Rooms Sold Focecastirg Workshoet MARKET SEGMENT SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESRAY WEONESOAY THUBSOAY TMDAY TOE TRANSitNT ROONS Reservations Booked Reservations Fickup Total Transiect Heservations tincup ADOMS Definate Group 31 Definate Crovo 12 . Detinate Grosi n3 Definate Group ea Tenative Group at Total Group llewervations \begin{tabular}{rr|r|r|r|r|r|r|} 120 & 150 & 130 & & & & \\ \hline 20 & 25 & 45 & & & & \\ \hline 190 & 175 & 325 & & & & & \\ \hline \end{tabular} TOTAL ROOM AESERVATIONS Week-1 of Aaniaary 2018 Another buny week for Flagutaff kotel For the third woek of Ianuary 201s, the hetel it forecasting a busier week and more rooms sold (than week 1). a) Intrease weekday trantient room revervations 10 per doy b) Intrease weekday tranaient reem retervation pichye 19 jer day c) Inchase weekend transient reom reaervatiant 20 per day d) Increase meekend translent room reservatien pickup 10 por day 2. Intert the fellowing eroup room blecks into the spreadehect (alleady done for you) Fer questians 4-6, tee the room revenue forecasting tab at the bottem Rooms Sold Focecastirg Workshoet MARKET SEGMENT SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESRAY WEONESOAY THUBSOAY TMDAY TOE TRANSitNT ROONS Reservations Booked Reservations Fickup Total Transiect Heservations tincup ADOMS Definate Group 31 Definate Crovo 12 . Detinate Grosi n3 Definate Group ea Tenative Group at Total Group llewervations \begin{tabular}{rr|r|r|r|r|r|r|} 120 & 150 & 130 & & & & \\ \hline 20 & 25 & 45 & & & & \\ \hline 190 & 175 & 325 & & & & & \\ \hline \end{tabular} TOTAL ROOM AESERVATIONS Week-1 of Aaniaary 2018 Another buny week for Flagutaff kotel For the third woek of Ianuary 201s, the hetel it forecasting a busier week and more rooms sold (than week 1). a) Intrease weekday trantient room revervations 10 per doy b) Intrease weekday tranaient reem retervation pichye 19 jer day c) Inchase weekend transient reom reaervatiant 20 per day d) Increase meekend translent room reservatien pickup 10 por day 2. Intert the fellowing eroup room blecks into the spreadehect (alleady done for you) Fer questians 4-6, tee the room revenue forecasting tab at the bottem