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Running Head: ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Sean E. St. Louis BMGT 464 Wal-Mart Inc. Organizational Level Performance Analysis 8 December 2015 Professor Thomas ORGANIZATIONA L

Running Head: ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Sean E. St. Louis BMGT 464 Wal-Mart Inc. Organizational Level Performance Analysis 8 December 2015 Professor Thomas ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 2 Introduction As a result of the dynamic changes and advancements being undertaken in the global business sector, organizational performance has become an essential necessity that many of the organizations are striving to ensuring that they realize. Accordingly, for Wal-Mart to realize its set organizational mission statement and vision statements it demands that the organization must lay down very strong operational pillars. These actions will direct Wal-Mart towards realizing specific set goals and objectives[ CITATION Pat14 \\l 1033 ]. However, for this performance to be excellently realized, the organization must have very focused team leadership members well vast about the tactics and also be able to understand all the relevant technicalities towards achieving the organization expectation; that is best quality service delivery to the company's customer. This will mean the organization's executives understand these challenges early enough and curb them not to allow them escalating as this may be a hindrance for their determined and struggle to ensuring the organization has well and effectively flourished in the services performance delivery to their consumers. In addition this will directly impact on the organizational sales and recording of high returns from the industry operations[ CITATION Koc10 \\l 1033 ]. Consequently, while the profitability will be able to sustaining the company financially. Wal-Mart Inc. has found it important considering the well-being of its human capital towards the competitiveness of its service delivery at the marketplace. The company has well and vastly equipped leaders who are therefore leading effectively the strategies laid down by the company in ensuring the firm continued being at the top most position compared to their business counterparts. It is true that companies which transforms from good to outstanding services ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 3 providers must have leaders that are able to demonstrate management competency, are capable individuals, humble executives, and effective team leaders, and greatly contributes to influencing team members. Therefore, Wal-Mart Inc. Company is striving to effectively and efficiently ensuring the leaders are well vast with these an avoidable necessities for the success of the company. It therefore goes without saying that for a company to reach its set goals and objectives its managerial committee must exercise the above roles well and always have that intrinsic motivation of towards the industry's expectations[ CITATION Cha11 \\l 1033 ]. Organization Analysis Accordingly, Wal-Mart Company has a hierarchical functional structure that has its features its hierarchy features pertaining to the vertical line of command and specialist running the entire organization structure[ CITATION Csa12 \\l 1033 ]. Moreover, the mandates and directives coming from the top most levels of the organization executives get implementation by the middle level managers and the channel follow a similar trend downwards until the rank of employees dealing with the rim's stores. Furthermore, concerning the definition based definition features the industry organizational structure use grouping of employees in order to see to it that the functionality of the company is well attained. Additionally, the company has departmental functioning of the human resources management. These departments are ensuring well channeling of information technology, and function marketing, and just to mention on the a few. Wal-Mart Inc. company hierarchical organizational functional structure is employing corporate managers so that they can facilitate faster influence of the entire organization. For example the ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 4 policies that were initially being administered at the headquarters are directly being relayed to the regional managers of downwards to store managers. Regarding to this, it will enhance the easy monitoring and control of the hierarchical functionality of Wal-Mart organizational structure being achieved. In addition, when the hierarchical functions are re-laid downwards it is quite efficient since at the lower level of the organizational structure the possibilities of someone adjusting the existing business practices may not be that easy. Also at this point it will involve lengthy communications and demand for various approval process amongst the middle managers and the corporate executive team at the company's center of operations[ CITATION Lom15 \\l 1033 ]. Therefore Wal-Mart Inc. Stores Company has been able to strictly adhere to this kind of hierarchical organization structure which is making it to remaining as the most outstanding business company in their particular market place globally. In accordance, for the company to be able to effectively realize high performance it has to lay some strategies in order to ensure reaching to the organization's set goals and objectives. However, this is not just an easy task like anyone may think it call for commitment and determination in making struggles to ensuring that the firm succeeds. As a result, the company has to mobilize its human resource teams effectively by advocating for focusing on the company's various aspects[ CITATION Car99 \\l 1033 ]. Significantly, Walmart is among the best and largest companies globally in terms of business value, size and financial performance. Nevertheless, the organization is supposed to ensure that it support its human resources thus being able to meet the business goals and expectations. Through the company addressing its human resources planning and job design and the aspects ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 5 that could lead to high quality employee performance. The human resources team must engineer on how organizational structure, recruitment and selection, performance management, compensation, retention and training and also career development which contributes tremendously on the productivity among the company's workers. Regarding the above, the workforce plans specifically the number of employees required and then recommend necessary schedules increasing the efficiency of the recruitment of personnel to the organization. When it comes to job analysis and design Walmart is using the matching approach, the method involves interviews and surveys on applicants, supervisors, and employees in determining issues, requirements and needs. It is therefore, commendable that the company needs to Walmart improves its job analysis and job design implementation by involving more communication channels[ CITATION Ric12 \\l 1033 ]. Important to note, is that the channels will enable employees giving useful feedback to the executives and through this the company will benefit from the increased human morale boosting the company in accurately analyzing its job analysis. Walmart recruitment strategy Walmart uses recruitment methods such as online recruitment, direct recruitment, and recruitment basing on academic attainment. The human resource management methods recruitment strategy ensure diversification of applicants. It is therefore, important that Walmart recruitment strategy to ensure recruitment process using new strategies for global competitive human resources and addressing changes in the global business environment. SWOT analysis is used to give the understanding on the internal and external forces that ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 6 significantly influences on the company's strategic development. However, these factors keep on changing, Wal-Mart Inc. development growth ability has been capitalized on its strengths. In spite the company's weaknesses its strengths are far more importantly put into consideration. Many organizations base on their strengths in order to exploit the opportunities that are there in the market. Wal-Mart Inc. therefore is making use of strengths in countering their threats in the business. Similarly, looking at the SWOT analysis is s found that the company has greater possibility for it realizing its long-term potentials success through the assertiveness in its global expansion more so in the retail markets in the developing countries[ CITATION Str14 \\l 1033 ]. Walmart's strengths Scale of operations- as a result of Walmart being one of the largest retailer globally it is in a better position earning a huge revenue from its business operations. Significantly this place the company having no competitor to match with it. Therefore, this large scales of operations, the company finds itself in a strong buyer power on suppliers leading to reduction in the prices. The company also will be in a good position achieving higher economies of scales than to their competitors due the company size. The higher economies of scale results in lowering the prices passing to consumers[ CITATION Ric15 \\l 1033 ]. Wide range of products- Walmart is likely to provide w wide range of products, through the selling of entertainment, health and wellness, grocery, home related products and the apparel, this categories may offer braded and own labeled goods. Having a wider range of products it will be able to attract more customers and hence realizing more sales and higher profits realized. International operations-consequently, Walmart has many outlets store all over the globe thus does not rely on the sales from U.S stores as compared to her competitors' experience. Foreign markets are avenues for new opportunities for Walmart's growth that also provides new ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 7 experience to the operations of the company being quite useful than the US home market. Weaknesses High employee turnover - many businesses are suffering high employee turnover increasing the operation cost of the firm in training new employees recurrently. However, the major reasons brought about by employee turnover having low skilled and poor paying jobs. Labor related lawsuits - Walmart is being faced with labor related lawsuits yearly, costing the firm millions of dollars. Walmart is being criticized for poor having poor working conditions, low wages, unpaid overtime and discrimination of the females. Opportunities Walmart opportunities largely rely on the expansion in improving its business practices. Trend towards healthy eating - as a result of the currently increasing eating healthier food it has resulted in higher demand for the grocery products, this has resulted to Walmart having the opportunity to expanding its grocery stores in order to earn more income out of this trend. Online shopping growth - it has been found that the online retail sector greatly growing by about 4.7% by the year 2011. Through online shopping the company is offering convenience for customers picking goods ordered online, resulting to Walmart reaching more customers and increasing revenue collection. Threats Increased resistance from local communities - the superstores of Walmart are having a negative impact on the local communities. Some local retailers are forced closing down when Walmart superstore opens up in their areas. However, this effect not only affect the retailers but also their families and the community at large. Increased completion from brick and mortar and online competitors - competitors such as ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Amazon, Target are putting huge efforts in eliminating price difference enjoyed by Walmart Company. Recommendations The SWOT analysis for Walmart must prioritize making significant on its strengths and use it to exploit the global retail market. The company's weaknesses and threats may be taken as secondary priorities. Walmart Inc. may therefore improve their human resource management standards leading to production of best quality and standards improving the organization's performance[ CITATION Sva15 \\l 1033 ]. Additionally, the company must ensure continuous expansion of the business in order to be able to achieve the existing economic opportunities developing in the markets. The strengths of Walmart is relying on its global organizational size, high efficiency supply chain, and global supply chain which aggressively support global expansion in the foreign markets. 8 ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 9 References Csaszar, & A., F. (2012). Organizational structure as a determinant of performance. Evidence from mutual funds. Strategic Management Journal, 33(6), 611-632. Griffin, R. (2012). Management. Oxford: Cengage Learning. Griffin, R. (2015). Fundamentals of Management. Los Angels: Cengage Learning. Hill, C., & Jones, . (2011). Essentials of Strategic Management. New York: Cengage Learning. Kock, N. (2010). E-Collaboration Technologies and Organizational Performance: Current and ... London: IGI Global. Lombardo, J. (2015, August 15). Organizational Structure & Organizational Culture. Retrieved December 2, 2015, from Organizational Structure & Organizational Culture Nilson, C. (1999). Training and Development Yearbook. New York: UDVI. Stroh, P. J. (2014). Business Strategy. New Delhi: Wiley. Stroh, P. J. (2014). Business Strategy. London: Wiley. Svala, H. D. (n.d.). Clothing Manufacturer Business Plan. Retrieved December 2, 2015, from on_summary_fc.php ORGANIZATIONA L LEVEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 10 Folder Final Project Instructions Final Project: Organizational Level of Analysis Purpose: To explore and better understand organizational performance and effectiveness Related to the following course objectives: based on an understanding of human behavior, create and sustain an organizati analyze and respond to leadership challenges such as decision making, change, organization at every level Deliverable: Approximately eight-page paper, including a cover page containing your name, a name, and research references. Introduction to Assignment For this assignment, you will research and analyze the organizational performan You will also propose OB-relevant recommendations for change and improvemen Google Target Microsoft Wal-Mart FAA FDIC Alternative organizations may be selected for analysis but will require my approv challenged organizations, such as the US Airways-American Airlines merger, or D many years as a public company. Contact me about alternative Final Project topi Your analysis should include: 1. an interview, if available, of organizational members, stakeholders, or qual topic 2. research findings of the organization's web sites 3. data, information and ideas, particularly from Weeks 6 and 7 readings/reso respected business publications 4. a SWOT analysis on the organization. 5. documented and evaluated OB strategies or interventions that the organiz effectiveness. 6. proposed and evaluated OB-related recommendations for improvements in Read and follow all the Instructions carefully. Your analysis should evidence critic and explaining organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats Weeks 6 and 7; namely, but not limited to, managing groups and teams, group b conflict and negotiation, and decision-making, along with outside research mate research information to support claims. Use American Psychological Association the comprehensive outline format described in Instruction 9 to present your rese Instructions 1) Review the assignment purpose, course objective, and introduction abov 2) Scan library and Internet resources on professor-approved organizations organization based on your level of interest in the subject, applicability to your jo feasibility for successful performance. Focus research on factors described in In 3) Identify, analyze and evaluate OB concepts/theories that create an envir performance. 4) Identify, analyze and evaluate strategies, policies, and procedures relatin conflict resolution, and organizational commitment in an organization at every le 5) Identify, analyze and evaluate techniques relating to human resources p development, and performance evaluation). 6) Create a SWOT analysis using standard four-square format for each com samples) to present organizational level factors identified and examined in Instru 7) Discuss each SWOT component analyzing and evaluating the organizatio and practices. 8) Create at least three recommendations, synthesizing key findings and id performance and success. 9) Draw data, information, and ideas from at least six required resources (a weekly Schedules, plus at least four credible, authoritative, relevant outside sou references should show a mix of scholarly and applied/practical sources, largely including classic writings. Review APA citation materials and Tips on Research So paper's body using APA in-text formatting. Include a Reference list with complet formatting and heading template instructions below in Instruction 12. Alphabeti preference for including publication date within in-text citations. You are expecte verbatim statements uniquely enhance meaning and understanding. Deductions unnecessary. See examples below. In-text citation: (Casey, 2002, p. 50). [Include publication date] Reference citation: Casey, C. (2002). Critical Analysis of Organizations: Theory, practice, revitalizatio 10) Identify and present in bold font at least eight different OB concepts, th your organizational level analysis. Demonstrate through context and/or endnote meaningfulness to the meet the assignment's purpose and course objectives. 11) Determine what significant learning and understanding you gained from three valuable take-aways you learned from your organization change analysis, 12) Use the outline below for topic and subtopic headings and subheadings. Feel free to create additional subheadings or modify headings as needed to pres and instructions provided. Analysis and recommendations should be presented i examples and cite support sources as presented above. I. Title page your name course name, assignment, date, and instructor's na II. Brief description of organization [name, size, type of business, service an III. A. 1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. c. 3. a. b. c. 4. a. b. c. SWOT analysis SWOT (grid figure with bullets followed by explanation sections with exampl Strengths Organization environment Leadership Human resources policies and Weaknesses Organization environment Leadership Human resources policies and Opportunities Organization environment Leadership Human resources policies and Threats Organization environment Leadership Human resources policies and practices practices practices practices IV. Recommendations Recommendation 1 Recommendation 2 Recommendation 3 and so forth... VI. Significant learning Learning or Take-away 1 Learning or Take-away 2 Learning or Take-away 3 and so forth VII. 13) References Use Microsoft Word for your text documents. Use the following title: you Be concise and keep your paper to no more than eight pages in length inclu more important than length. Again, APA reference format is required

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