substantial (Caldwell, 1996). Research objectives The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of the major risk factors associated with enterprise-wide/ERP projects. The following case studies will examine these risk factors. The case studies describe the experiences of seven companies implementing enterprise-wide MIS using SAP, Peoplesoft and Oracle. The case studies were developed using indepth structured interviews with the senior project managers responsible for planning and implementing enterprise-wide/ERP systems within their respective organizations. A structured interview format was followed in each of the interviews. The questions dealt with project characteristics (purpose and scope, project duration and project justi cation), project management issues (project sponsorship, project team make-up and mix of internal/external team members), technical challenges, critical success factors (organizational factors, people factors and technology factors) and lessons learned. In addition to identifying the critical success factors and the risk factors associated with technology, organizational t and people factors, the project managers provided insight into the unique factors associated with successful project management and control of ERP projects. Company pro les The ndings describe experiences in implementing ERP systems within seven large organizations with sales ranging from $1 billion to $15 billion annually. The rms represent a variety of industries, as shown in Table 2. The case studies: ndings The ndings describe the project justi cation and risk factors identi ed by the project managers responsible for the SAP, Peoplesoft and Oracle projects within these seven organizations. The rst area of discussion was project justi cation. The risk factors identi ed in the interviews were organized into the categories of organizational t, skill mix, management structure, software systems design, user involvement, user training, technology planning and project management. Project justi cation In these case studies, the ERP projects were justi ed in terms of cost-effectiveness and business bene ts. In 1996, the pharmaceutical manufacturer started a corporate-wide SAP project. The business justi cation for the project was operational excellence, e.g. cutting the costs of core transaction-processing systems, such as order processing and inventory management. In addition, an integrated package could support worldwide business operations and replace division-level systems. Before SAP, the pharmaceutical rm had four purchasing packages, one for each business unit. SAP provided economies of scale in development, maintenance and operations. Its overall costs were divided by a much larger number of users. For example, buying a $100 000 package supporting 5000 users is less expensive than buying a $25 000 package supporting 100 users. In addition, the SAP project enabled the pharmaceutical company to reduce its IS development staff from 500 to 50 people. Some of the 'business drivers' for the SAP implementation at the pharmaceutical manufacturer included data integration, standardization, access to timely and complete information, leverage gained in Risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects Table 2 321 Company pro les Nature of business 1998 sales ($) Beverage manufacturer Manufactures food and beverage products 12 832 Military aircraft manufacturer Manufactures military aircraft Electrical manufacturer Manufacturer of electrical and electronic products and systems Investment brokerage rm Pharmaceutical manufacturer Number IT employees Number of project employees 25 123 1100 Fifty internal and 25 external 15 000 60 000 850 Eighty to one hundred internal and 20 external 12 298 100 700 National investment brokerage rm 1 135 13 690 725 Twenty- ve internal Manufactures and markets high-value agricultural products, pharmaceuticals and food ingredients 7514 24 700 600 Twenty- ve internal and ten external Consumer product Manufactures dog/ manufacturer cat foods and dry cell battery products 4653 23 000 750 One hundred internal and 20 external Chemical manufacturer 1127 6000 200 Twenty internal and ten external Manufactures and distributes biochemicals, organic chromatography products and diagnostic reagents Number of employees worldwide 90 (one division) Twenty- ve internal and 50-60 external (one division) External project employees refer to consultants. purchasing and globalization. SAP cut the costs of operational systems, improved the reliability of customer service and assured timely delivery and follow-up. The original project justi cation for the SAP project at the beverage manufacturer was similar. There were extensive economies of scale associated with consolidating four MIS projects into one and SAP offered an integrated, corporate-wide solution. The business justi cation entailed major cost savings from reducing the costs of operational level information systems. SAP provided hard-dollar savings based upon integration of data and processes, a common database and increased leverage in purchasing and buying. The major sources of justi cation for the SAP project at the chemical manufacturer were the need to integrate a number of different order processing systems, the need to improve and integrate nancial systems and the ability to reduce the workforce through systems integration. The major motivation behind the project was to gain a 'competitive advantage' by providing 'seamless' order processing to customers in a global market-place. This meant that any customer in the world could place orders using one integrated order processing system as opposed to using many different systems for different product lines. The Peoplesoft project at the military aircraft manufacturer was justi ed in terms of better information, cost reduction and data integration. Between 70 and 80 systems were replaced by a single, integrated system. While the original intent was to implement an integrated human resources (HR) payroll system using Sumner 322 Peoplesoft, the rst phase of the project involved completing the HR component and creating an interface with the existing payroll system. After the completion of the rm's merger with a commercial aircraft manufacturer, the plan was to integrate both the HR and payroll systems using the Peoplesoft software. As discussed later, this 'phased-in' approach created signi cant problems in system implementation. The major justi cation for the Peoplesoft project at the investment brokerage rm was data integration, a common systems approach and hard-dollar savings through integration. The Oracle project at the consumer products manufacturer was also justi ed in terms of data integration and cost reduction through the re-engineering of business processes. The major purpose of the Oracle project at the electrical products manufacturer was to implement Oracle nancial, distribution and manufacturing systems. The business justi cation included inventory reduction, head count savings and reduced lead times through on-time delivery. Table 3 summarizes the basis for project justi cation for the various SAP, Peoplesoft and Oracle projects. Lack of senior management support Without question, top management support is critical. It is important to achieve the support of senior management in accomplishing project objectives and aligning these goals with strategic business goals (six mentions). Insuf cient training and reskilling A number of rms learned that investment in training and reskilling the IT workforce was higher than expected. 'Growing' internal IT staff members with needed technical skills, particularly in applicationspeci c modules, was a strategy followed by four of the organizations (four mentions). Lack of ability to recruit and retain quali ed ERP systems developers Risk factors The ndings provide the risk factors associated with ERP systems implementation which were mentioned by senior project leaders and identify risks which actually materialized. These factors are represented in order of how frequently each one was mentioned. Failure to redesign business processes to t the software Based upon their experiences, all of the project managers learned to avoid customization. Many companies 'go to war' with the package and try to make it meet their business process requirements, only to lead the way to cost overruns and project failure in some cases. Rather than attempting to modify the software, the chemical manufacturer re-engineered its Table 3 business processes in order to be consistent with the software and this proved to be critical to the project's success. In contrast, the military aircraft manufacturer customized the HR, payroll and bene ts modules in a Peoplesoft ERP package and experienced signi cant cost and time impacts. The creation of a 'bridge' between the HR module of the ERP system and a legacy payroll application resulted in extensive time and cost delays (seven mentions). Many of the organizations found it dif cult to recruit and retain good ERP specialists because the market rates for these people are high. Management must understand and appreciate the criticality of high-tech worker turnover, recruitment and retention issues. Four organizations developed recruitment and retention programmes speci cally designed for addressing the need for ERP systems professionals. In their experience, the loss of trained ERP analysts to consulting rms was particularly frustrating (four mentions). Insuf cient training of end-users Most rms emphasized making a major commitment to training end-users in system uses. This meant Project type and justi cation Beverage manufacturer Military aircraft manufacturer Electrical products manufacturer Investment brokerage rm Pharmaceutical manufacturer Consumer products manufacturer Chemical manufacturer System Justi cation SAP Peoplesoft Oracle ( nancial, inventory, etc.) Peoplesoft SAP Oracle ( nancial and inventory) SAP Cost Cost Cost head Data Cost Cost Project initiation reduction of operational systems reduction and data integration reduction; inventory reduction and count savings integration and common systems reduction of core operational systems reduction and data integration Cost reduction and systems integration 1996 1994 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 Risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects reskilling the end-users in new technologies and applications and supplementing 'generalized' user training with training in the use of speci c application modules. Several rms emphasized user training in reporting applications, including the use of report generators for designing and generating custom reports (four mentions). Inability to obtain full-time commitment of 'customers' to project management and project activities It may be dif cult to get managers to commit to project management roles because they may be uncertain about what responsibilities will still be open to them once they are transferred back to their functional areas. Getting the 'business' areas to dedicate people to the management of the project is a key priority and some of the project managers found this dif cult (three mentions). Lack of integration In terms of factors conducive to project failure, one of the main factors associated with failure is lack of integration. The project needs to be based on an enterprise-wide design. One project manager argued that 'you cannot start with \"pieces\" and then try to integrate the software components later on'. Another stated that, 'it is important to use a \"federal\" approach; de ne what is needed at the enterprise-level and then apply it to the business unit level' (three mentions). Lack of a proper management structure Without central project leadership there is excessive duplication of effort. The pharmaceutical manufacturer put someone 'in charge' and centralized the management structure of the project in order to avoid duplication of effort. In implementing a 'centralized' system, a centralized management structure should exist. At the military aircraft manufacturing company, several senior executives had equal authority over the project and this contributed to con icts and lack of problem resolution (two mentions). Insuf cient internal expertise When they did not have needed expertise internally, most rms brought in the consultants they needed in order to overcome technical and procedural challenges in design and implementation. It is important to obtain consultants who are specialists in speci c application modules. This was emphasized by the managers representing the electrical manufacturer and consumer products manufacturer, both of whom were implementing Oracle nancial modules within various operating units of their respective companies (two mentions). 323 Lack of a champion The project leader of an ERP project is clearly a 'champion' for the project and this role is critical to marketing the project throughout the organization (two mentions). Lack of 'business' analysts One of the critical workforce requirements for an ERP project is the ability to obtain analysts with both business and technology knowledge. Instead of 200 'programmers' with average skills, the manager of the ERP project within the chemical manufacturer argued that ERP systems can best be accomplished with 20 'business' analysts who have specialized expertise, the ability to learn quickly and effective communications skills (two mentions). Failure to mix internal and external personnel Using a mix of consultants and internal staff to work on a project team enables internal staff members to 'grow' the necessary technical skills for ERP systems design and implementation. The project manager for the electrical manufacturer argued that extra external consultants were needed because of insuf cient time lines for growing internal staff and this resulted in much higher costs (two mentions). Failure to emphasize reporting, including custom report development The use of report generators and user training in reporting applications is critical to project implementation success. One of the 'lessons learned' by the military manufacturer was that insuf cient end-user training can generate resistance to using the system, largely because people are ill-prepared for using it effectively (two mentions). Insuf cient discipline and standardization Another 'risk factor' which is closely associated with the software itself is insuf cient adherence with the standardized speci cations that the software supports. It is important to avoid compromising the system and its speci cations. In terms of 'lessons learned,' the pharmaceutical manufacturers experience demonstrated the importance of using SAP's built-in 'best practices' (two mentions). Ineffective communications It is critical to communicate what is happening, including the scope, objectives and activities of the ERP project (two mentions). Avoid technological bottlenecks Lack of an integrated technology strategy for supporting client-server implementation causes further risks and Sumner 324 bottlenecks in project success. The different 'technology' environments within one organization created delays in establishing consistency and coordination in the platforms, database management systems and operating system environments for the Peoplesoft application. Technology bottlenecks can occur when designers try to implement bridges between ERP modules and legacy applications. At the military aircraft company, building a bridge between the Peoplesoft HR module and a legacy payroll application contributed to signi cant time and cost overruns (two mentions). A summary of the risk factors affecting the management of enterprise-wide/ERP projects and a description of which factors were unique to the ERP projects described in these case studies is given in Table 4. The unique risks of enterprise-wide/ERP projects The third question (What inherent risks are there in enterprise-wide/ERP projects that are not found in non-ERP projects?) revealed factors dealing with organizational t, skill mix, software systems design and technology integration. The rst challenge which was universally supported by the respondents was the risk of failing to redesign business processes and of following an enterprise-wide design that supports data integration across the Table 4 organization. This makes ERP projects unique because of their size, scope and organizational impact. The integration of business functions, elimination of redundant databases and streamlining of organizational processes are all essential for project justi cation. A unique challenge involved in ERP systems implementation is acquiring the necessary skills. Insuf cient training and reskilling of the IT workforce in new ERP technology, insuf cient 'internal' expertise, failure to mix internal and external expertise effectively and lack of 'business' analysts were all risks associated with the recruitment and retention of IT professionals. The unique challenge here is aggravated by the scarcity of ERP-trained systems developers and the high market demand for their skills. The investment in recruiting, reskilling and retraining IT professionals was considered very high. The problem of retention was further exacerbated by the tendency of highly trained ERP analysts to move to consulting rms where the salaries were even higher. Traditional strategies for software systems design and construction were also devalued within the context of ERP projects. Systems analysts quickly learned that failure to adhere to the standardized speci cations which the software supports created risks. Data integration became a signi cant design issue and often entailed a top-down systems integration strategy. When legacy systems were involved, many organizations Summary of the risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects Risk category Risk factor Unique to ERP Organizational t Failure to redesign business processes Failure to follow an enterprise-wide design which supports data integration Insuf cient training and reskilling Insuf cient internal expertise Lack of business analysts with business and technology knowledge Failure to mix internal and external expertise effectively Lack of ability to recruit and retain quali ed ERP systems developers Lack of senior management support Lack of proper management control structure Lack of a champion Ineffective communications Failure to adhere to standardized speci cations which the software supports Lack of integration Insuf cient training of end-users Ineffective communications Lack of full-time commitment of customers to project management and project activities Lack of sensitivity to user resistance Failure to emphasize reporting Inability to avoid technological bottlenecks Attempting to build bridges to legacy applications Yes Yes Skill mix Management structure and strategy Software systems design User involvement and training Technology planning/integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects 325 found that attempts to integrate ERP systems with legacy applications could bring about signi cant cost and time overruns because of lack of integration and duplication of business processes. Implications for managing ERP projects By organizing these risk factors within the context of the stages of an ERP project and by identifying individuals responsible for managing risk factors at each phase, management can assign responsibility for managing each of these risk factors. Table 5 summarizes the risk factors to be addressed within project phases. Recommendations Some of the unique challenges in managing enterprisewide/ERP projects which are highlighted through these ndings include the redesign of business processes, investment in recruiting and reskilling ERP systems developers, the challenge of using external consultants and integrating their application-speci c knowledge and technical expertise with existing teams and the challenge of recruiting and retaining business analysts who combine technology and business skills. Many of the strategies which can be used to minimize these risk factors were contributed by the ERP project managers. Implications for practitioners Enterprise-wide/ERP projects pose new opportunities and signi cant challenges. Some of the 'summary' ideas which are reiterated throughout the case studies are as follows. Table 5 (1) Justify enterprise-wide projects based on cost justi cation and economies of scale. (2) Re-engineer business processes to ' t' the package rather than trying to modify the software to ' t' the organization's current business processes. (3) Identify and implement strategies for reskilling the existing IT workforce and acquire external expertise through vendors and consultants when needed. (4) Use 'business analysts' with both business knowledge and technology knowledge. (5) Obtain top management support for the project and establish strong project leadership. (6) Make a commitment to training end-users in custom report development. (7) Manage change through leadership, effective communications and the role of a champion. Table 6 summarizes strategies for controlling risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects. Future research Without question, effective management of these large projects is a new and unique challenge which requires the use of project management and control methods that have not been used extensively in the past. The sheer size of these projects requires centralized control, strict discipline and extensive monitoring of project outcomes. Several research issues which can be explored in the future include conducting an assessment of the relative criticality of each of these risk factors and contrasting the risk factors which occur in large versus Risk factors in ERP systems projects Project phase Responsibility Risk factor to be addressed Planning User management IT management Lack of top management support Lack of a proper management structure for the project Lack of a champion Requirements analysis User management IT management Business analysts Failure to redesign business processes Failure to follow an enterprise-wide design that supports data integration Systems design User management IT management IT designers Lack of 'business' analysts Failure to adhere to standardized speci cations which the software supports Lack of data integration Systems implementation/ IT management maintenance Insuf cient training and reskilling of the IT workforce in new technology Insuf cient 'internal' expertise Failure to mix internal and external expertise effectively Technology integration and implementation Unsuccessful attempts to integrate ERP with legacy applications IT management User management Sumner 326 Table 6 Strategies for controlling risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects Type of risk Strategies for minimizing risk Organizational t Commitment to redesigning business processes Top management commitment to restructuring and following an enterprise-wide design which supports data integration Skill mix Effective use of strategies for recruiting and retaining specialized technical personnel Effective reskilling of the existing IT workforce Obtaining 'business analysts' with knowledge of application-speci c modules Effective use of external consultants on project teams Management structure and strategy Obtaining top management support Establishing a centralized project management structure Assigning a 'champion' Software systems design Commitment to using project management methodology and 'best practices' speci ed by vendor Adherence with software speci cations User involvement and training Effective user training Full-time commitment of users to project management roles Effective communications Technology planning/integration Acquiring technical expertise Acquiring vendor support for capacity planning and upgrading Planning for client-server implementation including client workstations small ERP projects. One of the greatest challenges is recruiting and retaining highly sought IT professionals with the specialized technical and application-speci c skills. Further research could analyse factors contributing to effective recruitment and retention of IT professionals with these specialized skills. References Ang, J.S.K., Yang, K.K. and Sum, C.C. (1994) MRP II company pro le and implementation problems: a Singapore experience. International Journal of Production Economics, 34, 35-46. Bancroft, N., Seip, H. and Sprengel, A. (1998) Implementing SAP R/3, 2nd edn (Manning Publications, Greenwich, CT). Barki, H., Rivard, S. and Talbot, J. (1993) Toward an assessment of software development risk Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(2), 203-25. Block, R. (1983) The Politics of Projects (Yourdon Press, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliff, NJ). Boehm, B.W. (1991) Software risk management: principles and practices. IEEE Software, 8(1) 3241. Caldwell, B. (1996) Client-Server: can it be saved? Information Week, 584, 36-44. Cash, J., McFarlan, F.W., McKenney, J. and Applegate, L. (1992) A portfolio approach to IT development. Corporate Information Systems Management, 3rd edn (Irwin Publishing, Howewood, IL), pp. 418-34. Duchessi, P., Schaninger, C. and Hobbs, D. (1989) Implementing a manufacturing planning and control information system. California Management Review, Spring, 31, 75-90. Ewusi-Mensah, K. (1997) Critical issues in abandoned information systems development projects. Communications of the ACM, 40(9), 74-80. Ginzberg, M. I. (1981) Early diagnosis of MIS implementation failure: promising results and unanswered questions. Management Science 27(4), 459-78. Keil, M., Cule, P.E., Lyytinen, K. and Schmidt, R.C. (1998) A framework for identifying software project risks. Communications of the ACM, 41(11), 76-83. Keil, M. and Montealegre, R. (2000) Cutting your losses: extricating your organization when a big project goes awry. Sloan Management Review, 41(3), 55-68. Lucas, H., Walton, E. and Ginzberg, M. (1988) Implementing packaged software. MIS Quarterly, December, 12, 537-49. McFarlan, F.W. (1981) Portfolio approach to information systems. Harvard Business Review, 59(5), 142-50. Parr, A.N., Shanks, G. and Darke, P. (1999) Identi cation of necessary factors for successful implementation of ERP systems. In New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes: Field Studies and Theoretical Re ections on the Future of Work, Ngwerryama, O., Introna, L., Myers, M. and DeGross, J. (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, London. Wiegers, K. (1998) Know your enemy: software risk management. Software Development, 6. Willcocks, L. and Margetts, H. (1994) Risk assessment and information systems. European Journal of Information Systems, 3(2), 127-38. Risk factors in enterprise-wide/ERP projects Biographical note Dr. Sumner directs the undergraduate programme in Management Information Systems (B.S. in MIS) and has published numerous texts and research papers in computer-supported collaborative work, the management of end-user computing, and electronic commerce. Her research has appeared in Database, the Journal of Systems Management, and Information and Management. She has conducted numerous information systems design projects in industry and is currently serving as Assistant Dean for the School of Business. In that role, she organizes business/university partner- 327 ships, including the Technology and Commerce Roundtable and the e-Business initiative. Her academic background includes a Bachelor's from Syracuse University, a Master's from the University of Chicago, a Master's from Columbia University, and a doctorate from Rutgers University. Address for correspondence: Dr. Mary Sumner, Professor of Management Information Systems, Campus Box 1106, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL 62026, tel: 618-650-3979, fax: 618-650-3979, e-mail: Copyright of Journal of Information Technology (Routledge, Ltd.) is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. Text-Only Report Assessing and Managing Risk: FALL16-A-8-PJM410-1 627688729 - draft assignment - DUE 11-Aug-2016 Loading... Roadmap help Help Paper -- of Paper 1 of 1 OriginalityGradeMarkPeerMark Week 5 CT Assignment.docx by Damian Davey 38% Similar -out of 100 Download submitted file: 1470830836_Week_5_CT_Assignment.docx (20.16K) 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 EN Loading Page 4 EN Loading Page 1 1 1 1 EN Loading Page Read only Undo Page: 2 of 6 Text-Only Report ETS Data Loading... Full Source Text Loading... Match Overview Match OverviewAll Sources Currently viewing standard sources View English Sources (Beta) Matches 1 Internet source 14% 2 Internet source 6% 3 Iskanius, Pivi. "Risk Management in ERP Project in the Context of SMEs", Engineering Letters/1816093X, 20091201 Publication 5% 4 Submitted to Colorado State University, Global Campus Student paper 4% 5 Submitted to Central Queensland University Student paper 4% 6 Aloini, D.. "Risk assessment in ERP projects", Information Systems, 201205 Publication 2% 7 Internet source 1% 8 Submitted to Western Governors University Student paper 1% Loading... There are no matching sources for this report. Match Overview Match OverviewAll Sources Currently viewing standard sources View English Sources (Beta) Matches Loading... There are no matching sources for this report. Text-Only Report Document Viewer is loading... Try the new Feedback Studio Week 5 CT Assignment.docx by Damian Davey FILE 1470830836_WEEK_5_CT _ASSIGNMENT .DOCX (20.16K) T IME SUBMIT T ED 10-AUG-2016 06:07AM WORD COUNT 955 SUBMISSION ID 694756052 CHARACT ER COUNT 5778 Week 5 CT Assignment.docx ORIGINALITY REPORT 38 % SIMILARIT Y INDEX 21% 17% 32% INT ERNET SOURCES PUBLICAT IONS ST UDENT PAPERS PRIMARY SOURCES 1 2 3 Int ernet Source Int ernet Source Iskanius, Pivi. "Risk Management in ERP Project in the Context of SMEs", Engineering Letters/1816093X, 20091201 14% 6% 5% Publicat ion 4 Submitted to Colorado State University, Global Campus 4% St udent Paper 5 6 Submitted to Central Queensland University St udent Paper Aloini, D.. "Risk assessment in ERP projects", Information Systems, 201205 4% 2% Publicat ion 7 Int ernet Source Submitted to Western Governors University 1% 8 St udent Paper 1% EXCLUDE QUOT ES OFF EXCLUDE BIBLIOGRAPHY OFF EXCLUDE MAT CHES OFF Text-Only Report Assessing and Managing Risk: FALL16-A-8-PJM410-1 627688729 - draft assignment - DUE 11-Aug-2016 Loading... Roadmap help Help Paper -- of Paper 1 of 1 OriginalityGradeMarkPeerMark Week 5 CT Assignment.docx by Damian Davey 38% Similar -out of 100 Download submitted file: 1470830836_Week_5_CT_Assignment.docx (20.16K) 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 EN Loading Page 4 EN Loading Page 1 1 1 1 EN Loading Page Read only Undo Page: 2 of 6 Text-Only Report ETS Data Loading... Full Source Text Loading... Match Overview Match OverviewAll Sources Currently viewing standard sources View English Sources (Beta) Matches 1 Internet source 14% 2 Internet source 6% 3 Iskanius, Pivi. "Risk Management in ERP Project in the Context of SMEs", Engineering Letters/1816093X, 20091201 Publication 5% 4 Submitted to Colorado State University, Global Campus Student paper 4% 5 Submitted to Central Queensland University Student paper 4% 6 Aloini, D.. "Risk assessment in ERP projects", Information Systems, 201205 Publication 2% 7 Internet source 1% 8 Submitted to Western Governors University Student paper 1% Loading... There are no matching sources for this report. Match Overview Match OverviewAll Sources Currently viewing standard sources View English Sources (Beta) Matches Loading... There are no matching sources for this report. Text-Only Report Document Viewer is loading... Try the new Feedback Studio Week 5 CT Assignment.docx by Damian Davey FILE 1470830836_WEEK_5_CT _ASSIGNMENT .DOCX (20.16K) T IME SUBMIT T ED 10-AUG-2016 06:07AM WORD COUNT 955 SUBMISSION ID 694756052 CHARACT ER COUNT 5778 Week 5 CT Assignment.docx ORIGINALITY REPORT 38 % SIMILARIT Y INDEX 21% 17% 32% INT ERNET SOURCES PUBLICAT IONS ST UDENT PAPERS PRIMARY SOURCES 1 2 3 Int ernet Source Int ernet Source Iskanius, Pivi. "Risk Management in ERP Project in the Context of SMEs", Engineering Letters/1816093X, 20091201 14% 6% 5% Publicat ion 4 Submitted to Colorado State University, Global Campus 4% St udent Paper 5 6 Submitted to Central Queensland University St udent Paper Aloini, D.. "Risk assessment in ERP projects", Information Systems, 201205 4% 2% Publicat ion 7 Int ernet Source Submitted to Western Governors University 1% 8 St udent Paper 1% EXCLUDE QUOT ES OFF EXCLUDE BIBLIOGRAPHY OFF EXCLUDE MAT CHES OFF

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