Rowan Enterprises is a company in the business of manufacturing domestic and office furniture for both local and export markets. The following financial statements were submitted to ZRA for assessment for tax year ended 31 December 2018. Additional information The company had the following assets in its asset register as at 1 January 2020. The manufacturiag building was acquired togecher with the business stand, the administration block was honever constructed. The eompany had a policy of elaiming maximam capital allowance on fixad asscts. 2. A benx with a book valse of 00,000ZMW was involved in an acridem ce 31 October 2020 . The company reccived 80,000 ZMW as compenation from Mayfair faurance Company. The car was bough for 150,00 ZMW. The bess is one of the pussenger mator vehisles, two of the passenger moder vohicles were bought for 140,0002MW each and the other two cars were bought for 270,000CMW. Pate 4 of 5 Required Calculale the tax liability of Rowat Enterseises for the year eaded 3I Docomber 2018 30 marks Rowan Enterprises is a company in the business of manufacturing domestic and office furniture for both local and export markets. The following financial statements were submitted to ZRA for assessment for tax year ended 31 December 2018. Additional information The company had the following assets in its asset register as at 1 January 2020. The manufacturiag building was acquired togecher with the business stand, the administration block was honever constructed. The eompany had a policy of elaiming maximam capital allowance on fixad asscts. 2. A benx with a book valse of 00,000ZMW was involved in an acridem ce 31 October 2020 . The company reccived 80,000 ZMW as compenation from Mayfair faurance Company. The car was bough for 150,00 ZMW. The bess is one of the pussenger mator vehisles, two of the passenger moder vohicles were bought for 140,0002MW each and the other two cars were bought for 270,000CMW. Pate 4 of 5 Required Calculale the tax liability of Rowat Enterseises for the year eaded 3I Docomber 2018 30 marks