Roceeipts 8 220,0000 65,000 22,000 4,000 1,100 11,000 Renceipts form general groceries Recoiptin from the sale of treah frut and vegetabies Rocoipt from the rental of the residontial apartmant above the shop thiterest on Plank Doposits Credit card fees for customers who used the credit card Loan from one of the company directors to assint with castiflow Payments \begin{tabular}{ll} \multicolumn{5}{c}{5} & \\ 110,000 & Purchase of general grocenies \\ 44,000 & purchases of fresh fruit and vegetables \\ 2,200 & Maintenance cost for the residential apartment \\ 45,000 & Salary paid to employees \\ 250 & Medical Bilis for staff injured at work (Medicare \\ 15,000 & Purchase of Sheiving \\ 1,500 & Rates on the shop building paid to the Council \end{tabular} 2,200 Loan payment to the bank on Loan for shop 5.500 Purchase of unpoited good REROUMRED rulings where necessary. Tax rates 202021 - individual Resident Tavable income Tax on this income 051d,200Nil 518,201$45,000. 190 for each 51 over $18,200 $45.0015120,000$5,092 plus 32.56 for each $1 over $45,000 $120,001$180,000$29,467 pluar 37e for each $1 over $10,000 $180,001 and over $51,667 plus 450 for each 51 over $180,000 The above rates do not include the: Medicare levy of 2% COMPANIES Small business entitios - 26% Other combaries and enfities - 30% Roceeipts 8 220,0000 65,000 22,000 4,000 1,100 11,000 Renceipts form general groceries Recoiptin from the sale of treah frut and vegetabies Rocoipt from the rental of the residontial apartmant above the shop thiterest on Plank Doposits Credit card fees for customers who used the credit card Loan from one of the company directors to assint with castiflow Payments \begin{tabular}{ll} \multicolumn{5}{c}{5} & \\ 110,000 & Purchase of general grocenies \\ 44,000 & purchases of fresh fruit and vegetables \\ 2,200 & Maintenance cost for the residential apartment \\ 45,000 & Salary paid to employees \\ 250 & Medical Bilis for staff injured at work (Medicare \\ 15,000 & Purchase of Sheiving \\ 1,500 & Rates on the shop building paid to the Council \end{tabular} 2,200 Loan payment to the bank on Loan for shop 5.500 Purchase of unpoited good REROUMRED rulings where necessary. Tax rates 202021 - individual Resident Tavable income Tax on this income 051d,200Nil 518,201$45,000. 190 for each 51 over $18,200 $45.0015120,000$5,092 plus 32.56 for each $1 over $45,000 $120,001$180,000$29,467 pluar 37e for each $1 over $10,000 $180,001 and over $51,667 plus 450 for each 51 over $180,000 The above rates do not include the: Medicare levy of 2% COMPANIES Small business entitios - 26% Other combaries and enfities - 30%