Salim has 5 AC temperature readings 2714, 32H, 75H, 2AH and 7BH. He wishes to calculate the average of all the readings, highest reading, lowest reading and also store these results in locations starting from (6060H) He also wishes to check the ranges of AC temperatures. If the average reading is less than 25H then store AAH in 16070HJ else if the average reading is between 25H and 30H then store BBH in 16070H} else store in 16070H). Explain every line of your code with a comment. Marking Rubrics: a) Storing the 5 AC temperature readings 27H, 32H, 75H, 2AH and 7BH using array. 131 b) Calculating and storing the average of the 5 AC temperature readings. 131 c) Calculating and storing the highest of the S AC temperature readings. 13 d) Calculating and storing the lowest of the voltages of 5 circuits. e) Calculating and storing conditional average reading result. 121 111 Meaning of every line of instruction as comments. 7 A- Salim has 5 AC temperature readings 2714, 32H, 75H, 2AH and 7BH. He wishes to calculate the average of all the readings, highest reading, lowest reading and also store these results in locations starting from (6060H) He also wishes to check the ranges of AC temperatures. If the average reading is less than 25H then store AAH in 16070HJ else if the average reading is between 25H and 30H then store BBH in 16070H} else store in 16070H). Explain every line of your code with a comment. Marking Rubrics: a) Storing the 5 AC temperature readings 27H, 32H, 75H, 2AH and 7BH using array. 131 b) Calculating and storing the average of the 5 AC temperature readings. 131 c) Calculating and storing the highest of the S AC temperature readings. 13 d) Calculating and storing the lowest of the voltages of 5 circuits. e) Calculating and storing conditional average reading result. 121 111 Meaning of every line of instruction as comments. 7 A