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SampleProfile/Scenario BytesTechnologyisaninformationtechnologyserviceandconsultingcompanyprovidingarangeofITservicesto its corporate clients including new system design and implementation, custom software development,systemsupgrade, andITnetworking.The companyis basedinMelbourneCBD. Thecompanystartedasasmallbusinesswithonlythree(3)employees,includingtwoofthedirectorswhowere expert programs and system administrators. In the


BytesTechnologyisaninformationtechnologyserviceandconsultingcompanyprovidingarangeofITservicesto its corporate clients including new system design and implementation, custom software development,systemsupgrade, andITnetworking.The companyis basedinMelbourneCBD.

Thecompanystartedasasmallbusinesswithonlythree(3)employees,includingtwoofthedirectorswhowere expert programs and system administrators. In the past 12 months, the company has grown rapidlyserving a large clientbase andemploying22 staffsinvariousroles.

Due to its start-up model, distinct technology/expert areas were divided between different programmers andtechnicians who managed individual client accounts. The resultant organisational culture was a much-decentralised environment/model in with individual employees assumed full responsibility of a project. Themanagement rewarded project managers and programmers for individual achievements; and performance wasreviewed/considered based on individual KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). However, as the company grew, itrealised that it had to keep employing new staffs for a variety of tasks - and many of those tasks wererepetitive/identical between difference departments. In an internal management review, the company realisedthat if projects team from across different area collaborated, the company will not only save costs but alsoincreaseitsintellectual base.

Assumethatyourteamhasbeensetupasaprojectteambytheseniormanagementandaskedtoprepareaproject plan that shows how the available skills, knowledge, and expertise can best be utilised for differentparts oftheproject. Thenewsystemwillrequire;

  • Planning
  • Modelling
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Implementation
  • Monitoring

Note: You will only be developing a "plan" for the system as a project plan, and not the system itself.Completeall ofthefollowingtasks.



  • Background/context(fromtheinformationprovided)
  • Goalsandobjectives
  • Keystakeholders(internalandexternalstakeholders)
  • Projectoverview
  • Project scope and key tasks (breakdown of key project tasks and milestones) - A workplan outliningtasks and prioritiesfor eachmember(i.e., Individual workplans)
  • Roleandresponsibilities(basedonassignedroles)
  • Keyperformanceindicators(KPIstomeasureindividualperformance)
  • Collaborativestrategy(e.g.,communicationplan)andstrategicnetworks
  • Strategiesfor effectiveworkrelationships(diversity,culturalsensitivity,interpersonalstylesetc.)andindividualwell-being
  • Contingency-e.g.,Conflictmanagementstrategies
  • Projecttimelineandresources
  • Legislative/regulatoryrequirements

The team will need to allocate tasks between the members; and ensure that all the members equally developtheir work goals and contribute (a signed team statement will be required as part of final submission). For thepurposeofthis task,yourtrainer/assessorwillplay theroleofthemanagement representative.

The focus of the plan must on the "collaborative" approach, highlighting/discussing how various ideas andinformation will be captured as a collective knowledge, and supporting each other (avoiding conflicts, ensuringteam wellbeing). Team members will be required to develop and include individual work plan and prioritybased onthe tasksallocated,leading to aprofessionaldevelopment plan(PDPlan)inthe nextassessmenttask.

The project plan should be developed and submitted as a formal business document (word-processed),ensuringappropriatestructuringand content flow.

Each team member will also need to submit individual workplans and minutes/notes on the collaborativeprofessional development interaction, explaining how the professional development activities align with theirstatedwork goals.







There can be negative effects when setting the bar too low for the work goals. Aim for the balanced approachinthemiddleby settingchallenginggoals that arestillrealistic.




Feedback should be provided throughout the entire process, from setting goals all the way to doing aretrospectiveexerciseaboutthem,in ordertohelpkeepyourteamontrackandstaymotivated.



Accordingly, guide the goals development process and collect copies of all final work goals - ensuring the workgoalsaredevelopment accordingto theaboverequirements.


As part of team performance goals, list and prioritise project tasks using a "shared Microsoft Teams", "GoogleCalendar"oranyothersimilaronline/digitaltool.Discusswithyourtrainer/assessorandobtainapproval.

Continually update the calendar and mark task progress and completion as you and your team progress.Submittherecordas evidence.


Government of South Australia has launched an initiative to support a positive workplace culture wherepeoplefeelsupportedandabletodotheirbestwork,regardlessofwhetherornottheyhaveamentalhealthcondition.

Assumethattheworkplacein thecontextisyourcollege.

Accordingly,usingtheaudittoolprovided,conductaworkplacehealthandwellbeingaudittodetermineiftheworkplaceadequatelysupportswellbeingofyour teammembers.Usethefollowingtool;


Report: If any issues are identified, list and briefly describe them (50-60 words each) for reporting to yourmanagement(roleplay)aspartoftheprojectplan.Submitacopyofthecompletedtoolandyourreport.


Having identified and described the specific project requirement, you will need to engage in a collaborativeprofessional activity and provide PD opportunities for two individual team members. For this purpose, obtainandrefertotheorganisationalprofessionaldevelopmentpolicyandprocedure(samplepolicyasprovided)toensurethat theseactivities meet organisational guidelines.

To facilitate this, two of the team memberswill share their workplace and short-term goals (aligned with theproject) and discuss specific professional development needs and requirements. As a supporting teammember, provide inputs, information on professional development tools, and make recommendations forprofessional development activities. Meet with the team members and agree on some of the developmentareas.SupporttheirPDactivitiesthroughtargetedtools/resources.Thesemayinclude(butnotlimitedto);

  • Undertakingshortcoursesorspecificskillsets
  • Organisingamentorship
  • Participateinworkplace-basedcoaching
  • Undertakingaformalqualification/course
  • Joiningaprofessionalorganisation
  • Attainingprofessionalaccreditation
  • Writing/summarisingarticles,books,referencetexts
  • Watchingandsummarisingvideopresentations

Accordingly,searchandprovideaprofessionaldevelopmentplantemplatetotheteammembersandguidethem to develop the plan over the course of this unit (to be collected at the end of the term - prior to finalsubmission).Examples can befound below;



This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot beacceptedfor this task.


  • Completedprojectplan
  • Signedteamstatement
  • Individualnote/plans(e.g.,work/actionplan)
  • RecordofPDinteraction
  • PDplanstrategyandnotes/evidenceofagreedplan
  • Copiesofprioritylistandcompletingrecords
  • WorkplaceWellbeingaudittoolandreport

200 words

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